View Full Version : ? about diet pills

03-07-2007, 04:18 PM
just wondering if anyone on here has had any luck with them? if so what kind. there's a zillion out there and i've thought about buying some. i've figured if i cut out the pop that should help so i've switched from pepsi to propel flavored water. i'm just really not happy with my weight and need to lose at least 30 pounds. TIA. any advice is appreciated.

03-07-2007, 05:08 PM
There is no magic pill out there. If it were as easy as taking a pill there would be a world of thin people. It all comes down to what and how much you eat and level of activity.

I eat no sugars or starchy carbs. Meats, veggies, some whole grains. And drink alot of water. I went from a size 10-12 to a 4 and have maintained this weight for at least four years.

03-07-2007, 05:09 PM
If diet pills worked, I don't think there would be so many overweight people! I quit drinking pop last May & joined Weight Watchers June 1st, 2006, in almost 9 months I have lost 110 lbs. I attend meetings but they have an online program, too. WWs is awesome and easy to follow and you can eat ANYTHING, as long as you count points for it. I ♥ WWs!!

03-07-2007, 06:24 PM
I agree with the others. Diet pills aren't the way to go. If you eat healthy foods and exercise you can lose weight. I have lost 60 lbs this way with 20 more to go. I do SparkPeople which is a free site where you can track your food and exercise. I think you wanting to lose is the first step in the right direction. Good luck!!

03-07-2007, 07:15 PM
I have never found one that works for me. My Dr even gave me different perscription weight loss meds. Finally on Dec 05/2006 I had gastric bypass surgery done and in 3 months have lost 46 lbs.

03-07-2007, 09:01 PM
Have you tried adding Fiber Pills to your diet, they can make you feel fuller and eat less. Eating no bread or sugar heps as well. good luck

03-07-2007, 09:10 PM
Besides limiting your caloric intake and exercising, I think a lot of it is behavior modification. When do you eat? Are you actually hungry? Are you bored, depressed, anxious? Do you snack a lot? Keep a diary and you will be surprised at your pattern. I've learned this from my family that has been on diets and found Weight Watchers to be the best. They can still have pork chops, PBJ's, pie, ice cream, mashed taters & gravy, all the yummies. You just limit the amount of food on the plate. My MIL used a luncheon plate instead of a dinner plate. She was of the generation that you had to clean your plate, not waste anything. A luncheon plate doesn't hold as much of course.

No need for pills or then you rely on them instead of changing your ways.


03-08-2007, 06:49 AM
I think trying a diet pill to "jump start" a weight loss could be the way to go but don't have a clue which one would work......just remember in the long run it is a life change because just dieting for a short time doesn't work

03-08-2007, 07:17 AM
When I was put on Welbutrin for my depression and to help quit smoking that also helped me lose weight. I ended up losing Oh jeez I think 30 pounds but I ended up gaining it all back again. That is a pill that helps supresse your appetite and it truly does work but unless you actually go through the hard work and change your lifestyle you'll just gain it all back again so I wouldnt suggest any pills. (I've also tried the old cider-vinegar pills, they dont work)

03-08-2007, 10:27 AM
All those diet pills say that they only work when you also diet and exercise. Plus they only take off 1-2 more pounds more than if you didn't use them.

03-08-2007, 12:07 PM
Cut the sugar, flour, rice, pasta and taters, add fat (mayo/butter/oils) to your protiens for longer lasting fullness. Eat plenty of protiens and veggies. Remember fruits are high in sugar too. LOTS of water helps.

03-08-2007, 01:03 PM
I've tried everything under the sun and the only product that worked for me were EAS products. They are expensive but if ya don't eat right and excersize, any diet is useless. All the weight will come back on any diet if ya don't maintain a healthy lifestyle. Always check with a doc when starting a diet with pills and excersize- ya need to make sure you are healthy enough to do some of the workouts.
Holy Crap, catssass! Over 100 ponds?!!!!!! WTG! Give us some info girl!