View Full Version : Ok, this is too redneck..........

01-30-2007, 08:05 PM
Yeah, I live in Western KY and I am a Hillbilly/Redneck, I reckon.

In Sunday's paper, the local Grand Jury indictments were listed with the following headline:


Now, maybe its just me, but really, should a newspaper headline use the word SLEW?:rolleyes:

01-30-2007, 08:12 PM
I think its a very southern term, IMO, kinda like I am afixin to go to the store...haha.

01-30-2007, 08:17 PM
Would that be the store that's 'up the road a piece' or 'over yonder'?

01-30-2007, 08:49 PM
It could have been worse. It could have been a "passel" of charges. ;)

01-30-2007, 08:53 PM
That is funny!! I would have to keep it and send it to Jay Leno!:D

01-30-2007, 09:03 PM
Im just so darned proud..................lololol.

01-30-2007, 09:05 PM
ah reckin' them thar news folk just ain't got the smarts to know betterin' that.

01-30-2007, 09:10 PM
theyre just adding earl to the farr dontcha think? lol

01-30-2007, 09:13 PM
hyuck, hyuck, hyuck....

Kyla Kym
01-30-2007, 10:13 PM
I guess we can thank the Irish for that word. :)

01-31-2007, 05:38 AM
I am orginally from Detroit,Mi. After I moved down to Texas. I have learned so many sayings that are Southern Talk. One time I was working at this gas station(couple weeks after I came to texas). This man walks in I aksed him a question don't remember what I asked. But, he answered me by saing Over Younder! When I heard that I look at him and said What the Hell does that mean! They also always say Yall. I am sry but I still talk my Northen acent and slangs. don't say Yall I say you guys. Soda isn't soda to me it will always be POP!

01-31-2007, 05:44 AM
Where I am up here in Northern Michigan its "you's guys" and the one the bugs me the absolute worst is "cousint" Not cousin but with a T :mad: Ugh I about wanna scream when I hear that LOL

01-31-2007, 05:53 AM
Some of the Southern talk is annoying. But what gets me is how everything goes slower down south(at least in S.Carolina where I have some relatives).

We lived there for 6 months & couldnt take it anymore.

01-31-2007, 07:30 AM
Some of the Southern talk is annoying. But what gets me is how everything goes slower down south(at least in S.Carolina where I have some relatives).

We lived there for 6 months & couldnt take it anymore.

I think the heat exhausts everyone...LOL. Since I have lived here in Ga. I have learned that yes it is actually possible to take 10 full minutes to have a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread rang up at the grocery store. There is no hurry...PERIOD! My dh is very southern, he has 2 speeds, slow and slower. Sometimes it drives me crazy, other times I so appreciate it.

01-31-2007, 07:32 AM
I am orginally from Detroit,Mi. After I moved down to Texas. I have learned so many sayings that are Southern Talk. One time I was working at this gas station(couple weeks after I came to texas). This man walks in I aksed him a question don't remember what I asked. But, he answered me by saing Over Younder! When I heard that I look at him and said What the Hell does that mean! They also always say Yall. I am sry but I still talk my Northen acent and slangs. don't say Yall I say you guys. Soda isn't soda to me it will always be POP!

Hey you guys, pass me a pop. My kinda language. When we fist moved down here I would say pop and they would just look at me like "what is she talking about", now there are alot of transplants (including me and mine) and there isn't that much of a issue anymore.
I said you guys to a group of ladies where I was working, the older one said, "we are not guys"...lol...oops, my bad...tee hee.

01-31-2007, 07:35 AM
I always say 'walla go' (I talked to mary walla go) and it drives my mom insane LOL

01-31-2007, 08:34 AM
Some of the Southern talk is annoying. But what gets me is how everything goes slower down south(at least in S.Carolina where I have some relatives).

We lived there for 6 months & couldnt take it anymore.

You say that like it's a bad thing? :p Born and raised in North Carolina and lived in South Carolina since 1988. As the saying goes around here "We don't care how you do it up North." ;) May explain why I've lived to be 118. Why get in a hurry? Yes, we do take things slow but gives us more time to enjoy what we do. LOL Hope y'all Yankees just don't go getting your bloomers in a knot up thar 'cause y'all are so jealous of us dumb southerners that y'all are moving down her by the groves. MUAHAHAHAHAHA

01-31-2007, 09:26 AM
You say that like it's a bad thing? :p Born and raised in North Carolina and lived in South Carolina since 1988. As the saying goes around here "We don't care how you do it up North." ;) May explain why I've lived to be 118. Why get in a hurry? Yes, we do take things slow but gives us more time to enjoy what we do. LOL Hope y'all Yankees just don't go getting your bloomers in a knot up thar 'cause y'all are so jealous of us dumb southerners that y'all are moving down her by the groves. MUAHAHAHAHAHA

Ya what he said!!! When I talk folks know I'm not from 'round these parts' since MI is so fer away. I tell them I was born with the affliction of being born a yankee. But now I'm a rebel like the best, I mean rest, of them.

01-31-2007, 12:07 PM
y'all are moving down her by the groves. MUAHAHAHAHAHA

Sounds kinda dirty. LOL:eek: :D

01-31-2007, 01:34 PM
Do ya'll know the difference between a Yankee and a damn Yankee?

A Yankee is someone from up North that comes South to visit. A damn Yankee is someone who came down South and stayed.

Kyla Kym
01-31-2007, 06:17 PM
It tickles me how the yankees make fun of how we talk in the south, but yet the lady that works for me married a man from Rhode Island and half the words he says aren't pronounced right. Just like the other day he was telling me how he needed to get some pots for the ceiling fan. I thought he had lost his mind...turns out he meant parts for the ceiling fan. LOL :p

For the longest I kept wondering why he would tell his wife to go get in the ....then all of a sudden he was try and call a crow..."KAAA".....It finally registered that in fact he wasn't crazy, he was telling her to get in the car! :D

01-31-2007, 06:43 PM
Hey now I resemble that remark :p not all of us yankees are in the fast lane and talk funny. I prove my point to truck and sent him a voice clip one day and we have come to the agreement that it is him who has the accent :p

01-31-2007, 09:24 PM
I am a damn yankee, I'm getting used to using the slang words, but the one thing that really shocked me, the people are so much nicer down south. If you get stranded on the side of the road, or someone thinks you are, they will pull over and see if you need help. You don't get shoved around in the supermarket, walmart, etc. everyone makes way for everyone. Also I have not seen one person that sticks their nose in the air, thinking that they are better then you. Sometimes I will catch myself, saying "pop", and I get ribbed for it.

01-31-2007, 09:30 PM
I am a damn yankee, I'm getting used to using the slang words, but the one thing that really shocked me, the people are so much nicer down south. If you get stranded on the side of the road, or someone thinks you are, they will pull over and see if you need help. You don't get shoved around in the supermarket, walmart, etc. everyone makes way for everyone. Also I have not seen one person that sticks their nose in the air, thinking that they are better then you. Sometimes I will catch myself, saying "pop", and I get ribbed for it.I really miss the south. :( I lived in west TN for about 8 or 9 yrs (born and raised in WV though) and then we moved up here a little over 3 yrs ago. There is a big difference in attitudes between here and there.

Everyone in TN called a pop a coke, no matter what kind they were drinking. I was always saying pop and people at work made fun of me, so after a while when I said pop someone would "pop" me on the arm. hehe

01-31-2007, 09:32 PM
Oh and I'm always fixin to do something. LOL I say that a lot.

And Buttrfli, I'm right there with ya with the walla go. LMAO

01-31-2007, 09:33 PM
It tickles me how the yankees make fun of how we talk in the south, but yet the lady that works for me married a man from Rhode Island and half the words he says aren't pronounced right. Just like the other day he was telling me how he needed to get some pots for the ceiling fan. I thought he had lost his mind...turns out he meant parts for the ceiling fan. LOL :p

For the longest I kept wondering why he would tell his wife to go get in the ....then all of a sudden he was try and call a crow..."KAAA".....It finally registered that in fact he wasn't crazy, he was telling her to get in the car! :D

That is exactly the way Donna talks..haha...(love yah Donna) but I like to hear Donna talk, just for the record. Looking forward to one day talking to Loretta Lynn...haha...you know who you are.

01-31-2007, 09:45 PM
That is exactly the way Donna talks..haha...(love yah Donna) but I like to hear Donna talk, just for the record. Looking forward to one day talking to Loretta Lynn...haha...you know who you are.

I can give you directions to Loretta's house...lol.:D

am a damn yankee, I'm getting used to using the slang words, but the one thing that really shocked me, the people are so much nicer down south. If you get stranded on the side of the road, or someone thinks you are, they will pull over and see if you need help. You don't get shoved around in the supermarket, walmart, etc. everyone makes way for everyone. Also I have not seen one person that sticks their nose in the air, thinking that they are better then you. Sometimes I will catch myself, saying "pop", and I get ribbed for it.

tnfuhs, you must not have made it to Memphis!:eek:

Kyla Kym
01-31-2007, 09:51 PM
Oh and I'm always fixin to do something. LOL I say that a lot.

And Buttrfli, I'm right there with ya with the walla go. LMAO

You mean everyone doesn't talk that way? LOL

How do y'all greet people when you see them in person? Around here we say Hidy (pronounced Heidi) but on the phone we say hello...go figure..LOL :rolleyes:

And I'm curious, is it just a southern thing to blend words together? Or do "you guys" do that in the north as well?
Example: gonna, wanna, shoulda, dontcha, whatcha, etc.. :)

Kyla Kym
01-31-2007, 09:56 PM
That is exactly the way Donna talks..haha...(love yah Donna) but I like to hear Donna talk, just for the record. Looking forward to one day talking to Loretta Lynn...haha...you know who you are.

Does she sound gruff and loud too? LOL :p That's the way my friends husband does. I feel almost intimidated when he's talking. Sounds almost like he's trying to pick a fight or something. LOL

Just kidding Patch, don't hit me :D

01-31-2007, 10:03 PM
Even Dr Phil says "all y'all". I heerd him!!! :D

01-31-2007, 10:05 PM
Does she sound gruff and loud too? LOL :p That's the way my friends husband does. I feel almost intimidated when he's talking. Sounds almost like he's trying to pick a fight or something. LOL

Just kidding Patch, don't hit me :D

Not at all, Donna has a very cute girlie voice, you could almost mistake her for a kid.:p

01-31-2007, 10:08 PM
I always say 'walla go' (I talked to mary walla go) and it drives my mom insane LOL

the CORRECT pronunciation is awhile ago LOL
hush ev

01-31-2007, 10:10 PM
And I'm curious, is it just a southern thing to blend words together? Or do "you guys" do that in the north as well?
Example: gonna, wanna, shoulda, dontcha, whatcha, etc.. :)

Up here in the north we use those words, too. I am laughing at this thread, though. I was born in Ohio, have always lived within the same five mile area(or should I say: Only a spittin' distance from where I was born), so I am pure Yankee. However, my in-laws are from the south. My MIL is from West Virginia & my FIL is from Virginia. So, I've learned a LOT of southern slang since DH & I started dating 14 years ago. I got introduced to biscuits 'n gravy & southern cooking.

I love going down to visit DH family in WV. It is a whole different atmosphere than in NW Ohio. People are truly much nicer in the south. Wonder why that is???

Kyla Kym
01-31-2007, 10:12 PM
Even Dr Phil says "all y'all". I heerd him!!! :D

Well there ya go!!! It's offical now! LOL ;)

01-31-2007, 10:13 PM
Up here in the north we use those words, too. I am laughing at this thread, though. I was born in Ohio, have always lived within the same five mile area(or should I say: Only a spittin' distance from where I was born), so I am pure Yankee. However, my in-laws are from the south. My MIL is from West Virginia & my FIL is from Virginia. So, I've learned a LOT of southern slang since DH & I started dating 14 years ago. I got introduced to biscuits 'n gravy & southern cooking.

I love going down to visit DH family in WV. It is a whole different atmosphere than in NW Ohio. People are truly much nicer in the south. Wonder why that is???

I guess it depends on the area in the south. I am in the atlanta area and I really thought the being nice in the south was just a myth, then I was told its all the northerners here that make it not so nice...haha...I am orginally from Ohio.

02-01-2007, 12:00 AM
At one time companies would hire people in the midwest like KS where I am to answer their phones and take orders since we had the most understandable accent of all. Guess being in the middle of the country helps but now they hire those in India so go figure.

BUT I called a help line and the woman who answered was from here but she talked so high pitched and squeeky I couldn't understand her very well. Then I get the Indian man and understood him just fine so go figure again. LOL

02-01-2007, 12:07 AM
Yes in the north we do say stuff like hey you guys wanna go to the store and get some soda .... I have to say it all depends on what part of the north you are from I am from small town usa north and we still pull over to help each other out ect open doors say thank you and hi to a person walking by even if we dont know them unless they look too creepy :p