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05-22-2007, 08:17 AM
What did Jack say that his father's company did as a business?
*owned oil leases along coastline

What did Bill do as his house was being searched pursuant to a warrant?
*took back family photo album

What did Jack do in order to locate Phillip after he had made an exchange for Josh?
*requested names of offshore platforms in radius

What did Phillip tell Josh that he would do for him that his mother couldn't do?
*mold him into type of man his father should have been

What did Chloe do when Stewart Minor's brother came into the CTU offices?
*helped with paperwork for release of body

What did the men working for Phillip do after abducting Josh?
*eliminated tag by shorting it with infrared light

What did federal agents do after Hayes informed Bill of Jack's whereabouts?
*denied her access to internal mainframe
*NOT chevrolet

What did a man in videotaped footage claim Bill had done that caused Hayes to fire him?
*allowed criminal in custody to go free

What did Mike Doyle do just before suffering an eye injury due to an explosion?
*attempted to verify circuit board authenticity

What did Nadia do just after Marilyn came to the CTU offices looking for her son?
*called in for additional security escorts

05-22-2007, 08:17 AM

In a movie commercial during this show, what did Ashley Judd do while staying at a remote motel?
*NOT hid from agents who thought she was dangerous

In a commercial during this show, what did a cartoon animal do after a large, cartoon creature told him about a "party" a fast-food restaurant was throwing in their honor?
*NOT began to hyperventilate thinking his life was about to end in a horrific blender attack

In a commercial during this show, what happened in a desert scene as an announcer noted how a company that had been "raising the bar in wireless" was now adding the strength of a secure network?
*NOT collection of stars and planets aligned in the night creating a constellation that took the form of a logo

In a commercial during this show, what did a green bottle of beer do as a song featuring the lyrics, "Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me" played?
*moved and spun around under spotlights, security cameras, and in front of mirrors
*NOT new formula has half the calories

In a movie commercial during this show, what did George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, and others do?
*donned disguises and worked together to pull off heist
*oceans 13

In a sponsored segment during this show, how were characters from a TV program shown as clips of an airplane, explosion and briefcase appeared just before an announcer asked viewers if they were "left wanting more"?
*in split screens against a black background as yellow text appeared
*American express

In a commercial you may have seen, what happened before a businessman named Todd, who had just given a presentation, thought about the great deal he had just gotten on an SUV at a sales event?
*coworker told him he was on fire and asked if he were eating more fiber
*kia spectra
*is fuel efficient and safe, and offers a great warranty, low financing and bonus cash

In a commercial during this show, what did several people, who all used an electronic device, do while their silhouettes appeared against multi-colored backgrounds with moving designs?
*danced around while listening to salsa song playing
*apple ipod + itunes
*allows you to take music wherever you go