View Full Version : Cat question? HELP!

04-04-2006, 05:16 AM
Ok, my cat threw up roundworms....what is the best medication you can recommend. Our normal vet is on vacation until Friday!

Thanks in advance!

04-04-2006, 05:51 AM
You need to have your cat checked out by a vet. Don't put this off. They will give your cat the correct meds to treat his problem with having worms. Also
never give your cat milk..it gives them worms. Give him/her just water and his regular dry cat food. Always leave out water and dry food out. Feed the cat also canned food, so they dont hunt for mice and birds as much. Use FRONTLINE to keep fleas away. Fleas can give your cat worms. I found that out from my vet with my cat...After using FRONTLINE PLUS.. my cat did not have a worm problem, and not giving him milk. THANKGOD!!!

If money is tight www.petco.com on Sundays (check your area) they give all the dogs and cats their shots for MUCH CHEAPER...It's wonderful!!! Get the 3 year RABIES They also check for parasites. This place is awesome and so much cheaper then a regular vet. I take my cat to a vet for worms or for any else problms that arise.

Hope your cat feels better soon. They gave my cat a shot of something to start killing the worms and then some pills.

04-04-2006, 08:01 AM
You need to get Drontal - but it is prescription! Drontal is an all around dewormer - one pill and it will kill everything. The pill itself will run you at most $14 - it really should be less, but some vets like to overcharge. The main thing is don't worry! In the scheme of things worms aren't so bad :)

04-04-2006, 11:42 AM
Thanks for the info...I am taking the cat to the animal welfare league. It will cost me $25 for the exam and $13.50 for the meds (whatever it is).I was upset only because I am pregnant! This is all I need!

Aloha from paradise
04-05-2006, 06:26 PM
It is pretty gross to see worms coming out of a cat. Seems I spend a small fortune at the vets for worm pills.
