View Full Version : would you take this job?

03-16-2006, 10:49 AM
Okay, I'm 26 and unemployed for about eight weeks now. I live in Michigan, which has the second or first worst economy in the US right now. Our exodus rate is atrocious! Anyways, it's defintely an employer's market with so many people out of work.

I was offered a job today at a manufacturing plant in Holland. I would be taking pictures of certain metal parts, cropping them and placing them on a quality control sheet. The employees use this to check the parts when they come off the dies/press to make sure they look okay.

It offers: insurance after six months. Pay is $9/hr + .25 shift premium + $1/hr perfect attendance bonus. (I'm used to making $12-15/hr)

Drawbacks: 2:30p - 11:30p, 35 minute high way commute

The work is okay, but it's not something I would want to do the rest of my life. I don't think I'll take the job, but do you guys feel I should just suck it up and deal with it?

I'm feeling incredibly guilty because I don't have much money (unemployment equals about $250/week), I'm living with my parents (they're so cool!), and I complain about not being able to shop. But now that I've been offered this job, should I just take it and stop complaining? I'll probably still be looking for another job while I work here that pays a little more in my range, so I may even leave after a month if I find something. I'd feel guilty about looking for another job though, but I'm going to feel guilty if I don't take it. I still have unemployment for 18 weeks so I could look, but If I don't find anything theN?? Aghhhh!!!!!

What do I do?? I'm SOOO confused.

(I'm single, so the only person it affects is me... not a family or kids or anything).

03-16-2006, 10:53 AM
If the economy is as bad as you say it is, I say take the job and suck it up. My mom always tells me it's easier to find a job when you already have one. No one likes to hire someone that has been unemployed for a great period of time, regardless of the reason. I quit work to stay home with my kids for 2½ years and it was near impossible for me to get a decent job after that. I only got called back for three interviews after applying for dozens of jobs. I finally got a job where I am now and have been here a year and a half. The pay isn't great (less than what you'd be making), but insurance is good. I had to support 2 kids on my salary though and wasn't living with anyone. Still like you said, you can always take it and continue to look for another job.

03-16-2006, 10:54 AM
if jobs are hard to come by around you, I say take it and keep looking - some money is better than no money...good luck!

03-16-2006, 11:12 AM
I would take it, you might be surprised and actually like it. I have had to work hours like that most my life, you get used to it...also I have had more luck getting a job when I already had one rather than when I was unemployed.

03-16-2006, 11:26 AM
I'd say take it. If the economy in MI is anything like in NY you will have a heck of a time finding a job. I agree some money is better than no money and just think you will be making more than what you bring home in unemployment, plus you will have benefits.

03-16-2006, 12:32 PM
I would normally say take it... but with your epilespy, you REALLY need to get good rest and not be tired. Are the hours something that you can work? Can you sit in front of the computer for long periods of time? Will they allow to take a break if you need it?

It does sound like an easy job though... the next job you might find could involve major manual labor :eek:

03-16-2006, 01:52 PM
Isn't one of the questions when you call Marvin "did you refuse work?" If you don't take it, will it screw up your unemployment anyway?

03-16-2006, 05:27 PM
I say take the job and keep looking for better, and DON"T feel guilty about it! No one would ever advance if guilt took over. ;)

03-16-2006, 08:02 PM
Take it............seems you have already decided you want to........just need a little prodding........and it will alow you time to look for another job as well as make money.....most people are always on the lookout for a better and higher paying job daily so you would be no different than them..........some states if you max out unemployment they make you wait a year before applying again.

03-16-2006, 08:14 PM
I would say take it but 35 minutes on the highway will take a bit for gas money. What kind of vehicle do you have is it good on gas? Figure out how much it would cost you in gas and eating dinner elsewhere or if you plan on taking dinner to work with you. See how much it will cost you in the long run to keep the job. Then look at your unemployment earnings and see if you would make more with the job. How long do you have until your unemployment runs out? Do you have any other ideas or avenues to persue for a job before it runs out? If the answer is no then take the job...Good luck in your decision!

Urban Cowgirl
03-17-2006, 07:49 AM
I thought you could not keep getting unemployment if you turned down a job?? Anyway if the job market is that bad then you should take it. When DH was in the Army everytime we moved I'd have to find a job....I'd apply EVERYWHERE, take the first thing offered and look for something better, Beggars can't be choosers, right?

03-17-2006, 06:58 PM
Wow, you guys are great :) Thanks for the responses.

I've decided against the job. I feel really bad and guilty, but I've decided not to for a couple of reasons. Gas is about $2.69 a gallon and I watched how much gas it took on my way home. More than I thought. I drive a 2001 standard Olds Alero. Apparently, I dont get good gas mileage. Another factor was the fact that I get very tired in the evening, whether I'm working or not. Maybe that is my Epilispy medication kicking in, I am not sure. (it's on a specific schedule).

When I call my unemployment in, our telephone response does ask you if you have turned down a job and I will be truthful. One of my friends said though that if the job you turned down starts at less than 75% of your previous income, it will not affect your unemployment. I guess I'll find out next wednesday when I call it in. I hope it doesn't, but after adding up the poor hours, the added cost for driving, the added cost for eating, the pay, ect... I just decided It wasn't worth it for me.

I will try to not complain ever again about not having any money since I obviously turned down work. I have applied to a couple more places and signed up with a temp agency. I'm volunteering more at our humane society as well, and other city events like our Riverbank run. If I am not working, I feel I should still be out there doing something good for society.

One question though... wouldn't you feel guilty about job searching after a company goes through all the hassle to hire you and do all the paperwork? I would. That's part of the problem. I have never considered leaving a job after I just got it. One girl at my previous job left after a month and I thought that was just horrendous. Maybe I just need to rethink this whole job placement thing?

Wish me luck finding that winning lottery ticket so my job troubles can be put on hold for awhile....

Urban Cowgirl
03-18-2006, 07:18 AM
I would not feel guilty at all. CAse in point, my dh started working for brinks last fall....he needed the job and the pay was lousy, so he just kept looking for something better. 3 months later he got a job offer where the starting pay was $5 more an hour, the benefits were better and more opportunity to advance. So he gave brinks his notice and accepted the new job. Brinks asked him to stay on part time because they hate to lose him, so he did and he goes in when he can (once or twice a month). You should not feel guilty about doing whats best for yourself. Heck when DH gave his notice, his supervisor asked if the other company had anymore openings. LOL

I know it costs these companies money to train people, but if they were more competitive with wages and benefits, people would not be so eager to find something else.