View Full Version : Law & Order 7/28 10:00 4400+ pts.

07-29-2006, 02:38 AM
What did Blanca Alverez tell the 911 operator she saw someone do?
*Put a gun in the drain

What did Nathaniel Prentiss say happened while he was in Long Island?
*Rental car was sideswiped

What did the cleaning crew do when they heard shots fired in the area?
*Fled around the corner

What did Nathaniel Prentiss's wife say was the reason for him joining "The Countrymen"?
*Needed to get over recent divorce

What did Borgia do after visiting Terry Dorn at the pluming store?
*Took his soda can out of trash

What did Blanca Alverez say she had done two weeks prior during her testimony?
*Filed for her citizenship

What was Blanca Alverez reluctant to do after viewing the police lineup?
*Sign a witness statement

What did Borgia ask Branch to do while he was eating lunch?
*Help influence witness's deportation

What did Stack's former employee tell Green and Fontana to do at the pier?
*Check out the fenced in area

What did Green discover that Stacks did on his long hauls?
*Drove an empty truck

What was discovered about the lawsuit against Terrry Dorn's hunting camp at the trial?
*Funded by the defendant

What did Borgia tell McCoy outside the courthouse after the hearing?
*Thumbprint had been lifted off the gun

What did Stack's former employee tell Green and Fontana to do at the pier?
*Check out the fenced in area
*Dodge/Ford Mustang