View Full Version : While You Were Out 7/31 6:00 4400+ pts.

08-01-2006, 04:42 AM

What were Evan and Elva doing to a closet door during Day Two?
*Coating it with purple paint

What did Elva end up helping Andrew to do during Day Two?
*Shoot nails into a plank

What did John do to comfort Leslie when she said she was freaking out about the project she was working on?
*Patted her shoulder with a mannequin's hand

What did Elva tell John and Evan about what her fiancé Iko did for a living?
*Worked as a salsa tap dancer

What was Andrew shown doing just after Leslie was shown sewing a project together?
*Standing on dock and admiring ocean view

What did Elva tell Evan about how she and Iko first met?
*Ran into each other at a dance club

What was Renee doing when John and Elva approached her for a special project?
*Tap dancing on hardwood floor

What was Evan shown doing after Andrew commented on seeing a dolphin on Day Two?
*Welding steel rod to a fake hand to make hat rack

What did Andrew do just before Evan warned him that they only had two hours left until Iko returned?
*Dropped a wooden plank on his foot

What did John do that Elva said was "crazy" while the design crew cleared everything out of Iko's room?
*Made funny faces in a gigantic magnifying glass

What was Leslie doing when Evan called her to tell her she only had forty minutes before Iko arrived?
*Cutting excess fabric from a comforter

What was Elva doing outside as she complained about being nervous and tired?
*Painting a mantelpiece pink

What did Andrew say to Evan about working alone outside on the end table?
*Felt very zen-like in his tranquil surroundings

What was the crew shown doing at the beginning of Day Two?
*Relaxing in the water

What did Elva tell John and Evan about what her fiancé Iko did for a living?
*Worked as a salsa tap dancer

What did Elva tell Evan about how she and Iko first met?
*Ran into each other at a dance club

What did Andrew do just before Evan warned him that they only had two hours left until Iko returned?
*Dropped a wooden plank on his foot

What did John do that Elva said was "crazy" while the design crew cleared everything out of Iko's room?
*Made funny faces in a gigantic magnifying glass
*Lysol Disinfectant Spray

What was Leslie doing when Evan called her to tell her she only had forty minutes before Iko arrived?
*Cutting excess fabric from a comforter
*Home Depot

What did John do to comfort Leslie when she said she was freaking out about the project she was working on?
*Patted her shoulder with a mannequin's hand

What was Evan shown doing after Andrew commented on seeing a dolphin on Day Two?
*Welding steel rod to a fake hand to make hat rack

What did Elva end up helping Andrew to do during Day Two?
*Shoot nails into a plank
*Home Depot

08-01-2006, 04:43 AM

In a commercial during this show, who was seen as an announcer discussed a group of people who "need a different kind of energy," before a bubbly beverage appeared on screen?
*Outrageous women who wore high heels and low-cut dresses, and who grabbed men
*Tab Energy
*Low-calorie drink made especially for women