View Full Version : I wonder if the mail lady is stealing all the samples I request.

03-14-2007, 09:18 AM
I am currently home bound due to illness, and i order samples just for fun...well, maybe i take it a bit too seriously. I have not been getting any of the dove or walmart samples i have requested for a while now. I used to get everything i requested.

I only suspect the mail lady because only she and us have the keys to our box.

Also, I think that the boxes and packages these things come in should not have "free sample inside" plastered all over them. it begs "Steal meeeeee!!!!!":mad:

03-14-2007, 09:56 AM
Sorry your not getting your samples. I would be mad too. Have you called your post office and complained? Have you asked your neighbors if they might of got your mail? Try putting your name in again for the samples. I have done that when mine dont come or get lost...

03-14-2007, 10:24 AM
Where My Mom Used to Live she never got One Single sample/free thing I had Sent to her.
now that she lives In a new area she gets EVERYTHING I send her. She is amazed! I tell Her - "thats Why I was mad you weren't Getting all this stuff before!":eek:

But Before You Blame Anyone at your local PO - Remember - Mail Goes through Many peoples hands before it actually Reaches You. - Or doesn't Reach you unfourtunatly - It could Be anyone along the Route - Or even Early Morning sorters at you Own PO:rolleyes:

I agree - it is annoying :mad:

03-14-2007, 11:29 AM
A postal worker in our area was found putting undeliverable mail in a storage unit about 2 weeks ago. Apparantly, they had been putting mail there for a while. What I dont get is, why risk taking/opening the mail....they face FEDERAL charges. And the PO is now doing its investigation.

What's sad is that this person will probably get more of a punishment than some of our drug dealers.....:(

03-14-2007, 11:34 AM
MY FIL used to be a mailman years ago.
They all (the mail people) kept boxes, and boxes of samples for their families.
They also used to throw bags of mail away, when they didn't feel like delivering it,lol:eek:

03-14-2007, 11:44 AM
At my old house I had all sorts of problems getting mail, samples were the worst, we got a new mail person and all of a sudden no more problems with samples. If you suspect anything, contact your postmaster, many times your complaint isn't the only one, and could be the one that finally starts an investigation. Our old mail person was found to be "redirecting" mail.

03-14-2007, 01:29 PM
Wow. When are people going to realize that we don't, and will not get everything we sign up for. Unless your carrier is really screwing up your mail, please think of what you are accusing her of. I am a carrier and get less than half of what I sign up for. Yes, there are thieves and idiots working here, but the majority are not, and we mostly take pride in our jobs. And for the carriers throwing mail away, that entire office needs jail time if they knew about it. I have been physically threatened by a customer and accused of stealing a package. It turned out that mom didn't write the complete address, so it was delayed. Had to have armed inspectors present to deliver that apartment complex for a week.

03-14-2007, 01:46 PM
I think we all pretty much know we don't get all the samples we request, but when my Mom got samples I had requested for her the same day I requested them for me, and we are talking about multiple samples, not just one or two, but everything I had requested. We also were not the only ones missing mail, nor were samples the only things missing. While the majority of people delivering mail are decent hard working individuals, there are also a percentage of them out there who don't deliver mail as required by their job, steal samples, and so-on. Our old carrier was busted when she scanned a DC package as delivered, then never left the package. She had done it several times with inspectors hot on her heels.

03-14-2007, 05:52 PM
sounds like my postal carrier she often opened my mail, wouldnt deliver my payments for my utilities to the utility companies it got so bad I had to do traces on the postal money orders I bought. I have complained numerous times and the postmaster general of the local office was following her every other day or so. do they think if they follow her she is going to do this stuff while they are in plain view? no so I also went to the website and complained to the postal inspectors and told them my mail wasnt getting to where it was supposed to,mail I had stamps on came back without stamps AFTER getting thru 2 post offices(lord know how that happened) ,opened mail,destroyed mail, you name it. it slacked off for awhile and it seems like its starting again shes even starting to leave the mailbox open when it rains. so Im about ready to complain again. I had one open today that said special offer inside or something like that all it was was address labels. she must have thought there was monsy inside. there are people that STILL havent gotten stuff I sent clear back in june. so It might pay to go to the postal inspector site on the usps website. they ask what you mailed,when you mailed it,from where and where it was going or coming from just keep track of what you send(and to who names.addys,etc) and the dates and the same with any other mail. Im not sure that they will do anything when it comes to samples but if you notice other mail is coming up missing then report it.my carrier has done this to other people including sending back their checks,like social security,etc and they havent fired her yet

03-14-2007, 06:24 PM
I think someone is taking my samples. I get very few of the samples I order. I don't think ti's my mailman, but it's someone that handles the mail before it gets to my mailbox.

03-15-2007, 06:33 AM
My old apartment I used to get the sample boxes ripped open and empty. Funny once I moved into my house in a different area no problems with that :) It had to be someone at the mail company, not necessarily my postal carrier but someone along the way.

03-15-2007, 06:43 AM
i had that problem in conway,ar, but only when my normal mail lady was out. so the 2nd time it happened i asked her when she came back from vacation, she said she would check into it, she said " I KNOW YOU GET MAIL EVERY DAY". One time after she came back she found 2 boxes of mail for me in a corner at the post office, but i complained to the USPS and that substitute carrier never came back on my route. i doubt the fired her, but i was happy she wasn't on my route.

lord the addy to get the freebie yourself is usually on the packaging lmao.

03-15-2007, 06:43 AM
Have someone from another state mail something to you. Have them put "your free sample" on the pkg. Inside put a note that says "stop stealing my stuff or I am going to report you"

If it stops happening, then you'll know :D

03-15-2007, 06:45 AM
Have someone from another state mail something to you. Have them put "your free sample" on the pkg. Inside put a note that says "stop stealing my stuff or I am going to report you"

If it stops happening, then you'll know :D

LOL Thats great!

03-15-2007, 06:46 AM
Have someone from another state mail something to you. Have them put "your free sample" on the pkg. Inside put a note that says "stop stealing my stuff or I am going to report you"

If it stops happening, then you'll know :D

make it a nice bulky padded envie with something stuffed in it like a walmart bag,, lol and i'd have to be really mean and say something like " YOU'RE BUSTED!!".... You've been reported and now caught. hehehehe, but i'm just evil,

03-15-2007, 09:06 AM
I had neighbors who were newspaper delievery for many years, when there was a Freebie in the newspaper they kept them all!!! Can you beliebe it, like remember when they gave out free razors on a Sunday? One day were were talking and they SAID TO ME oh do you need some razors we have tons, then there son told me they kept all the freebies, I could see keeping 1 or 2 but ALL OF THEM. Weird and bad karma to me

03-15-2007, 09:13 AM
Have someone from another state mail something to you. Have them put "your free sample" on the pkg. Inside put a note that says "stop stealing my stuff or I am going to report you"

If it stops happening, then you'll know :D

That is Too Funny!!! :D