View Full Version : Work Out 5/15 6:00 3900+ pts.

05-16-2007, 01:57 AM

What did Jackie reveal during the meeting with Rebecca Cooper that she and Laurie had in common?
*Shared similar family tragedy

What did Jackie have the groups do once the clients arrived at the retreat?
*Take a hike through the snow

What did Laurie do during a workout after Jackie informed her that they were going to work together?
*Claimed she was going to fall

What did Tess tell Rebecca Cooper she had done that prompted her initial weight gain?
*Stopped speaking with her sibling

What did Jackie do after Jesse complained about how much attention Rebecca gives her on the way to the resort?
*Claimed he's possessive of her emotions

What did Carol tell Dr. Rebecca Cooper that she did as a result of her continuous struggle with weight?
*Abstained from going on dates

What did Jackie say she wanted to do when she called the Skylab clients in for a boot camp?
*Assess the progress of participants

What did Brian say that Doug helped him do while discussing how he felt about Doug being in the hospital?
*Mold himself into better person

What did Jackie beg Rebecca to stop doing when they sat down to a romantic dinner?
*Using her typical acronyms

What did Jackie and the other trainers do when they first arrived at the resort?
*Ice-skated around an indoor rink

What did Rebecca do at dinner after Jesse called her a name during an argument?
*Threw glass of water on him

What did Jackie and Rebecca do that set off the smoke detector at Jackie's house?
*Attempted to make chocolate fondue

What did Jackie say she wanted to do when she called the Skylab clients in for a boot camp?
*Assess the fitness and weight of participants
*EVO Fitness / Life Fitness

What did Brian say that Doug helped him do while discussing how he felt about Doug being in the hospital?
*Mold himself into better person
*Gatorade Propel Fitness Water / Hoist

What did Laurie do during a workout after Jackie informed her that they were going to work together?
*Claimed she was going to fall
*Life Fitness

In a sponsored segment during this show, what happened in black-and-white footage after the cast of a reality TV program was shown in a blue-and-white environment and the announcer encouraged viewers to "find one of your own"?
*People enjoyed themselves by painting, playing with a butterfly, and trying on funny hats

05-16-2007, 08:48 AM
In a commercial during this show, what did a man in a striped shirt do as he stood against a white background next to his significant other, who wore a blue shirt, before an announcer discussed a Web site?
*discussed the importance of humor in their relationship
*receive free personality profile

In a commercial during this show, what happened when friends out to dinner at a particular restaurant opened their menus, before food was shown being prepared and a waitress carried items on a tray?
*steam raised from them as sizzling sound was heard
*NOT Applebee's

In a commercial during this show, what happened as an announcer discussed "your dirty little secret" and horror-movie-style music played, before a cleaning product was used?
*closet door creaked open by itself to reveal dingy old sponge mop
*NOT Swiffer wet jet

In a commercial during this show, how was a man, who lost his check card while getting refreshments at a basketball game, shown as he discussed how a particular bank helped him resolve the issue?
*NOT on pages of storybook that was opened and turned by a pair of cartoon hands

In a commercial during this show, what did cookies do in a house, an office, and a grocery store before a man entered a fruit stand and told them they'd "gone too far"?
*broke out of their packages and jars to travel down road to a farm
*NOT Snack Wells devil's food

In a movie commercial during this show, what did George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, and others do?
*donned disguises and worked together to pull of a heist
*oceans 13

05-16-2007, 04:51 PM
In a commercial during this show, what happened after an air freshener was shown close-up and various individuals said, "I smell it here," before an announcer compared it to its competition?
NOT Spices swirled around as various baked goods appeared and disappeared

In a commercial during this show, what was a blonde dressed in a white shirt and black jacket doing as she discussed hair coloring and fearing nothing?
NOT Walking down city street and examining bouquets from several flower stands

In a commercial during this show, what happened to a woman wearing glasses after she broke the heel of her shoe on the curb of a city sidewalk, and before she held a blue card in her hand?
Singer and dancers led her "downtown" to get makeover and go shopping
NOT American Express

In a commercial during this show, what happened as an announcer discussed "your dirty little secret" and horror-movie-style music played, before a cleaning product was used?
*closet door creaked open by itself to reveal dingy old sponge mop
*NOT Swiffer wet jet
NOT Clorox ReadyMop