View Full Version : Im finally getting my Cedar Lane hope chest back after 17 yrs!

03-14-2007, 08:06 AM
Ok,this is a long story so I will try to keep it short......LOL!

When I was 19 yrs old My mom & Dad bought me a beautiful Cedar Lane hope Chest with an upolstered bench on top.
Well my family & I(myself,Mom& Dad,sisters & their families)decided to move from VT to SC. 6 months later one sis & her family & myself decided to go back to VT. I couldnt take my hope chest back because there was no room.

So about 6 months later my Dad died from a heart attack. My mom(who dies about 7 yrs ago) moved into my sisters house(the one that stayed in SC). My sister decided to start using my Hope chest & even a few yrs ago redid the upolstered bench to match the decor in her house.
We went to visit my sis one time in SC but we flew there so we could not bring it back.
My sis who moved back to VT ended up moving with her family back to SC 2 yrs ago. Well they flew here last yr to visit us & this year they are coming but driving & they measured my hope chest to see if it would fit in their SUV & it will!!!!
My bro-in-law said he would measure it & get it back to me one way or another.

Im so happy that Im finally getting it back. It was a very special present from my parents & I hope to one day pass it on to one of my daughters.:)

One question for all of you????

I had the key all these yrs , misplaced it but, I think I found it but if its not the key is there a way I can get a key for it? Have one made?

Thank you.

03-14-2007, 08:22 AM
Congrats thats so awesome!! Worse case scenario, you can take your whole chest (the cedar chest lol) to a locksmith shop and they should be able to get ya fixed up!! Congrats again!!

03-14-2007, 10:04 AM
Contact the Lane Company - they might be able to get you a replacement key. They will also check and see if it needs a part that has been recalled on a lot of the older chests.

Kyla Kym
03-14-2007, 09:40 PM
http://cgi.ebay.com/Lane-Cedar-Chest-Pre-Cut-Key-new-key-Locksmith_W0QQitemZ120094240637QQcategoryZ3557QQrd Z1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItem
This guy sells the keys on eBay, and at the bottom of his auction he says that Lane will replace the old locks for free. I bet he could help you out if you emailed him. :)

03-15-2007, 02:46 AM
Congrats on getting it back.....

03-15-2007, 04:39 AM
Thank you all for the info.

My sister who has the hope chest is a little upset & keeps telling my other sister that it wont fit in her SUV. But it will & its coming back to me finally.

Im so happy & will be crying when it gets here I just know it.