View Full Version : The Bachelor: Paris- 1st Half 2/6 9:00PM 4200+pts

02-07-2006, 02:15 AM
What did Travis do after arriving at Sarah S's home in Nashville?
*Introduced her to his dog

What did Travis say he wished to do when visiting Sarah B. in Winnipeg?
*Establish connection they lost during group dates

What did Sarah B's mother tell Travis was different about their home since her daughter had left to be on the show?
*Phone calls were far and few

What did Sarah S. and Travis do when first meeting outside by a limousine?
*Discovered they were from same city

What did Travis do when he went to meet with Moana after arriving in San Clemente?
*Found her lounging on beach blanket

What did Moana ask her father to do in regards to Travis?
*Be gentler when asking him questions

What did Travis say about his parents after Moana's stepmother talked about the "undermining of family"?
*Had been married for many years

What did Travis do after meeting Sarah B's younger brother at her home in Winnipeg?
*Gave him advice about medical school

What did Sarah B. and Travis do before talking about the other women staying at the Paris home?
*Played game of pool at local bar

What did Sarah S. do with her students when they surprised her and Travis at the park?
*Played follow-the-leader game

What was Sarah B. doing when Travis expressed his surprise about the size of Winnipeg?
*Feeding ducks by side of pond

What did Travis tell Sarah S. the city of Nashville made him feel like doing?
*Waving to complete strangers

What did Sarah B. and Travis do before talking about the other women staying at the Paris home?
*Played game of pool at local bar

What did Travis do when he went to meet with Moana after arriving in San Clemente?
*Found her lounging on beach blanket
*NSP / Blue Star Jets


In a movie commercial during this show, what did Scarlett Johanssen and Jonathan Rhys-Meyers do?
*Had an illicit love affair
*"Match Point"

In a commercial during this show, what happened to a man wearing headphones around his neck as an announcer discussed a new detergent and a cartoon bottle was shown against a yellow-and-orange background?
*Women crowded in tightly around him on an otherwise empty bus
*Gain Joyful Expressions
*New scent is nice and sassy

In a commercial during this show, what did a young girl do while making paper hearts with her aunt while sitting on a couch in a living room?
*Revealed someone told her he liked her aunt
*Kay Jewelers
*Get free Photo Frame Gift Box

In a commercial during this show, what did a woman do on a staircase before a waiter carrying filled glasses asked her to move out of his way?
*Gave thank you speech that mentioned her husband and trainer
*Celebrity Cruises
*Receive lavish treatment

In a commercial during this show, what did various people, including a couple and a woman in glasses, do as they sat with an employee in an office as an announcer discussed tax refunds?
*Played scratch-off game
*H&R Block
*Win up to $20,000

In a commercial during this show, what did a man do with a piece of paper as he stood underneath a tall tree while piano music played and the phrase "have a wealth of knowledge" appeared?
*Cut it into an intricate design of dragons
*Believes there is more to life than money

In a commercial during this show, how was a phone, described as "incredibly thin, yet impossible to miss," seen, as a song played with the lyrics, "you've got this strange effect on me, and I like it"?
*Standing upright and alone, and lying on its back, in a stream of light that cut through darkness
*Cingular Wireless
*Get new Motorola SLVR phone with iTunes at a great price

In a commercial during this show, who walked into a room declaring that he had "good news" regarding a cell phone plan, as hundreds of people from a "network" gathered outside the window?
*Father of family that included goth-punk boy with face piercings who danced at nightclubs
*Verizon Wireless
*Buy one for $49.99 and get a second free

In a commercial during this show, what visited various sleeping people at night before and after it was seen flying high over mountains, a neighborhood, and then into an open window as a woman's voice discussed a medication?
*Glowing butterfly that moved gracefully
*Will help you sleep all through the night

In a commercial during this show, what were two parents doing as they cared for their two sick boys after the mother said she wanted to "do more to comfort them"?
*Putting sons to bed at night
*PediaCare Gentle Vapors
*Releases aromatic vapors soothe congestion

In a commercial during this show, what did a seductive blonde woman in high heels and undergarments do after shedding a robe and walking to her window as an announcer discussed a deodorant before a time-lapse trial was shown?
*Jumped off balcony and into black dress that two women held below
*Degree Ultra Clear
*Receive free sample

In a commercial during this show, who discussed how they did "lots of things together," such as skateboarding and eating oatmeal that was "so great" it was "good"?
*Father and his young son who had his blonde hair styled into a mohawk
*Quaker Oatmeal
*Children enjoy the taste

In a commercial during this show, what happened as an announcer discussed the "maximum portability" of an item available at a fast-food restaurant before a man who wore glasses bit into it?
*Food item was assembled and heated on a grill
*Taco Bell
*Crunchwrap Supreme

In a commercial during this show, what did two men, one who represented a can of soda as its agent, discuss as they sat across from each other at a long table?
*Casting soda can in a kung-fu movie in which competing soda can was crushed as stunt double
*Diet Pepsi
*It's light, crisp, and refreshing