View Full Version : Project Runway 1/25 9:00 4400+ pts.

01-26-2006, 03:22 AM

What did Andrae say about sewing without an overlock station?
*Felt like having one hand tied behind back

What was Zulema shown doing during a preview of next week's episode?
*Asking several models to hold a walk-off

What did Santino say when he first put on the costume he was instructed to wear?
*Wondered if he was wearing a waiter's uniform

What did all of the contestants do at the runway show?
*Wore brightly-colored costume they received

What did Emmett do after hearing that he had been eliminated?
*Asked if it was the shirt that he was wearing

What did Sasha Cohen say was necessary for ice skating uniforms to work?
*Needed to stretch well

What was Marla shown doing in a clip from last week that she described as looking stupid?
*Piling trash in window

What did Chloe say she was worried about her model doing at the runway show?
*Looking inappropriately tall in costume

What did Tim Gunn tell Zulema about her design when he was giving everyone feedback?
*Sounded ambitious but beautiful

What did Daniel say he wanted to do for Sasha Cohen in the costume he designed?
*Refrain from putting her in something heavy

What did Santino tell Andrae and Nick that he felt like doing during the runway critiques?
*Starting fight after feeling backed into a corner

What did Sasha Cohen do to encourage the contestants to ice skate with her?
*Suggested they form a train
*Merrill Lynch

What was Marla shown doing in a clip from last week that she described as looking stupid?
*Piling trash in window
*Banana Republic/"Elle"

What did Michael Kors say about Diana and Marla's design in a clip from last week's episode?
*Made their model look like a stewardess
*Banana Republic /Saturn Sky Roadster/Saturn

What did Tim Gunn tell Zulema about her design when he was giving everyone feedback?
*Sounded ambitious but beautiful
*Banana Republic

What did Zulema say that contestants were doing to show that they were creative in this challenge?
*Seaming stretchy fabric without the proper machinery

What did Andrae say about sewing without an overlock station?
*Felt like having one hand tied behind back

What did Sasha Cohen say was necessary for ice skating uniforms to work?
*Needed to stretch well

01-26-2006, 01:12 PM
In a commercial during this show, how was the exterior and interior of a car shown as it cut through a wet road by green fields and tall trees, and as announcer stated that "building the fastest car in its class" didn't mean sacrificing "intelligence, be
In split screens which sometimes synced up to show the complete car
Lexus IS
306 horsepower engine