View Full Version : What do you guys think about the Alec Baldwin message(outburst)?

04-20-2007, 01:56 PM
I cant believe he would say those things to his own daughter.Let alone leave it as a message. Sounds like he has some anger issues. But Im sure every story has 2 sides, and some of this may be Kims fault.



After Ireland failed to answer her father's scheduled phone call from New York on April 11, Alec went berserk on her voice mail, saying "Once again, I have made an ass of myself trying to get to a phone," adding, "you have insulted me for the last time."

Switching his train of thought, Baldwin then exercised his incredible parenting skills and took a shot at his ex-wife, declaring, "I don't give a damn that you're 12-years-old or 11-years-old, or a child, or that your mother is a thoughtless pain in the ass who doesn't care about what you do." The irate Baldwin went on to say, "You've made me feel like s**t" and threatened to "straighten your ass out."

"This crap you pull on me with this goddamn phone situation that you would never dream of doing to your mother," screamed Baldwin, "and you do it to me constantly over and over again."

Before hanging up, Baldwin warned the child, "You better be ready Friday the 20th to meet with me." That's tomorrow.

04-20-2007, 02:18 PM
I listened to that earlier and was rather shocked and almost posted it too. No matter WHAT the reasons are to call his daughter a "thoughtless little pig" is just so wrong. I have never liked him anyway but still.

04-20-2007, 02:42 PM
My sil is Kim Basingers cousin. The reason Kim & Alec divorced was because he was abusive.

04-20-2007, 02:45 PM
I never liked the bastard! He reminds me of most of my ex boyfriends.

04-20-2007, 03:08 PM
Without knowing the reasons behind this outburst, it's still totally wrong.:mad: A person, adult, especially a parent should NEVER talk to a child, least of all, their own child.:mad: And alcohol or drugs is no excuse either in case that is his defense.:mad:

Jolie Rouge
04-20-2007, 09:08 PM
Alec Baldwin explains himself on the Web
By SANDY COHEN, AP Entertainment Writer
2 hours, 21 minutes ago

LOS ANGELES - As Alec Baldwin's angry words to his daughter were being broadcast around the world, the 49-year-old actor explained himself Friday on his Web site. "Although I have been told by numerous people not to worry too much, as all parents lose their patience with their kids, I am most saddened that this was released to the media because of what it does to a child," he wrote. "I'm sorry, as everyone who knows me is aware, for losing my temper with my child. I have been driven to the edge by parental alienation for many years now. You have to go through this to understand. (Although I hope you never do.) I am sorry for what happened. But I am equally sorry that a court order was violated, which had deliberately been put under seal in this case."

A voicemail Baldwin left for his 11-year-old daughter, in which he can be heard calling her "a rude, thoughtless little pig," was published Thursday by celebrity news site TMZ.com.

Baldwin and his ex-wife, Kim Basinger, have been engaged in bitter custody disputes over their daughter, Ireland, since the couple divorced in 2002. "In such public cases, your opponents attempt to take a picture of you on your worst day and insist that this is who you are as a person," Baldwin wrote. "Outside the doors of divorce court, I have friends, I have respect from people I work with and I have a normal relationship with my daughter. All of that is threatened whenever one enters a court room."

Meanwhile, Baldwin's attorney, Vicki Greene, said she filed a Superior Court order Friday "to determine how the tape got leaked and to determine whether actions should be taken against Kim Basinger, or her attorneys, or Harvey Levin (who runs TMZ.com) and anybody else associated with the leaking of the tape and the violation of the court orders to keep the proceedings closed."

In a letter Greene sent to Levin Thursday included in the court order, the attorney said she called Levin at 12:30 p.m. that day after learning he intended to go public with the tape. "I cautioned you against taking any action, especially when what you disclosed to me could only have been obtained from an improper source, was sealed by the Court and should not be in your possession, let alone disclosed to the public," she said in the letter.

Levin told The Associated Press on Friday that he obtained the tape legally. "I'm not going to talk about sources. I'm not going to say who we obtained it from," he said. "We obtained this legally. We discussed it, and felt it was an important story, and published it. If she disagrees, that's her opinion."

Greene told TV's "The Insider" that "anyone involved in this case should want to protect Ireland, so whatever happened was either intentional, reckless or negligent."

The matter is set for a hearing June 5, Greene said.

Basinger's attorney, Neal Hersh, weighed in on the family saga Friday on TMZ.com. "I am concerned that Mr. Baldwin's recent statement, wherein he attempts to shift responsibility to Kim and her lawyers for his issues with Ireland, shows just how out of touch he is with the reality and gravity of the situation," Hersh said.

Basinger's spokeswoman had no comment Friday.


Associated Press Writer Solvej Schou contributed to this report.

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070421/ap_en_ce/people_baldwin_basinger;_ylt=AqBSQlljff9Alw_f3myb9 2Gs0NUE

I have lost my temper with my kids and NEVER spoke to them like that - much less over something like a missed phone call.

Could it be Alex that you are just a jerk ?

Didn't he promise us he would move back in 2000 ?? :rolleyes:

04-20-2007, 09:13 PM
I see where he is coming from the fustration of them not obiding by the courts.Fathers really get screwed when it comes to children and child support ( the good ones that pay it and want to be with there children ) . Sometimes the parent Mother/ Father take things out on each other by using the child which is totally wrong.The child ends up getting hurt..But it is still no excuse to talk to your child that way..Very messed up situation.

04-20-2007, 09:17 PM
What sucks though is when the courts force visitation with a parent who obviously has anger and control issues. Do you, as a parent protect your child who is in no position to protect themselves.

04-21-2007, 05:39 AM
He's an ass. And of course the parents will blame each other regaurdless of fault.

04-21-2007, 06:03 AM
I would like to know how the media got ahold of this message in the first place?? Was it not left on voice mail? Its a shame that they had to make it public-whoever it was.

I am in no way condoning his behavior-but what the H?? Is it any of our business?? But I guess it does take some of the media attention away from the Virginia saddness.

Just my opinion.

04-21-2007, 10:55 AM
no count bastard:mad: there is no excuse for it. so the order was violated......not by HER though, by her mother and most likely for this very reason. he seems mean.

04-21-2007, 11:19 AM
I like Alec Baldwin (as an actor) but ever since him and Kim started with this whole divorce thing he does seem very mean. Makes you wonder what really happened to cause the break-up to begin with!