View Full Version : Wife Swap 3/6 8:00PM 4100+pts

03-07-2006, 03:38 AM
What did Luaxanna Thompson say her mother Bella had done before the swap?
*Spent all day on the computer

What did Tatianna and Luaxanna Thompson do on Alison Askam's request?
*Attended group cheerleading classes

What did Alison Askam do while introducing her set of new rules for the Thompsons?
*Broke their magic wand in half

What did Bella Thompson and her family do on the couch while holding a broomstick?
*Imagined traveling to distant places

What did Kenny Thompson do with his son Ramsey outside?
*Built a stepstool out of wood

What was Alison Askam shown doing with Kyle Askam after the swap?
*Spending quality time in their garage

What did Tatiana Thompson do outside that worried Alison Askam?
*Talked to the base of a tree

What was Alison Askam shown doing that she said she did for her husband Kyle every day?
*Giving him a foot massage

What did Bella Thompson say she was going to do that surprised Kyle and Austin Askam?
*Control all the household money

What did Alison Askam say she currently did in her own household before she left for the swap?
*Ranked below the family's dog

What did Alison Askam do for Luaxanna Thompson after Alison introduced her new set of household rules?
*Hired a tutor to help her with school

What did Kenny Thompson say while sitting at the dinner table after his wife Bella had returned home?
*Refused to compromise when it came to his family


In a DVD commercial during this show, what did a group of teenagers who were skilled in magic do?
*Competed in a dangerous tournament
*"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"

In a movie commercial during this show, what bothered Sarah Jessica Parker about dating Matthew McConaughey?
*Lived with his two parents, despite being extremely successful
*"Failure to Launch"

In a movie commercial during this show, what did Amanda Bynes do before attending a prep school and getting to know the jocks and cheerleaders?
*Disguised herself as her own twin brother
*"She's the Man"

In a movie commercial during this show, what happened to Tim Allen at inopportune times?
*Behaved like and turned into an animal
*"The Shaggy Dog"

In a commercial during this show, who talked about a movie rental service being convenient in a "busy world" and surprised a woman in her own home as she returned with her children carrying soccer gear?
*Character from romantic movie wearing old-fashioned clothing seated at piano
*Have movies delivered and never pay late fees

In a commercial during this show, what did a young boy, who ran into his sister's room and sat on her bed with her, and their father have in common?
*Were too excited to sleep night before they took family vacation
*Walt Disney World
*Family of four stays six nights and seven days for low rate

In a commercial during this show, what happened in the background behind a woman who talked about being able to install a phone service despite not being "technical" and how she was happy with the results?
*Husband did dances, such as robot and moonwalk
*Get your first month of service for free

In a commercial during this show, who sat in a vast, corner office and talked about his new mobile phone plan, after an underling asked about a phone that was on his desk?
*Corporate executive who felt he was "sticking it to the man" even though he was "the man"
*With no excessive overages or roaming charges, you have a great deal of control

In a commercial during this show, who cleaned shelves, a TV screen, blinds, a wooden table and banister as a song, featuring the words "It's better", played and an announcer discussed cleaning better?
*Mother who watched over her two sons eating and playing with the dog
*Pledge Duster Plus
*Features multi-surface dusting spray

In a commercial during this show, what did people do as they brushed their teeth before and after cartoon toothpaste turned into foam and washed over the inside of a mouth, before they then walked past a billboard?
*Stared at their toothbrush and pursed lips while breathing in air
*Aquafresh Extreme Clean
*Kills bad-breath germs

In a commercial during this show, what happened to a woman standing in a white room after she was shown gliding her hand through a wall of water and an announcer said, "Enter the deep end of moisture"?
*Long pink strips of silky material unraveled off of her body
*Olay Ribbons Body Wash
*Gives your body two times the moisturizers

In a commercial during this show, what did two women, one who used a store brand item and one who used a superior item, do before "4 out of 5 prefer" appeared between them?
*Packed food away for storage
*Ziploc Double Zipper Bags
*No need for pinching and double-checking after you seal it

In a commercial during this show, what did two women, one who used a store brand item and one who used a superior item, do before "4 out of 5 prefer" appeared between them?
*Packed food away for storage
*Ziploc Double Zipper Bags
*Food won't spill out once the double zipper is locked

In a commercial during this show, what happened against a blue background to illustrate the effectiveness of a cold sore medication that an announcer discussed?
*Red check marks appeared next to features on white page
*FDA approved to shorten healing time

In a commercial during this show, what did a waiter discuss with two women who sat at a restaurant table to order lunch?
*All-you-can-eat special
*Olive Garden
*Unlimited Soup, Salad, & Breadsticks

In a commercial during this show, what happened as an announcer said, "Crave it," and discussed a highly-anticipated "annual celebration" at a restaurant?
*Different ways to eat seafood were demonstrated, including drizzling with lemon and in soup
*Red Lobster
*Try several new combinations

In a commercial during this show, what did an older woman who was working in a restuarant do before a breakfast dish was shown close-up and syrup was poured on pancakes?
*Encouraged people to "mix it up" with a sausage and egg dish
*Scrambled Sensations

In a commercial during this show, what did a boy do while playing hide-and-seek with his father and sister, who hid under a blanket on a couch?
*Wedged himself between walls of hallway near ceiling
*Have zero trans fats

In a commercial during this show,who received advice from a man who stepping out of an RV parked at an idyllic outdoor spot before and after a pain-relieving product was shown?
*Man wearing fishing gear near a canoe and who rubbed his shoulder
*Delivers relief quickly

In a commercial during this show, what was unusual about vehicles a woman in a red car passed by as she waved to their owners in a suburban neighborhood and a song with the lyric "restoration" was heard?
*Were only frames of vehicles such as without doors or sides