View Full Version : While You Were Out 8/3 6:00 4900+ pts.

08-04-2006, 05:34 AM
What did Mark do for Laurel when she lost the first quiz?
*Gave her hug

What did Andrew do when he was unloading his gear?
*Fell on ground

What did Leslie say about the trailer when she saw it for the first time?
*Thought it looked "really cute"

What was Laurel's first impression of Evan?
*Was "kinda freaky"

What did Laurel and Evan do in the trailer when they were joking around?
*Posed with staple gun

What did Laurel do to Mark when they were gutting the trailer?
*Felt his bicep muscle

What did William say after being blindfolded in the car?
*Was very weird

What did Laurel say she was going to do before she brought William to see the new trailer?
*Pick him up at airport

What did Evan announce to the team as they worked in the trailer after Laurel left to pick up William?
*Had only half hour to finish

What did Andrew say about skydiving?
*Made one fearless

How did Laurel help Andrew work on the wall template?
*Cut it with electric jigsaw

What did Laurel say about her wedding to William?
*Got married on beach

What did Andrew do in the trailer that grabbed everyone's attention?
*Found dead rodent

What did Laurel tell Andrew she did to develop her biceps?
*Ate cookie dough

What did Mark do when Laurel admitted she didn't like carpet?
*Pretended to cry

What upset Andrew about his wall template?
*Needed to cut it shorter

What did William want to do with the end tables he and Laurel built?
*Put toy airplanes inside

What did Andrew tell Mark he would have to do or leave the table?
*Be "part of the solution"

What was William shown doing while he was away?
*Going through wind tunnel

What did Mark do for Laurel when she lost the first quiz?
*Gave her hug

What did Leslie say about the trailer when she saw it for the first time?
*Thought it looked "really cute"

What did Evan announce to the team as they worked in the trailer after Laurel left to pick up William?
*Had only half hour to finish

What did William want to do with the end tables he and Laurel built?
*Put toy airplanes inside
*Home Depot

What did Laurel tell Andrew she did to develop her biceps?
*Ate cookie dough

What did Andrew tell Mark he would have to do or leave the table?
*Be "part of the solution"

What was William shown doing while he was away?
*Going through wind tunnel

08-04-2006, 05:35 AM

In a commercial during this show, what happened as a chef prepared a burger inside the kitchen of a restaurant before saying it "eats like steak and cuts like butter"?
*Both cooked and uncooked beef patties were shown in close-up with white text over them
*Ruby Tuesday
*Triple Prime Burger

In a commercial during this show, what did a woman who was wearing shorts and boots do before opening the refrigerator in her kitchen to get food from it?
*Put on gardening gloves and hat and picked up basket for vegetables
*GE Profile Refrigerator
*Offers climate control to keep food fresher

In a commercial during this show, what happened after a woman returned home dragging luggage and carrying an armful of newspapers, before she opened her refrigerator and took out vegetables?
*Answering machine alerted her to large number of messages
*GE Profile Refrigerator with Climate Keeper 2
*Keeps food fresh longer

In a commercial during this show, what did a man do in the morning that caused a mess before a product was shown against a white background?
*Forgot to put lid on blender before making smoothie because baby was playing with it
*Clorox Clean-Up
*Works effectively on all kinds of messes

In a commercial during this show, what did a small cartoon man do after documentary filmmaker named Gavin Stonehouse asked him about how he made a cookie "just right"?
*Pointed to scale adorned with light bulbs that had only one setting
*Keebler Sandies Fudge Drops
*Special preparation process makes them delicious

In a commercial during this show, who demonstrated the symptoms that a particular medication could relieve as a song about these particular symptoms played?
*Break dancers wearing outdated outfits performing moves
*Treats several problems

08-04-2006, 04:38 PM
Thanks !!

In a commercial during this show, what happened in a montage of black-and-white scenes as people, including a man who kicked up his heels, danced, before a message appeared about an "official tire"?
Cars drove at high speeds around track and on roads as hard-rock music played
Are great for any driver who likes to go fast

In a movie commercial during this show, what was unusual about a group of kids that were training together?
Had extraordinary superpowers that they practiced

In a commercial during this show, how did a mother and her daughter who cared for the daughter's skin ailment appear, before the young girl explained she was a "happy kid"?
Framed inside a number one against a white background
Compound W Freeze Off
Offers medical technology in easy to use treatment

08-04-2006, 05:08 PM
In a commercial during this show, what was a woman doing at home when her husband agreed with her repeatedly and then suddenly asked, "Oh, you're serious?", before they were seen shopping at a store?
Pointing out cluttered spaces, such as play room and garage, that they were going to organize
Home Depot
Carries wide variety of simple and innovative storage solutions

In a commercial during this show, what happened after a block of cheese shook off pieces, white words appeared, and a rock song featuring lyrics about a taste that "blows you away" played?
Families and other people enjoyed salads and meals together
Kraft Crumbles
NOT-Provide healthy snack for any time of day

08-04-2006, 08:20 PM
In a commercial during this show, what happened after a block of cheese exploded and shook off pieces as white words appeared and a rock song played?
Families and other people enjoyed salads and meals together
Kraft Crumbles
Easy way to use cheese in your recipes/NOT Have low fat and sodium contents