View Full Version : Adobe Reader Question

07-05-2006, 04:15 PM
My mom sent me an attachment, and its using Adobe Reader. What it is, is a worksheet, that she needs to list everything that was burned up in her garage fire. Instead of printing it out and writing everything down on them. Which everything is already written down, she just wants to type them out onto those forms and email them. Is there a way to type on those forms? If so how in the world do I do it? ( Im so computer illiterate its pathetic). I know that we could print the sheets and write them all back down and scan them in. I know how to do that, but it would be easier to type them in the forms the insurance sent her.

Make any sense? lol HELP!! :confused: TIA

07-05-2006, 05:17 PM
you would need a pdf writer -- adode's format is pdf

I only know this cause I use it at work to type over those type of forms :)