View Full Version : Do you think $400 is fair for 600 mins over??

06-28-2007, 04:51 PM
I've been with Tmobile since 2005 & have never had a really bad experience with them before. Well last month I got fired from a job & their HR dept was in FL & I'm in UT so when I was fighting with them over my unjust firing I had to use my day time minutes & I ended up going 600 minutes which since 2005 I have never done!
Well by the time I figured out I had gone so far over it was too late to upgrade my plan to help me out & not to go over & I just figured that the minutes couldn't be more than like $0.10 each ya boy was I wrong they are $0.45 each!!!! So my bill is well over $500!
I called them today to complain a bit & to ask if they would be willing to be nice enought to do a ONE TIME lower of the minute prices or something and the only thing they could do was to do a payment plan or to upgrade my plan so it don't happen again which it won't cuz I've never gone over.

I really think they could do something a bit more than that to help out & keep a customer ya know! I mean $400 for 600 minutes is just outragous & I really don't know what to do since my contract don't end till 2008!

Any suggestions??

06-28-2007, 05:12 PM
Keep calling them ... demand to speak to a supervisor .... maybe if you can get them and explain ... they will be willing to adjust your bill for you. I recently opened my verizon bill and it was 810.00! They had us on the wrong plan and after my constand nagging ... they wiped the whole bill clean ... just keep at them!

Sorry about your job ... hope you have found something else ... or will soon

06-28-2007, 05:29 PM
I don't understand how 600 minutes is costing you $400. At 0.45 a minute 600 minutes would be $270. I have been with TMobile for over 4 years and I have always known how much they charge for minutes over my plan, and I am always careful because of that.

06-28-2007, 05:44 PM
So sorry about your job
the phone bill too.

Yes, call back and ask for a manager.
Be really nice with 'please' & 'thank yous'.
You could even tell them about the problems losing your job.
Cry a little.
Mention your son and how upsetting all of this is.
Maybe they'll give you a better deal.

That's all I can think of that might help you.

06-28-2007, 07:18 PM
I don't understand how 600 minutes is costing you $400. At 0.45 a minute 600 minutes would be $270. I have been with TMobile for over 4 years and I have always known how much they charge for minutes over my plan, and I am always careful because of that.

I have Tmobile also, my overage minutes are .40 each. But even at .45 that wouldn't be 400.00 for 600.00 minutes.

06-28-2007, 07:23 PM
We are with Verizon and have been shocked to receive a big bill on a couple occasions. Verizon charged us $.30 a minute over our plan. We were upset at first, but it is in the contracts, so what could we do but pay it.

06-28-2007, 07:58 PM
but it is in the contracts, so what could we do but pay it.

This is the Reason I Would Never have the Guts to Call and Complain:o

I have been there with an Outrageous Bill and I just kicked myself For Not Paying attention More.

I am sorry to hear about your job loss though-

Hopefully You can get on a Decent Payment plan - or maybe try to talk them into Lowering Your Bill or something.

Good luck!

06-28-2007, 08:15 PM
thank goodness for roll over minutes ;)

seriously, sorry to hear about that, I don't know if you can do anything but accept the payment plan as you did go over your minutes. GL

06-29-2007, 04:58 AM
Well I had that happen once to me, and I did call and tell them my story (and I am sure they hear a lot of stories) but in the end, i did know the terms as stated in my contract even tough I did not "remember" the exact price per min. and I was the one who used them, so I opted for the payment plan.

06-29-2007, 10:23 AM
You should check your minutes during the month and if you see you may go over they can bump you up a plan just for a month so you don't get hit with overages. They will backdate back to the beginning of the month for you. See if they can charge you for a higher plan for that month. Other than that its not really fair to complain to the poor csr that doesn't make the policies and just has to enforce them.

06-29-2007, 10:57 AM
I agree...thank goodness for Cinguliar & rollover minutes.

06-29-2007, 01:43 PM
I don't understand how 600 minutes is costing you $400. At 0.45 a minute 600 minutes would be $270. I have been with TMobile for over 4 years and I have always known how much they charge for minutes over my plan, and I am always careful because of that.

The rest is probably the taxes added on cell phone bills, however 50% tax seems awfully high. Their math does seem pretty fuzzy.

06-29-2007, 02:57 PM
I'm guessing here, but maybe the rest of the bill is her ACTUAL phone plan amount. Then tack on the overage and taxes etc.

06-29-2007, 03:39 PM
sry you lost your job. After this, chuck your cellphone.

06-29-2007, 07:13 PM
i di htis at xmas time with verizon and they uped my plan to take care of it i was soo happy

06-29-2007, 07:18 PM
Verizon is a really good company, they are #1 in customer sastisfaction in the cellular dept.

06-30-2007, 06:56 AM
sorry to hear about your job and your bill

I love roll over minutes BUT I hate that ATT has taken over my cingular :(

06-30-2007, 08:44 PM
Verizon is a really good company, they are #1 in customer sastisfaction in the cellular dept.

That may be a matter of personal opinion. I deal with customers everyday that have such bad luck with Verizon that they are ready to rip their hair out at the roots. Then again, I feel like that sometimes after dealing with Verizon.

07-03-2007, 10:31 PM
ok, this is a suggestion, call t-mobile up right, and tell them that your husband or someone close to you upgraded the phone to a bigger plan because he knew he was going to use it more this next few months for business and someone in the company made a mistake in not fixing the problem and now you have this 500 dollars bill that you are not responsible for. Then you should keep that plan for two to months and call them back and tell them that the business if over with and want to go back to your original plan. I am hoping that they won't charge you anything to change the plans. This is what my husband did when we were constantly calling each other and I went over the mins just like you did, but worse, for two months and he adjust some of my plans and that worked.

07-08-2007, 06:36 PM
sorry to hear about your job and your bill

I love roll over minutes BUT I hate that ATT has taken over my cingular :(

Same here. I didn't have a signal most of the day today and don't know why. Surely not much has changed aside from the name? I'm not happy though, especially since I just upped my contract a year ago!

07-08-2007, 06:38 PM
I'm with some of the others. I don't know that I would be ballsy enough to call and complain when you knowingly agreed to the terms stated in your contract. If you knew you were going to be on the phone a lot, you should have either upgraded your plan first or asked to use someone else's phone. I'm surprised they wouldn't let you just go ahead and upgrade though. But to answer your question, no it may not be fair, but neither is most of the things I encounter on a daily basis.

07-08-2007, 06:41 PM
I love roll over minutes BUT I hate that ATT has taken over my cingular :(

Same here. If I could find another company with the same plans/prices/rollover, I'd switch in a heartbeat.

07-09-2007, 06:02 AM
Unfortunately what is fair does not matter. What does matter is that the price was disclosed in your contract. Sorry!! I would call them and get setup on that payment plan.

07-10-2007, 06:36 AM
ok, this is a suggestion, call t-mobile up right, and tell them that your husband or someone close to you upgraded the phone to a bigger plan because he knew he was going to use it more this next few months for business and someone in the company made a mistake in not fixing the problem and now you have this 500 dollars bill that you are not responsible for. Then you should keep that plan for two to months and call them back and tell them that the business if over with and want to go back to your original plan. I am hoping that they won't charge you anything to change the plans. This is what my husband did when we were constantly calling each other and I went over the mins just like you did, but worse, for two months and he adjust some of my plans and that worked.

So, you lied to your cell phone company to keep from paying a bill?

07-10-2007, 03:56 PM
So, you lied to your cell phone company to keep from paying a bill?

I noticed that too. Deliberately defrauding them is just wrong. I can't find anything redeaming in that statement.:nono

07-11-2007, 05:58 PM
I was charge $1000 for two months of chatting. Yes, I admit that I did lie, but I'm not willing to pay 1000 for an extra 600 minutes of calling. If you disagree then so be it. I am not rich like you people. For 1000 I could buy so much. I don't have that kind of money, and I honestly think the phone company over charge you for going over your limit.

07-11-2007, 06:02 PM
I did pay for two months of bill though. My bill came out to two hundred dollars for two months.

07-11-2007, 06:29 PM
I was charge $1000 for two months of chatting. Yes, I admit that I did lie, but I'm not willing to pay 1000 for an extra 600 minutes of calling. If you disagree then so be it. I am not rich like you people. For 1000 I could buy so much. I don't have that kind of money, and I honestly think the phone company over charge you for going over your limit.

I'm not rich either. Far from it. I could buy a lot with 1,000.00 too and pay a lot of bills. But I don't see how it is overcharging when the overage rates for whatever plan you have are stated in your contract.

It says this is how much you will be charges for overage minutes. So you use the minutes and then don't think it's fair to charged for them?? I don't really get that.

07-11-2007, 06:40 PM
I was charge $1000 for two months of chatting. Yes, I admit that I did lie, but I'm not willing to pay 1000 for an extra 600 minutes of calling. If you disagree then so be it. I am not rich like you people. For 1000 I could buy so much. I don't have that kind of money, and I honestly think the phone company over charge you for going over your limit.

I don't think anyone here is rich... and I am willing to bet that the majority of us are 'pay check to pay check' families. (some barely make it that far)

I could buy a lot with $1000 too (who couldn't?) but thats why I don't chat on my phone. If you know you can't afford something, you don't steal it.

If you think your phone company over charges you, then don't go over your limit.

07-11-2007, 07:02 PM
I was charge $1000 for two months of chatting. Yes, I admit that I did lie, but I'm not willing to pay 1000 for an extra 600 minutes of calling. If you disagree then so be it. I am not rich like you people. For 1000 I could buy so much. I don't have that kind of money, and I honestly think the phone company over charge you for going over your limit.

That's just a crazy statement. It's like me saying I think the electric co. charges too much for their service. Do you think they would deduct anything from my bill??? I think not.

I read somewhere that Sprint(I think it is Sprint) is dumping customers who complain too much. Hope you aren't with them.

And YES, of course the phone companies overcharge for you going over your limit. That's how they make their money. You are using THEIR service and they can charge you exactly what your contrct stated.

07-11-2007, 08:43 PM
I am not rich (dare to dream) thats why I frequent a FREEBIE board...lol.

07-11-2007, 09:34 PM
I am not rich (dare to dream) thats why I frequent a FREEBIE board...lol.

Exactly, YankeeMary! I don't profess to be even near rich! I wouldn't be freebieing either. I just try to stay within my budget and if I over spend I suck it up and pay. If I can't pay it all at once, I make arrangements. Not knowing your contract doesn't make it right. Services were rendered/ Defrauding a company for a mistake has never crossed my mind. You have to take ownership. Each time someone does something like that, MY rates go up. Not cool.:stunned

07-11-2007, 10:56 PM
I got it fix and I'm just suggesting the person who posted this post some advice. I'm sure we're not all angels here, so don't give me the third degree. Yes, I did something wrong, I admit it, but I'm sure you guys do things you shouldn't suppose to. The phone company makes millions a year, so I don't think they will miss my 1000.

07-12-2007, 04:42 AM
I was charge $1000 for two months of chatting. Yes, I admit that I did lie, but I'm not willing to pay 1000 for an extra 600 minutes of calling. If you disagree then so be it. I am not rich like you people. For 1000 I could buy so much. I don't have that kind of money, and I honestly think the phone company over charge you for going over your limit. I am not rich, I have a tracfone, for use when i am away from home, when i run out of minutes i am done. I didn't want to be stuck with a contract, that is why i got a tracfone. I have a landline phone and a tracfone, and they both get paid for. stealing is stealing, that is how every consumer item that is sold in the stores and elsewhere that we pay for, prices go up because of stealing, and we all pay for it.

07-12-2007, 05:07 AM
[QUOTE=VALENA-). stealing is stealing, that is how every consumer item that is sold in the stores and elsewhere that we pay for, prices go up because of stealing, and we all pay for it.[/QUOTE]


07-12-2007, 05:20 AM
I was charge $1000 for two months of chatting. Yes, I admit that I did lie, but I'm not willing to pay 1000 for an extra 600 minutes of calling. If you disagree then so be it. I am not rich like you people. For 1000 I could buy so much. I don't have that kind of money, and I honestly think the phone company over charge you for going over your limit.

OMG I hope you aren't raising children

My 2 pet peeves are someone that lies and someone that steals I guess you are both because you stole something you knew you would not pay for and lied to get out of it.

07-12-2007, 07:44 AM
I don't understand why some people think they deserve special treatment. Why should I have to pay full price for my overage minutes but certain other people don't? Drives me up the wall that companies allow poor customers to get away with stuff like this while good customers (the ones that pay their bills) have to pay full price. I know I refuse to pay $1000 for 600 minutes over, so if I go over my minutes, I up my plan since I obviously need a new one, or I don't make all of the calls :)

07-12-2007, 07:48 AM
I don't understand why some people think they deserve special treatment. Why should I have to pay full price for my overage minutes but certain other people don't? Drives me up the wall that companies allow poor customers to get away with stuff like this while good customers (the ones that pay their bills) have to pay full price. I know I refuse to pay $1000 for 600 minutes over, so if I go over my minutes, I up my plan since I obviously need a new one, or I don't make all of the calls :)

oh I know during the ice storm in 2000 I was making my first international call and called the operator and asked how to do it she told me how then said here I will connect you this time but now you know how to do it the next. I thought ah how nice I had NO idea that I was being charged so much extra for that call ended up costing me about $150.....I paid every penny :(

07-12-2007, 08:45 AM
I got it fix and I'm just suggesting the person who posted this post some advice. I'm sure we're not all angels here, so don't give me the third degree. Yes, I did something wrong, I admit it, but I'm sure you guys do things you shouldn't suppose to. The phone company makes millions a year, so I don't think they will miss my 1000.

Do you steal from stores you frequent ? I mean c'mon they make millions a year, they will not miss that item you may stuff in your purse.

The logic of some people....geez :getyou

07-12-2007, 09:25 AM
OMG I hope you aren't raising children

My 2 pet peeves are someone that lies and someone that steals I guess you are both because you stole something you knew you would not pay for and lied to get out of it.

Don't bring my kids into this Princess, this was way before my baby was born. I don't teach kids to steal and lie. You crossed the line. Don't judge me for one incident I did, and portray the rest of my life here!

07-12-2007, 10:27 AM
Sure, we've all made mistakes and probably done things we shouldn't have. Still doesn't make it right. And I don't go around advising others to do the things I've done in the past, knowing that it was wrong.

The part that bothers me is people saying it's unfair to have to pay it. They tell you how much the overage minutes are going to cost, you use them, so how then is it unfair to have to pay for them?

07-12-2007, 10:49 AM
Don't bring my kids into this Princess, this was way before my baby was born. I don't teach kids to steal and lie. You crossed the line. Don't judge me for one incident I did, and portray the rest of my life here!

You did it once but now you tell other ppl how to do it so how exactly is that doing one wrong thing?

As for crossing lines......I just made a comment I didn't lie to get something for free AFTER I used it and KNEW I couldn't afford it at the time I was using it.

And YES everyone has done something wrong at some point in their lives including me but I dont go around saying hey you can rip someone off by doing this.........

07-12-2007, 11:26 AM
The part that bothers me is people saying it's unfair to have to pay it. They tell you how much the overage minutes are going to cost, you use them, so how then is it unfair to have to pay for them?

That is exactly how I feel. You know how many minutes you have a month and if you go over them then you should pay for them. My daughter went over ours. She was away at college and talked up a storm to her friends at home because she thought we had more minutes than we did. I got the bill and about had a heart attack but I paid the bill without hesitation. The minutes were used therefor had to be paid for.

As far as cheating and lying no good will come from it. One day it will come back to bite you in the butt.

07-14-2007, 12:21 AM
So I've been calling T-Mobile and telling them that Yes while I did make the calls I just don't think its right to charge soooo freakin much for the minutes. They did help me understand my bill and I was over 650 minutes at $0.45 each so only about $300.00 BUT STILL WAY MORE than I could EVER afford!

The most they would due for me besides being very rude was credit me $40 off my bill. Now I'm not complaining too bad cuz its still $40 I don't have to pay but then they told me they only do where you can hold off on paying your bill in full for 1 week at a time. I went in on a Saturday and paid my bill $150 which the lady said was good. Then she told me to call back in 2 weeks when I get paid again and pay the rest and during the 2 weeks my phone WON'T be shut off! Well, sunday I went to check my email and my phone was shut off!!! I called Cust Service and they told me it was shut off because I didin't make a payment agreement with them. I told him the girl told me not to until 1 week before i get paid again. He told me that that wasn't true and treated me like a liar! I stood my ground with him because I really believe what the girl told me was true. He told me to give them a check for $10 they would deposit on this friday (today) and then I have to pay the rest by next friday or they will shut it off! The more and more I have T-Mobile the more and More I hate them!! There cust sevice is either way rude or dumb!

07-14-2007, 05:35 AM
I feel your pain in this situation. I just went over my minutes for the 1st time in 3 yrs since having Nextel. I was 103 minutes over and it cost me an extra $45. However I never questioned paying it since I knew what would happen if I went over my minutes. Hopefully you can get them to agree to a reasonable payment plan, sometimes it just takes calling Customer Service a few times and getting the right person.

07-14-2007, 06:16 AM
I would fight them shutting it off if they said they would work with you. That's pretty poor customer service IMO. My mom had an issue paying her bill and it took Verizon 4 or 5 months of no payments to shut her off, and when she called and worked something out it got turned right back on. I agree with RN, keep calling back and get the right CSR. Maybe they need to make a note on your account.

07-14-2007, 04:23 PM
Make sure that the person you are speaking to is typing into your acct record any payment arrangements you agree to. If you are not certain that they are doing this - ask them if they are typing it. Then before you get off the phone make sure you get the person's name & ID # (if they have one). I would call back & go up the chain of command. Ask to speak to the person's spvr and if that person is not willing to try to work out a payment plan, ask to speak to his supervisor. Most of the time, they will try to work things out with you.

Good luck!

07-14-2007, 06:38 PM
Not to sound harsh, but it doesnt seem like you are ready for the responsability for a plan cell phone. After you pay your bill and have ended your contract, by a prepaid cell phone. I can't understand how someone can go 600 minutes over, that is 10 hours

Originally Posted by PrincessArky View Post
OMG I hope you aren't raising children

My 2 pet peeves are someone that lies and someone that steals I guess you are both because you stole something you knew you would not pay for and lied to get out of it.
Don't bring my kids into this Princess, this was way before my baby was born. I don't teach kids to steal and lie. You crossed the line. Don't judge me for one incident I did, and portray the rest of my life here!
07-12-2007 10:45 AM

Once a thief, always a theif ...you stole and drefrauded

07-14-2007, 08:26 PM
Nvm... I couldn't say anything nice, so I'm not saying anything at all.

07-14-2007, 09:23 PM
There cust sevice is either way rude or dumb!

Sorry you feel this way. I have been with Tmobile for a long time and have never had any problems with customer service. We had a problem about 3 years ago when we started our business and didn't have the money to pay the bill on time. I called and they were so nice about waiting two weeks for us to pay. But then again, I wasn't trying to get out of paying my bill, just wanted to pay it late.

07-15-2007, 08:19 AM
Sorry you feel this way. I have been with Tmobile for a long time and have never had any problems with customer service. We had a problem about 3 years ago when we started our business and didn't have the money to pay the bill on time. I called and they were so nice about waiting two weeks for us to pay. But then again, I wasn't trying to get out of paying my bill, just wanted to pay it late.

We also have Tmobile and I love it. We always go over our minutes every month...grrrr...We have the biggest package (minues) that you can have on a family plan. We have 5 phones, I expect to go over a bit each month but always pay it as I know I owe it. Do I like it? No, but it isn't TMobiles fault that we over use.

07-15-2007, 08:36 AM
I have T-moblie too and my phone was stolen a month or so ago and it took FOREVER for them to get my new phone to me and then it was the wrong one. We finally got it straightened out, they ended up giving me the phone free plus the accs I ordered with it.

07-15-2007, 04:32 PM
We always go over our minutes every month...grrrr...

uummmm you aren't going to start charging me now, are you??

07-15-2007, 09:15 PM
Not to sound harsh, but it doesnt seem like you are ready for the responsability for a plan cell phone. After you pay your bill and have ended your contract, by a prepaid cell phone. I can't understand how someone can go 600 minutes over, that is 10 hours

I have to ask "Iluvmybaby" was this comment for me?? If it was let me tell you I'm 30 yrs old and like EVERYONE I have had a cell phone for many, many years! The REASON I went over my minutes was I was fighting with my employer that fired me unjustly and there HR office was in Florida & I'm in Utah so I had to call during day time hours which is day time minutes being used. I don't have a house phone because I pay over $100 a month for 1000 minutes on a cell phone so there is NO point or need for me to have a house phone! I’ve been with T-Mobile since 2005 and to this date I have NEVER gone over my minutes! This to me sounds pretty responsible! Plus I wasn’t ever telling T-Mobile I didn’t want to or wasn’t going to pay the bill but needed more time to pay it and there is NOTHING wrong with asking for a bit of help in reducing the cost from a huge company like T-Mobile! Don’t act like you’ve never asked for a discount. I’m sure you sign up for Freebies off this forum all the time!

To tell me I'm not responsible for a phone is just plain RUDE & somewhat pointless! You don't know me and I didn't come here for people to try and point out that I'm not a responsible person....I'm a single mother of a soon to be 11yr old boy! I do it all without the help of his father I would say out of everything I do in my life that is the most responsible thing I do! Plus…I make sure I keep food in his mouth, clean clothes on his back, and a roof over his head! I also had him at a young age and like a lot of mothers that have children in their teens they usually end up having another child shortly after. I understood how hard it was to take care of my son when I was 19 and made a wise choice not to have any more until I was ready I think that is pretty responsible too!

So please get off your high ass horse and stop acting like you have NEVER done anything that wasn’t responsible! We all are human and we all make mistakes in life big and small THAT IS HOW WE LEARN!

07-16-2007, 04:06 AM
I have to ask "Iluvmybaby" was this comment for me?? If it was let me tell you I'm 30 yrs old and like EVERYONE I have had a cell phone for many, many years! The REASON I went over my minutes was I was fighting with my employer that fired me unjustly and there HR office was in Florida & I'm in Utah so I had to call during day time hours which is day time minutes being used. I don't have a house phone because I pay over $100 a month for 1000 minutes on a cell phone so there is NO point or need for me to have a house phone! I’ve been with T-Mobile since 2005 and to this date I have NEVER gone over my minutes! This to me sounds pretty responsible! Plus I wasn’t ever telling T-Mobile I didn’t want to or wasn’t going to pay the bill but needed more time to pay it and there is NOTHING wrong with asking for a bit of help in reducing the cost from a huge company like T-Mobile! Don’t act like you’ve never asked for a discount. I’m sure you sign up for Freebies off this forum all the time!

To tell me I'm not responsible for a phone is just plain RUDE & somewhat pointless! You don't know me and I didn't come here for people to try and point out that I'm not a responsible person....I'm a single mother of a soon to be 11yr old boy! I do it all without the help of his father I would say out of everything I do in my life that is the most responsible thing I do! Plus…I make sure I keep food in his mouth, clean clothes on his back, and a roof over his head! I also had him at a young age and like a lot of mothers that have children in their teens they usually end up having another child shortly after. I understood how hard it was to take care of my son when I was 19 and made a wise choice not to have any more until I was ready I think that is pretty responsible too!

So please get off your high ass horse and stop acting like you have NEVER done anything that wasn’t responsible! We all are human and we all make mistakes in life big and small THAT IS HOW WE LEARN!

oh wow if you will re read what was written I think you will see that the comment was made to Qtxann315 not you.........at least from the way that I read it

07-16-2007, 09:53 AM
uummmm you aren't going to start charging me now, are you??

A good possiblity.:dancing:

07-16-2007, 09:54 AM
Dez I also don't think she was talking to you.

07-16-2007, 12:06 PM
Dez I also don't think she was talking to you.

I really hope not & if she wasn't I apologize!

07-16-2007, 12:32 PM
I took it as she was talking to the one that scammed her cell phone provider too. You had extenuating circumstances and it is understandable how and why you went over. It's the other poster who advocated stealing and lying that got many of us ticked off.

07-16-2007, 04:51 PM
glad it wasnt me wow