View Full Version : Project Runway 2/1 8:00 4400+ pts.

02-02-2006, 03:01 AM

What did Andrae say about sewing without an overlock station?
*Felt like having one hand tied behind back

What was Zulema shown doing during a preview of next week's episode?
*Asking several models to hold a walk-off

What did Santino say when he first put on the costume he was instructed to wear?
*Wondered if he was wearing a waiter's uniform

What did all of the contestants do at the runway show?
*Wore brightly-colored costume they received

What did Emmett do after hearing that he had been eliminated?
*Asked if it was the shirt that he was wearing

What did Sasha Cohen say was necessary for ice skating uniforms to work?
*Needed to stretch well

What was Marla shown doing in a clip from last week that she described as looking stupid?
*Piling trash in window

What did Chloe say she was worried about her model doing at the runway show?
*Looking inappropriately tall in costume

What did Tim Gunn tell Zulema about her design when he was giving everyone feedback?
*Sounded ambitious but beautiful

What did Daniel say he wanted to do for Sasha Cohen in the costume he designed?
*Refrain from putting her in something heavy

What did Santino tell Andrae and Nick that he felt like doing during the runway critiques?
*Starting fight after feeling backed into a corner

What did Zulema say that contestants were doing to show that they were creative in this challenge?
*Seaming stretchy fabric without the proper machinery

What did Santino say while he was being driven to an ice skating rink as he sported a skating costume?
*Stopped caring where he was going

What did Sasha Cohen do to encourage the contestants to ice skate with her?
*Suggested they form a train
*Merrill Lynch

What was Marla shown doing in a clip from last week that she described as looking stupid?
*Piling trash in window
*Banana Republic/"Elle"

What did Michael Kors say about Diana and Marla's design in a clip from last week's episode?
*Made their model look like a stewardess
*Banana Republic /Saturn Sky Roadster/Saturn

What did Tim Gunn tell Zulema about her design when he was giving everyone feedback?
*Sounded ambitious but beautiful
*Banana Republic

What did Zulema say that contestants were doing to show that they were creative in this challenge?
*Seaming stretchy fabric without the proper machinery

What did Andrae say about sewing without an overlock station?
*Felt like having one hand tied behind back

What did Sasha Cohen say was necessary for ice skating uniforms to work?
*Needed to stretch well