View Full Version : Law would ban iPods when crossing street

Jolie Rouge
02-07-2007, 03:36 PM
Law would ban iPods when crossing street
By MICHAEL VIRTANEN, Associated Press Writer
1 hour, 14 minutes ago

ALBANY, N.Y. - Walk, jog or bicycle across a New York street with an iPod plugged in your ears and you could get slapped with a $100 ticket under a new law proposed by a legislator from Brooklyn.

State Sen. Carl Kruger's bill would also outlaw the use of cell phones, Blackberries, video games or other electronic devices when crossing the street.

He cited the death of a 21-year-old man who was listening to music when he stepped off a curb and was hit by a bus in Brooklyn in September, and the death of a 23-year-old iPod listener last month. "If you're so involved in your electronic device that you can't see or hear a car coming, this is indicative of a larger problem that requires some sort of enforcement beyond the application of common sense," Kruger said.

Jason Koppel, Kruger's chief of staff, said listeners would merely have to pull the earphones out for the few seconds it takes to cross the street.

Kruger said the legislation would be introduced this week.

Charlotte Troisgros, 16, a Manhattan student talking on her cell phone in a crosswalk near City Hall on Wednesday, laughed and said the law may not be such a bad idea. "You really don't pay attention. You might get hit by a car," she said.

E. Christopher Murray, a civil liberties attorney, said the proposal is excessive. "With our schools failing, health costs out of control, and crushing property taxes, the legislature would rather play mother by legislating how we cross the street," he said. "What's next? Do you get fined if you don't look both ways?"

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070207/ap_on_re_us/pedestrian_electronics;_ylt=AlfUsD5N4yZ8emVJxdDmrG Gs0NUE

I am just surprised it wasn't CA....

I can just imagine the scriptwriters room for "L&O" drooling over this one ....

02-07-2007, 04:19 PM
LOL yea I kind of agree that this might be a good idea, I mean people do not pay attention and if you're listening to music or something you might not hear too well either. "What's next? Do you get fined if you don't look both ways?" This might not be a bad idea either....I mean not looking is just stupidity. I teach my son to wait for all cars and if its at a stop sign to wait until the driver motions for him to cross, just because YOU see the driver does not mean the driver sees you!

02-07-2007, 04:35 PM
I'm sorry for those who died, but do we really NEED a law for this? If people just used their brains and watched where they were going, we wouldn't have this problem. Sheeesh.

02-07-2007, 05:32 PM
Sounds like the same law that says you need a hands free cell phone while driving yet accidents happen all the time because people are on their cell phones hands free or not yet few tickets are issued.


02-07-2007, 05:34 PM
I'm just gonna start stocking up in vasoline now... there will be a shortage of it REAL soon :cool:

02-07-2007, 07:21 PM
I think these people who don't pay attention is a form of natural selection. Push them to the edge of the heard. ;) :D

02-08-2007, 04:47 AM
I'm sorry for those who died, but do we really NEED a law for this? If people just used their brains and watched where they were going, we wouldn't have this problem. Sheeesh.

ITA.......almost seems like the generation growing up now have no common sense

02-08-2007, 07:38 AM
What amazes me in all of these dumb laws that basically tell people you are too dumb to do your own thinking, and personal responsibility be damned, are being submitted by the party who screams about Civil Liberties, personal freedoms and the like when it comes to fighting terror, but hey, if you are too stupid to pay attention, we have to restrict everyone, and impose more fines on you. We have a law being proposed here, that would outlaw tanning beds for anyone under 18, even though parental consent is already required. No-one under 18 can tan, without a parent, but hey, lets take away the parents responsibility and make the government your parent. Lets let parents believe they cannot make a decision for their own kids. It starts small folks.

Ok, so lets not profile at the airport, because even though 90%+ of all terrorists are Muslim males between 18-35, because that would infringe on a small segment of the population. Instead, lets fine and impose a law on the majority of the population who walk/talk/chew gum AND listen to an IPOD at the same time without getting themselves killed.

Lets not allow our intellegence and protection agencies to do their jobs without the ACLU and Liberal run Activist groups stepping in to protect illegals and terrorists, giving them more rights than our own citizens, but hey, lets stop you from deciding whether or not your own child should be allowed to tan. (which by the way, was voted down amongst party lines)

The party who wants you to believe they are all for your personal freedoms is slowly and innocuously taking them away from you. It starts small, but by the time you realize that is happening, your ability to think and make decisions all on your own will be gone.

02-08-2007, 02:26 PM
I wish they'd create a law that forces me to double knot my shoe laces. I've only put one knot in them and they keep coming untied.
I know one of these days, I'm going to trip over them and really get hurt. If someone forces me to do it the "right" way, surely it'll spare me some pain in the future. :rolleyes:

Seriously, what else are they going to tell us to do? Are they going to tell us which way to wipe our asses? I can see it now - the huge debate over front to back or back to front. lol

Yep, I need to lay off of the cold meds. :p

02-08-2007, 04:53 PM
Seriously, what else are they going to tell us to do? Are they going to tell us which way to wipe our asses? I can see it now - the huge debate over front to back or back to front. lol

lol don't know about men but for women the law has to be from front to back lol