View Full Version : Top Chef 10/24 11:00 3700+ pts.

10-25-2006, 01:42 AM

What reason did Sujai give for being nervous during the Quickfire Challenge?
*Had not learned a technique in culinary school

What did Marcel say he wanted to do in the Elimination Challenge before the other contestants tested his dish?
*Focus on simple flavors

What did Padma Lakshmi ask the contestants to do before splitting them into two groups for the Elimination Challenge?
*Choose a knife from the block

What did Betty say she did before she learned how to cook and owned an award-winning restaurant?
*Worked as waitress while trying to be actress

What did Padma Lakshmi do as scenes from the upcoming season were shown, before she described the format of the contest and named the prizes at stake?
*Introduced the members of the judges' table

What did Tom Colicchio do before the chefs began their Quickfire Challenge?
*Told them he would not be their mentor

What did Otto do after he found out Ilan had won the Elimination Challenge?
*Gave him a celebratory hug

What did Marcel do that caused Ilan to become annoyed as they were unpacking their belongings?
*Showed off his knife collection

What did Josie warn the other contestants against in a scene from an upcoming episode?
*Throwing each other "off the bus"

What did Elia do that gave her trouble during the Quickfire Challenge?
*Attempted to use red wine for her dish

What did Marisa do that cost her time during the Elimination Challenge?
*Sliced her finger with sharp knife

What was the consensus among some of the contestants that Marcel did to detract from his dish in the Elimination Competition?
*Added too much garlic

What did Marcel say that Otto was doing during the Elimination Challenge that made him look like a "train wreck"?
*Running back and forth without thinking

What did Michael do as he opened his suitcase, before he met with the other contestants at the kitchen table?
*Noticed his wife had packed him her underwear

What did Michael say he did that may have made his competitors think he was "a little crazy" the morning of the Elimination Challenge?
*Partied too much the night before

What did Mia do while the judges were congratulating her on her success in the Elimination Challenge?
*Invited them over for dinner

What reason did Sujai give for being nervous during the Quickfire Challenge?
*Had not learned a technique in culinary school
*MGM Grand

What did Padma Lakshmi ask the contestants to do before splitting them into two groups for the Elimination Challenge?
*Choose a knife from the block
*Kenmore Pro

What did Padma Lakshmi do as scenes from the upcoming season were shown, before she described the format of the contest and named the prizes at stake?
*Introduced the members of the judges' table

What did Betty say she did before she learned how to cook and owned an award-winning restaurant?
*Worked as waitress while trying to be actress
*Toyota RAV4/Adidas

What did Tom Colicchio do before the chefs began their Quickfire Challenge?
*Told them he would not be their mentor

What did Padma Lakshmi ask the contestants to do before splitting them into two groups for the Elimination Challenge?
*Choose a knife from the block
*"Food & Wine"

What did Elia do that gave her trouble during the Quickfire Challenge?
*Attempted to use red wine for her dish

What did Marcel say he wanted to do in the Elimination Challenge before the other contestants tested his dish?
*Focus on simple flavors

What did Michael say he did that may have made his competitors think he was "a little crazy" the morning of the Elimination Challenge?
*Partied too much the night before

What did Michael say he did that may have made his competitors think he was "a little crazy" the morning of the Elimination Challenge?
*Partied too much the night before

What did Marcel do that caused Ilan to become annoyed as they were unpacking their belongings?
*Showed off his knife collection
*Mandalay Bay

What did Padma Lakshmi do as scenes from the upcoming season were shown, before she described the format of the contest and named the prizes at stake?
*Introduced the members of the judges' table

In a sponsored segment during this show what happened in a kitchen as an announcer discussed "spicing up the competition" as silver appliances with "true professional performance and design" appeared up close and a Web site was shown?
*Chefs wearing white prepared food, including slicing meat and sautéing