View Full Version : Work Out 5/17 8:00 4000+ pts.

05-18-2007, 03:56 AM

What did Zen tell Andy Cohen that the manager of a comedy venue where she had performed had done for her after her gig there?
*Invited her back to the club again

What did Andy Cohen say that Doug did to clear up misconceptions about Doug's passing?
*Posted details of his death on a blog

What Jackie say Tess wanted to do after losing her weight in the Skylab project during her interview with Andy Cohen?
*Study to become a trainer for clients with disabilities

What did Rebecca say in a pre-recorded interview that she did because Jesse "could be a fourteen year-old girl"?
*Called him by a woman's name

What did Andre say in a prerecorded interview that he did to avoid the impending news of Doug's death?
*Refused to check his voicemail

What did Erika say in a prerecorded interview that she had done just before she went in to a pool?
*Eaten a large turkey sandwich

What did Jackie say she did in order to maintain a balanced diet after Andy Cohen showed clips of the trainers eating?
*Refrained from consuming sugar during the week days

What did Jackie tell Andy Cohen she had no problem doing after he said she received a lot of flack on the Bravo message boards?
*Dating her employees from the gym

What did Jackie say her mother's friends did to her mother after seeing Jackie kiss women on TV?
*Stopped communicating with her

What did Jesse tell Andy Cohen he had recently done to further his career as a chef?
*Started a healthy food delivery service

What did Brian tell Andy Cohen happened to him as a child that gave him the scar on his head?
*Hurt himself trying to dive off a board

What did Jackie jokingly say she did with the necklaces the trainers wore after Andy Cohen asked her about them?
*Used them as tracking device

What did Erika say in a prerecorded interview that she had done just before she went in to a pool?
*Eaten a large turkey sandwich
*Botox Cosmetic / Body Fat Test

05-18-2007, 08:09 PM
In a commercial during this show, what were two men doing in a red car as an announcer discussed the car's features, before the car was shown against a red background?
*NOT deliberately parking in the smallest spaces they could find
*NOT taking it on unusual shortcuts like one through public park

In a public service announcement during this show, who said that they felt "blindsided" when they heard that a woman, who later offered them lemonade on a poolside deck, was going to "block" them because they were too violent for her children?
*tough tattooed inmates who fought in prison yard
*ad council
*protect kids from inappropriate programming

In a commercial during this show, what happened in cartoon form as people enjoyed desserts topped with a certain product while outside, as a song containing the lyrics, "see it, taste it, everywhere" played?
*colorful flowers and butterflies floated all around desserts
*cool whip
*NOT contains less fat than most other toppings

In a commercial during this show, what were two well-dressed, foreign men doing as one asked questions about a task, which the other man answered with questions as subtitles appeared?
*attending upscale party where they attempted to hide a package behind a toilet
*NOT lowe’s

In a commercial during this show, what was a claymation chocolate chip cookie doing in a red convertible as a giant hand appeared and plucked it away?
*singing along loudly to song that was playing on radio
*chunky chips ahoy
*have great taste everyone loves