View Full Version : Another bomb threat at Toledo Express Airport

01-16-2007, 01:55 PM
Last Friday there was a bomb threat at Toledo Express Airport that ended up being a hoax. Last night there was another threat. I'm guessing it was a hoax as well since I haven't heard anything else big about it. When they were reporting on the second one last night on the news, they were talking about the first one. They said that it was called into 911 from a cell phone that someone reported stolen 6 MONTHS AGO!! Why was the phone and account still activated? Is there any way that the person who called this in can be caught?

01-16-2007, 03:10 PM
You can usually dial 911 from a cell phone even if it isn't active. They give old ones out to women at some of the domestic violence centers here, so they can call for help if they need it.