View Full Version : no more ac neilson for me grrrrr

05-22-2007, 06:24 AM
i was doing their program where you scan you purchases. its been fun, till my puter went down last month so i got online at work and told them i wouldn't be scanning for a while.

well about once a week I got a letter saying they missed me. well yesterday i got a letter saying they were gonna turn me over to a collection agency if i didn't return their scanner. TO SAY I WAS SHOCKED IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT. They said to put it in the original box. (damn lucky i had that still) and return it.

I have no problem doing this, but I hate getting a threatening letter when i know its the only i've received asking me to return it.

sorry i'm in a mood this morning..


05-22-2007, 06:27 AM
I would be hurt and insulted as well. I would enclose a letter telling them where to put said scanner...lol. Sorry this happened to you.

05-22-2007, 06:57 AM
I know how you feel. But i got the e-mail for that little black box you wear on your hip. I too had sent them an e-mail explaining why my father wasnt wearing his and would send it back as soon as i can. well i guess i didnt do it fast enough for them and got the we will turn you in too. I then got on the phone and called their 800 # and some what screamed at the person who answered the phone. I asked if they even read the e-mail i sent them & if they did they would of known my father was in the hospital. And i didnt sent it back right away because being with my father while on his death bed was more important to me then sending that thing back. And that i would send it when i can. The girl was very nice to me after that. And i now call them when i have a problem no more e-mailing cuz i dont think they even read them.

05-22-2007, 07:08 AM
They done me the same way when we had to move back to WV and I was without internet for a little while. I didn't have the original box so I called them and they shipped me one out. I emailed them after we moved back and asked if I could get back on the panel and they told me NO!

Sorry it happened to you too.


05-22-2007, 07:26 AM
well i did the online thing they tell you to do when you won't be scanning for a while, i just feel like i've been punished for following THEIR rules, and i really hate being threatened

05-22-2007, 07:57 AM
i had the letter...called them explained it was no big deal. they even reactivated me...sorry for attitudes you receive:(