View Full Version : What Type of Mom Are You?

Jolie Rouge
06-05-2006, 09:40 PM
What Type of Mom Are You?

15 fun questions that will show what parenting style fits you.


1) This quiz is for moms, and moms are traditionally female, but just to be sure, what's your gender?

2) How many children are you lucky enough to have?
Four or more

3) What are the little cherubs' ages? (Check all that apply)
Baby on the way

4) What kind of lunch do your kids have on a typical day?
An organic, nutritious meal usually involving the four food groups
The yummy fish sticks and fruit cup they serve in the school cafeteria
Whatever's in the fridge…I am a genius at making a great meal for my kids with what I have on hand
Whatever I can creatively construct at the convenience store on the way to my kid's school

5) Moms definitely come in all ages…what's yours?
Under 18

6) How much schooling do you have to go along with your "mom smarts?"
No degree, but I'm plenty smart
High school diploma/GED...I was ready to get on with my fabulous life
Some College, but got busy doing other things, like being a mom!
Associate's Degree, and then ready to move on
Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degree
Ph.D. I don't stop until I reach the top

7) What was the last TV show you watched from beginning to end?
Oprah Winfrey Show
Sex in the City rerun
NewsHour with Jim Lehrer on PBS
Beginning to end? You must be joking. Did see five minutes of Blues Clues recently. Does that count?

8) What's your other job besides being a mom?
I put my professional skills to good use
I work with my hands
I run my own business
I help the office run smoothly
I supervise staff and day-to-day operations
I attend classes, read, and study
I spend my time in other unpaid pursuits

9) What's your favorite way to de-stress? (Check all that apply)
Stress eating/chocolate therapy
Power shopping/retail therapy
A trip to the gym, perhaps a yoga class
Girl's night out…I like to let my hair down
Immersing myself in a great book, I'm always learning
Cooking a great meal
Fine wine and food

10) Being a mom is an important occupation… but often not your only one. Do you have any others?
Full Time…Full time mom, full time job
Part time…Full time mom, part time job
Full time mom…and that's the only job I need right now!

11) How would you describe your debt level?
Debt free and serene
Some debt, but no problem...sometimes you've got to spend a little to get a lot
My debt makes me nervous...where does all that money go?
My debt is out of control...I could use some help

12) Do you own your home?

13) Besides your little angels, are there any other creatures in your home that require your care?
Dog and Cat
Other…whatever the kids bring home or what shows up on the doorstep

14) Moms do so much these days, no matter what their marital status. What's yours?
Single and making my way in the world
Significant other and happy
Married and enjoying life
Divorced and doing fine
Separated and taking care of my kids

15) What are your family activities? (Check all that apply)
Watching movies