View Full Version : o brother where art thou?? 2/19 8:00

02-20-2006, 04:20 AM
Sorry if I dont do this right But this is my first attempt to post.

What did Delmar do at the river after he left Hogwallop's house?
Was baptized by priest

What did the old man on the railroad tracks say about himself?
Did not have name

What did the prisoners do while working on the side of a highway?
Sang song

What did Hogwallop do during dinner with the escaped prisoners and his son?
Said wife left him

What did Everett do during the night at Hogwallop's house?
Asked Hogwallop for hairnet

What did Tommy do while Pete, Delmar and Everett sang in the studio?
Played guitar

What did Hogwallop's son do when the three prisoners arrived at his house?
Shot at them

What did Everett do when he met his ex-wife's fiance?
Walked up and sniffed him

What did Big Dan Teague do while on a picnic with Everett and Delmar?
Beat them with tree branch

What did Pete do right after the second prison escape that surprised Everett and Delmar?
Cried and hugged them

What did Pete, Delmar and Everett do while running away from the prison guards?
Caught chicken

What did George Nelson do while he led police on a high speed chase?
Shot cow with rifle