View Full Version : Treasure Hunters 7/24 9:00 5400-6000+ pts.

07-25-2006, 05:19 AM
What did Matthew of Team Southie Boys say the other teams did that would work to his advantage?
*Assumed that they were stupid

What did Matthew of Team Southie Boys say during the trip to the statue that he was sometimes afraid to do?
*Speak up when he gets an idea

What did Kristen of Team Miss USA say Todd of Team Ex-CIA did while in the church looking for a clue?
*Got the idea to burn the paper

What was Team Air Force shown doing during a review of previous events to find the artifact?
*Digging a hole in a wooded area

What did Laird Macintosh tell teams they had to do in order to get the clue hidden in Paris's catacombs?
*Find tomb with a certain date

What did Team Geniuses do at the castle in Dover to discover the location of the next clue?
*Looked at a large map of the area

What did Team Fogal Family and Team Miss USA do after they found out they needed to go to Paris in order to get the next clue?
*Booked their tickets in advance

What did Laird Macintosh say that Team Air Force would have to do upon leaving the Dover Castle after finding the clue there?
*Decode message from America's first spy

What did Brooke of Team Air Force say that Team Fogal Family had done that made her wary about trusting them?
*Tended to look out only for themselves

What did Brooke of Team Air Force say they did wrong after finding their clue in the catacombs?
*Hurried out before knowing where to go

What did Teams Ex-CIA, Southie Boys and Miss USA do that made them nervous about their chances of finding the clue in Paris first?
*Stayed on their train for extra stops

What did Margie of Team Fogal Family say was fitting about being eliminated in a church?
*Felt like it was a kind of home to her

What did the Teams Southie Boys, Ex-CIA and Miss USA fear they would do when they could not find a clue at the church?
*Lose their lead on other teams

What did Kristen of Team Miss USA say she did when her team obtained the map of the church?
*Went to areas in the building specially marked on it

What did Kristen of Team Miss USA say Todd of Team Ex-CIA did while in the church looking for a clue?
*Got the idea to burn the paper
*Genworth Financial

What did Team Fogal Family and Team Miss USA do after they found out they needed to go to Paris in order to get the next clue?
*Booked their tickets in advance

In a sponsored segment during this program, what did an announcer do before telling viewers to "stay tuned"?
*Gave answer as to the winning treasure chest
*Genworth Financial

What did Brooke of Team Air Force say they did wrong after finding their clue in the catacombs?
*Hurried out before knowing where to go

What did Matthew of Team Southie Boys say the other teams did that would work to his advantage?
*Assumed that they were stupid

In a sponsored segment during this program, what did an announcer tell viewers they would have a chance to do?
*Appear in live finale of show
*Genworth Financial

In a sponsored segment during this program, what were viewers asked to do for a chance to win $10,000?
*Name state formerly known as state of Franklin
*Genworth Financial

What did Teams Ex-CIA, Southie Boys and Miss USA do that made them nervous about their chances of finding the clue in Paris first?
*Stayed on their train for extra stops

07-25-2006, 05:19 AM

In a commercial during this show, what did a father do in a stage play introduced by a man in a smoking jacket who said that he could not "wait for the musical"?
*Opened kitchen cabinets as shelves collapsed and food spilled onto the floor
*Bourbon Chicken

In a commercial during this show, what did a rapidly increasing interest rate percentage do against a red background before an announcer encouraged homeowners to refinance now?
*Screamed while climbing to the top of a roller coaster
*Save up to $3,000 per year

07-25-2006, 01:08 PM
What did members of Team Miss USA do when they couldn't find a clue at the church?
Commented that it was the hardest task so far

What did the members of Team Miss USA do while on their way to the airport before heading to Paris?
Discussed wine intake of city's residents

In a movie commercial during this show, what were Colin Farrell and Jamie Foxx?
Smooth undercover cops in a city with a glamorous nightlife and lots of violence
"Miami Vice"

In a promotional advertisement during this program, for a show called "Heroes", what happened?
Man wearing trench coat jumped off building and discovered he could fly
Mondays this fall

In a promotional advertisement during this program, for a show called "Heroes", what happened?
Man in office cubicle discovered that he could stop ticking clock by staring at it
Mondays this fall

In a commercial during this show, what were small workers doing when their boss yelled at them to "get this out of here" before making inappropriate comments to a giant woman who flicked him with her finger?
Assembling tall sandwiches on counter using forklifts and other equipment while wearing hard hats
Burger King
BK Stacker

In a commercial during this show, what did men and women do while an announcer discussed a prescription medication before they were seen smiling in a room together and a blonde woman said she talked to her doctor?
Pulled up shirts to reveal phrases written on their abdomens
Helps coordinate movement in GI tract

In a movie commercial during this show, what happened when a cartoon farm was left unattended?
Animals made mischief

In a black-and-white commercial during this show, who explained that he was 100-years-old as an announcer discussed the various historical events he had seen in his life time?
Talented trumpet player who still performed at different venues
Genworth Financial
NOT-Assists you in planning the future well in advance

In a commercial during this show, who said, "Aging doesn't happen one problem at a time," as she discussed a medication she was taking that could have interacted with her prescriptions?
Teacher sitting in empty classroom, before she was shown interacting with students
Tylenol Arthritis Pain
Works well with few risks