View Full Version : While You Were Out 7/28 6:00 4800+ pts.

07-29-2006, 01:51 AM

What did Ali jokingly say about Chayse after they had an argument?
*Was a "mathematical wizard"

What did Evan say about Ali and Jason after they had a disagreement?
*Fought like a married couple

What did Evan say about the completed room?
*Looked like a "Colombian sunset"

What did Evan, Chayse, and Nicole do after they created the wall mural?
*Washed paint off feet

What did Evan do to Chayse before they knocked on Carmen's door?
*Gave her a jacket

What did Evan say Chayse did when she was nervous?
*Ate lots of food

What did Chayse tell Jason she would be responsible for?
*Constructing room's bar

What criticism did Ali have of the door framing project?
*Required too much time to finish

What did Ali complain she was sick of doing?
*Working in the cold

What criticism did Chayse have of a wall mural she made?
*Looked like murder scene

What compliment did Chayse have for Nicole?
*Looked like her mother

What did Julien do while away on his trip?
*Learned to build cars

What did Carmen do to the antique shutters to help Chayse?
*Cleaned them

What did Chayse do with Carmen and Evan as they sat in the room to be renovated?
*Came up with theme

What did Evan do with Carmen as they inspected the new rug?
*Ran hands through it

What did Chayse do to coax Jason into building her ceiling design?
*Complimented his attire

What did Carmen do to convince Julian to leave for the weekend?
*Told him he was on reality show
*Home Depot

How did Nicole help Carmen with her work on the room on the first day?
*Painted the walls

What did Julian do when he saw his newly renovated room for the first time?
*Said he was about to faint

07-29-2006, 06:48 PM
In a commercial during this show, what did a young woman do with her friends in a yard, after climbing out her window at night to meet a man in a red shirt, as an announcer discussed a sale?
Watched movies projected on the door of a garage
NOT Wal-Mart
NOT JCPenney

07-30-2006, 12:47 AM
In a commercial during this show, what did a young woman do with her friends in a yard, after climbing out her window at night to meet a man in a red shirt, as an announcer discussed a sale?
Watched movies projected on the door of a garage
NOT Wal-Mart
NOT JCPenney
*Payless ShoeSource
*Select styles start at low price of $9.99