View Full Version : Dry Cracked feet

01-22-2007, 04:15 AM
Need help !! The heels of my feet are so dry and cracked sometimes they bleed. Please tell me what I can do?? I get terrible cracks in them and sometimes it is hard for me to walk..........:(

01-22-2007, 05:27 AM
At night time cover your feet with vaseline and then wear socks. Do you walk a lot barefooted on carpeting? This can cause the dryness and cracking. During the day use Gold Bond Medicated Lotion.

01-22-2007, 05:31 AM
Buy some socks/booties that have gel inside of them. (Target has them for $15 in the sock section). Put lotion/kerasal/body butter on your feet and then put the socks on for 30 minutes or more.
The gel inside the sock won't absorb the lotion like normal socks do.
I do this every night to keep my feet soft and it works very well. I love how they feel afterwards. (For cracked feet, I'd go with the kerasal. It's possible the lotions/body butter may hurt the open sores. Kerasal is around $5-$8, but it lasts a while since you don't have to use too much).

01-22-2007, 06:18 AM
I have problems with dry heels in the winter time. I try to get a pedicure once a month because that helps. I bought one of those razor type things you use to scrape the dead skin off your heals. That seems to work well. You do need to be careful when using it and make sure that you've soaked your feet and softened the skin first.

01-22-2007, 06:24 AM
At night time cover your feet with vaseline and then wear socks.

I do that once a week in the winter, especailly since we moved here to Phoenix, where the air is SO dry right now.

01-22-2007, 06:35 AM
Kerasal works very well on dry feet. That is what I'd go with.

01-22-2007, 08:46 AM
If you have insurance, go visit a Podiatrist and ask them to prescribe Lactinol. It is Lactic Acid with Vitamin E in the form of a cream. It's commonly used to soften dry, cracked feet and works really well. :)

01-22-2007, 09:17 AM
Spend the $15 on a Pedicure. Then it will be easy to maintain. If you will put something to soften them after your shower or bath each night, you will see a huge difference in the skin on your heels. You have to do it religiously though. But if you can splurge for the pedicure I would do it. They will take all that skin off that is causeing the skin to crack in the first place!!! It is sooooo well worth the money.

01-22-2007, 09:26 AM
Spend the $15 on a Pedicure. Then it will be easy to maintain. If you will put something to soften them after your shower or bath each night, you will see a huge difference in the skin on your heels. You have to do it religiously though. But if you can splurge for the pedicure I would do it. They will take all that skin off that is causeing the skin to crack in the first place!!! It is sooooo well worth the money.

I wish they were that cheap in my area. I would get them more often. :D Depending on where you go they charge anywhere between $25-$30 for a pedicure. If you go to the mall it will be a little more but the cheapest I can get a pedicure for is $25. I get them more often in the warmer months because I wear sandals a lot but I actually need it more during the winter.

01-22-2007, 12:47 PM
My feet get so dry and cracked they bleed. I used to use kerasal everynight but now during the day 3-4 times a day I use Carmex lip balm, and then more at night. Its working great I got it off a home remedy site. Its WAY cheaper than Kerasal too. I just soak my feet in Epsom salt water to soften them, scrape off the dead skin (yuck) and then grease em up with the Carmex, put on my socks and go to bed. Ive been doing this for about 2 weeks and man the difference is unbelievable!!!!!

01-22-2007, 06:02 PM
You could have a pedicure done at a beauty school/salon.
It will take longer, but might be less expensive for you.

Pedicures here are $25 - $30 at the 'less expensive' places.

Use the lotion & socks every night when you go to bed.

01-22-2007, 06:20 PM
You may want to get some cream for athlete's foot and use that for a few weeks. There are two types of athlete's foot, and one of them casues your feet to be very dry and get very deep cracks. I get it like that every summer. If you have athlete's foot, then all the things you are doing to treat the dry skin is making your athlete's foot worse, but if you just have dry skin, the athlete's foot cream won't make it worse. If it is athlete's foot, you should start feeling some relief in a week or two. Also, when I get out of the shower each day I use a foot file to take off some of the built up skin - BUT make sure you wash the foot file after, so that you don't keep reinfecting you feet. Hope this helps! Good luck :)

01-23-2007, 03:04 PM
After bathing, use a pumice stone/wand to "sand" the dead dry stuff off. Slather on Shea It Isn't So Foot Cream from BBW. Put on cotton socks. (do all of this before bed). Do this every other day and you'll see a diffence in no time.

01-23-2007, 04:01 PM
After bathing, use a pumice stone/wand to "sand" the dead dry stuff off. Slather on Shea It Isn't So Foot Cream from BBW. Put on cotton socks. (do all of this before bed). Do this every other day and you'll see a diffence in no time.

I use the pumas stone in the shower every so often. I am fortunate, my feet look great. I have great fast growing hard finger nails, good skin, healthy fast growing hair, long eyelashes, everything most women want I have...lol...the down side is I am ugly, always has to be a trade of eh?
Also once you get them nice use neutragena (sp) that stuff is the bomb and helps heals the splits in my hands when I use alot of bleach when cleaning. Good luck.

01-23-2007, 04:34 PM
I use the pumas stone in the shower every so often. I am fortunate, my feet look great. I have great fast growing hard finger nails, good skin, healthy fast growing hair, long eyelashes, everything most women want I have...lol...the down side is I am ugly, always has to be a trade of eh?
Also once you get them nice use neutragena (sp) that stuff is the bomb and helps heals the splits in my hands when I use alot of bleach when cleaning. Good luck.

You are so not ugly. :eek:

01-24-2007, 12:17 AM
I do that once a week in the winter, especailly since we moved here to Phoenix, where the air is SO dry right now.

I had to use the vaseline treatments like that when we lived in the Phoenix area...dry skin all the time.

Also Sally Beauty Supply has a peppermint sloughing lotion for feet. It takes a lot of the dried skin away. Messy process but works.

01-24-2007, 02:23 AM
Start taking vitamin E(gosh i hope thats the right letter) pills and also, break open the pill and put some in between your toes. I heard this really works.

01-24-2007, 06:55 AM
Be careful with those cheaper nail places. Sometimes, you get what you pay for. I've walked by the nail place at Wal Mart, and those tubs are filthy. I'd never wash my shoes in one of them let alone stick my foot in one.
You can catch some nasty infections if you aren't careful, and that would make cracked skin look like a dream.

01-24-2007, 07:03 AM
Neutrogena is really great stuff. My husband and I both use it..

01-24-2007, 10:58 AM
I had to use the vaseline treatments like that when we lived in the Phoenix area...dry skin all the time.

Also Sally Beauty Supply has a peppermint sloughing lotion for feet. It takes a lot of the dried skin away. Messy process but works.

I got some of that for Xmas and love it!

01-25-2007, 01:51 PM
My feet get so dry and cracked they bleed. I used to use kerasal everynight but now during the day 3-4 times a day I use Carmex lip balm, and then more at night. Its working great I got it off a home remedy site. Its WAY cheaper than Kerasal too. I just soak my feet in Epsom salt water to soften them, scrape off the dead skin (yuck) and then grease em up with the Carmex, put on my socks and go to bed. Ive been doing this for about 2 weeks and man the difference is unbelievable!!!!!

Thank you for the advice. Walgreens has it one sale and I got three containers yesterday to give it a try. Did it last night and I can already tell a difference. Thanks again.:)

01-25-2007, 04:01 PM
Those pedicures CAN be dangerous. They need to be rinsed out with Clorox or another bleach after each client. I have heard and saw on TV where some have caught a nasty infection from it and it spreads up the leg with huge open sores. Don't get a pedicure if you have open sores, you will get an infection.

01-25-2007, 09:02 PM
Don't get a pedicure if you have open sores, you will get an infection.
Just an FYI for everyone on pedicures. I am a licensed nail tech, and I can tell you that first of all, if your feet have open sores, a decent tech would not touch you. Besides the risk of irritating the sores with the products, it is illegal! I know rules change from state to state, but I am pretty sure this one would go across the board.
Also, foot baths should not be cleaned with bleach - they are required to be cleaned with a hospital grade disinfectant, which is more effective than bleach.
If you want to get a pedicure, check out the salon - ask the techs about their disinfection procedures - someone who knows what they are doing will easily be able to tell you thier procedures, and will be happy to do it (as long as they aren't really busy at the moment :p ) because those dirty places give us all a bad name.
And one more thing, portable foot baths are generally safer than pedicure chairs with built in tubs, due to the difficulty involved in cleaning the built in ones.