View Full Version : Jury convicts man of murder in DWI case

Jolie Rouge
10-17-2006, 09:30 PM
Jury convicts man of murder in DWI case
By FRANK ELTMAN, Associated Press Writer
Tue Oct 17, 8:37 PM ET

MINEOLA, N.Y. - A jury convicted a man on Tuesday of murder for driving drunk the wrong way on a highway, slamming head-on into a wedding limousine and killing the chauffeur and a 7-year-old flower girl.

Prosecutors said Martin Heidgen, 25, drove his pickup truck more than 2 miles on the Long Island highway before ramming head-on into the limousine in July 2005. They contended Heidgen never tried to stop and turned slightly toward the limousine in the seconds before the crash.

Heidgen, of Valley Stream, had at least 14 drinks before getting behind the wheel; his blood-alcohol level, 0.28, was more than three times the 0.08 legal limit in New York state, prosecutors said.

Kate Flynn and limousine driver Stanley Rabinowitz, 59, were killed. Five other members of the Flynn family were injured.

A scream echoed through the courtroom as the murder conviction was read, with several of the jurors in tears as the slain girl's mother collapsed sobbing into her weeping husband's arms. The verdict followed a gut-wrenching, five-week trial that was filled with gruesome images and testimony.

Jennifer Flynn, who testified about holding her daughter's decapitated head immediately after the wreck, praised the jury for its decision. "It was the right verdict," she said. "I'm happy for that."

Jurors, who deliberated for five days, saw a horrifying video from the limousine's surveillance camera that showed Heidgen's pickup truck barreling toward the car moments before the crash. It ended with the metal-on-metal crunch of the two vehicles colliding.

In closing arguments, Heidgen's defense attorney called the murder charge "extreme" and suggested jurors return a guilty verdict on a lesser count of criminally negligent homicide, which carries a four-year prison term.

Defense attorney Stephen LaMagna complained that prosecutors held Heidgen to the "same standard as a cold-blooded murderer" but insisted, "this is a kid who drank too much and got lost on the way home."

Heidgen faces 25 years to life in prison. The jury, which was sequestered on the fourth day of deliberations, had a choice of convicting him on the lesser charge of second-degree manslaughter, which carries up to 15 years in prison.

"Thank God," said Keith Rabinowitz, son of the dead limo driver. "It's about time. I'm glad that he was prosecuted and the truth came out."

Heidgen also was convicted of assault and driving while intoxicated.

LaMagna said he intended to appeal and was confident the murder conviction would be overturned.

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061018/ap_on_re_us/wedding_crash;_ylt=Ar5dpsYNX46D_TlBb9d.U7xH2ocA;_y lu=X3oDMTA4dW1uZXIwBHNlYwMyNzQ3

Background : http://www.newsday.com/news/local/longisland/ny-licrash-sg,0,390101.storygallery?coll=ny-main-tabheads1

Defense attorney Stephen LaMagna complained that prosecutors held Heidgen to the "same standard as a cold-blooded murderer" but insisted, "this is a kid who drank too much and got lost on the way home."

The man is 25 - not exactly a kid - and it is time to crack down on DWI's. HE made a choice to drink and drive - and people DIED.

10-18-2006, 02:14 AM
Jennifer Flynn, who testified about holding her daughter's decapitated head immediately after the wreck, praised the jury for its decision. "It was the right verdict," she said. "I'm happy for that."

This is sooooo sad. I couldn't imagine ever having to go through something like this. :( :( :(

10-18-2006, 05:37 AM
A law is a law--what the heck do people think they should have another chance all the time. Get rid of these lame lawyers who make excuses for these pathetic people. Crying out loud he killed 2 people and ruined a wedding day, that will never be a joyous day each year. Fry the creep I dont care if he is 25 !!!! I am very against drunk driving. When I drink I choose not to drive he had that choice.

10-18-2006, 06:03 AM
I sure hope this conviction does not get overturned. So many drunk drivers that kill people. Always seem to get a leser charge or conviction. What does it take for the defence lawyers get it through there thick heads. That they choose to drink and cause and accident or death. The deserve to get the maixium pently. Becuase their actions could of been prevented. Its like they planed to kill these people. This is so sad. I hate hearing about stuff like this. It just breaks my heart for the familys involved. :(

10-18-2006, 07:59 PM
When you drink and drive and kill someone it's the same as being drunk and putting a gun to someone's head and pulling the trigger. I'm glad they found him guilty of murder. Everyone should be-enough of this vehicular manslaughter crap.

Jennifer Flynn, who testified about holding her daughter's decapitated head immediately after the wreck, praised the jury for its decision. "It was the right verdict," she said. "I'm happy for that."

I cannot imagine the hell that poor mom has to go through every day seeing that all the time in her mind. :(

10-19-2006, 11:06 AM
Boo-hoo, the poor ******* got convicted of murder. Cry me a river. He got exactly what he deserved and I'm thankful he's in jail where he can't hurt or kill anyone else.

10-19-2006, 11:16 AM
A law is a law--what the heck do people think they should have another chance all the time. Get rid of these lame lawyers who make excuses for these pathetic people. Crying out loud he killed 2 people and ruined a wedding day, that will never be a joyous day each year. Fry the creep I dont care if he is 25 !!!! I am very against drunk driving. When I drink I choose not to drive he had that choice.

I agree!! I also think he should be forced to watch the video each year on the anniversary of their deaths as a reminder of what he did.

10-20-2006, 03:52 AM
it was also said he was party hopping and had snuck out of a party earlier because he didn't want his keys taken. He willfully got plastered and drove.... the guy deserves what he gets.

Jolie Rouge
07-26-2007, 09:40 PM
NY DWI murder convict faces new charges
By FRANK ELTMAN, Associated Press Writer
1 hour, 4 minutes ago

MINEOLA, N.Y. - A man convicted of murder in a drunken driving crash that killed a wedding limousine driver and a 7-year-old flower girl was indicted Thursday on charges alleging he tried to corrupt a DNA test taken during the trial.

Martin Heidgen, 26, was indicted on one count of tampering with evidence after prosecutors said a DNA sample ordered during the trial revealed the presence of not only Heidgen's genetic profile, but that of another inmate incarcerated with him.

If convicted, the Long Island man could see four years added to the 18-year sentence he is already serving on last year's convictions. "We believe this defendant did everything he could to thwart justice," District Attorney Kathleen Rice said. "His actions and his utter disregard for the court and for justice are deplorable."

Defense attorney Stephen LaMagna did not return a telephone call seeking comment. Heidgen was to be arraigned Friday.

Heidgen was convicted in November of murder, DWI and other charges after he drove the wrong way down a highway following a night of heavy drinking, slamming his pickup truck head-on into a limousine.

He was charged with murder — a rarity in driving-while-intoxicated fatal crashes — after prosecutors said he showed a "depraved indifference to human life" by ignoring drivers who flashed their headlights and honked their horns as he drove the wrong way into traffic on the Meadowbrook Parkway in July 2005.

Heidgen's attorney is appealing the conviction.

The trial was thrown into an uproar after a DNA sample ordered during the trial revealed the presence of two male genetic profiles. The judge ordered the test to confirm that disputed blood samples taken from Heidgen after the crash were his.

Prosecutors believe saliva from another inmate was inside Heidgen's mouth when the DNA swab of his inner cheek was taken.

After the suspect DNA test was revealed, the judge ordered a second DNA test, which confirmed that the blood taken after the crash was actually Heidgen's. The blood test revealed that Heidgen had a 0.28 blood-alcohol reading; the legal limit in New York is 0.08.

The crash, which killed flower girl Katie Flynn and limousine driver Stanley Rabinowitz, attracted national attention because of the murder conviction in a DWI crash.

Five of the little girl's relatives, traveling home from a family wedding, were injured in the crash.

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070727/ap_on_re_us/wedding_crash_dna;_ylt=Al3oUdMPdFjnEOFitOgh6lGs0NU E

07-27-2007, 02:01 AM
Prosecutors believe saliva from another inmate was inside Heidgen's mouth when the DNA swab of his inner cheek was taken.

ok... EWWW! It's disgusting to see lawyers stick up for these low lifes. He chose to drink and then drive, therefor he chose the consequences. I cannot believe what the mother has to go through for the rest of her life, not only did she lose her daughter, but quite tragically at that. :sob This is so sad.