View Full Version : While You Were Out 7/14 6:00 4900+ pts.

07-15-2006, 03:28 AM
What did Evan notice about the bull's skull at the end of the first day?
*Was broken

What did Dave say he and Becky enjoyed doing together?
*Going gambling

What did Mark make Evan and Becky do before he explained his design?
*Get down onto floor

What did Becky reveal to Evan about her and her husband Dave's romantic history?
*Had eloped together

What did Andrew say was the reason he had to work outside?
*Was not house trained

What did Evan say about Day Two?
*Came in "like a lamb"

What did Dave say he did to the cameraman who was on the trip with him?
*Yelled at him

What did Ali say made her nervous to watch a designer do?
*Promise staff project was easy

What did Evan do while Mark was inside with Ali?
*Played with lasso

What did Andrew do that frustrated Evan when they were moving the couch downstairs?
*Paused to comment on murals

What did Dave say about Becky while he was on a boating trip?
*Was better fisher than him

What did "Brian, the sound guy" do to "save the day" according to Evan?
*Captured spider

What did Evan say he could tell about Becky based on her home?
*Had good eye for design

What did Dave do that Becky said made her want to give him a special room in the house?
*Started working at home to be with kids

What did Mark emphasize about the two ladders when talking to Andrew?
*Were "crucial" to room

Why did Evan tell Mark that he felt good as they walked up to Becky and Dave's house?
*Front door was open

What did Becky say was the only thing her family did in the basement?
*Washed laundry

What did Ali do to Mark when he asked what they thought of the completed room?
*Said he was annoying

What did Ali and Andrew do when they arrived at the house?
*Made weather predictions

What did Becky do to her lamp shades?
*Covered them with feathers

What did Mark do to the bull's skull?
*Painted shapes on it

What did Evan do in a neighbor's backyard?
*Stole pieces of wood

What did Andrew say was the reason he had to work outside?
*Was not house trained
*Home Depot

What did Evan say about Day Two?
*Came in "like a lamb"

What did Dave say he and Becky enjoyed doing together?
*Going gambling
*Whirlpool Duet

Why did Evan tell Mark that he felt good as they walked up to Becky and Dave's house?
*Front door was open

What did Becky say was the only thing her family did in the basement?
*Washed laundry

What did Ali do to Mark when he asked what they thought of the completed room?
*Said he was annoying

What did Ali and Andrew do when they arrived at the house?
*Made weather predictions
*Home Depot

What did Becky do to her lamp shades?
*Covered them with feathers
*Home Depot

What did Mark do to the bull's skull?
*Painted shapes on it

What did Evan do in a neighbor's backyard?
*Stole pieces of wood

07-15-2006, 03:28 AM

In a commercial during this show, who was seen as an announcer discussed a group of people who "need a different kind of energy," before a bubbly beverage appeared on screen?
*Outrageous women who wore high heels and low-cut dresses, and who grabbed men
*Tab Energy
*Low-calorie drink made especially for women

In a commercial during this show, what did a woman named Julia say happened that got her to try a cleaning product her mother had recommended before and after a bearded man endorsed the product?
*Son and his friend ran through house and jumped on bed while covered with mud
*Removes stains from almost anything

07-15-2006, 04:50 PM
What did Mark do to Andrew when he accused him of lying?
Showed him bull's skull
Home Depot

In a commercial during this show, what did various people, including businessmen and several families and couples, do while an announcer talked about a hotel that "you don't just stay" at while a song containing the lyrics "we belong" played in the background?
Greeted one another at places such as a wedding, an airport, and at the front door
Feels as comfortable as home

In a commercial during this show, what was unusual about footage of a family going about its days in the kitchen as an announcer discussed water filtration?
Activity was shown in regular and sped-up motion
Three Stage Filtration now available

In a commercial during this show, what happened as different men and women stood against a white background as a white-haired man discussed the reason a dating service was so successful?
Couples discussed finding their perfect mate on deepest levels
Sign up to try it risk-free for seven days

In a commercial during this show, what did a ditzy blonde angel do as a brunette angel greeted her and before a message appeared against a background full of puffy clouds?
Dropped breakfast off of her plate and onto her friend's
Philadelphia Cream Cheese Jammin' Swirls
Combines two great tastes in one

In a commercial during this show, what did a computer-generated creature, who spoke with an accent, do as he explained his purpose had to do with entertainment?
Sat on a patterned chair in front of an unseen talk show audience and host
Save 15% or more on car insurance in fifteen minutes

In a commercial during this show, what did Greg Fleishman, a food developer do while discussing what he values in healthy food, great taste and good health?
Traveled to markets of the world and discovered different foods
NOT-United Natural Foods
NOT-Life Choice Meals
NOT-Near East Natural Foods