View Full Version : Lost 1/18 8:00 3900+ pts.

01-19-2006, 03:14 AM

What did Eko do when Claire showed him Charlie's Virgin Mary statue?
*Revealed to her what was hidden inside

What was Kate doing when Michael asked if he could take her shift in the hatch?
*Giving Sawyer a haircut

What did Eko do while Charlie was in the tree?
*Faced down mysterious smoke monster

What did Eko do after finding the corpse dressed as a priest in the crashed propeller plane in the jungle?
*Revealed cross necklace under coat

What was Michael doing in the hatch when Jack walked in on him?
*Using computer to communicate with someone

What did a drug dealer do just before Eko killed him?
*Accused him of being soulless

What did Claire do before telling Charlie she didn't want him to sleep near her or her child anymore?
*Threw his guitar case in sand

What did Eko do to save his younger brother Damien from the soldiers who came to the village to recruit children?
*Shot old man kneeling in dirt

What did Damien do for Eko when the military truck arrived to prevent the plane from taking off?
*Stood between him and gunfire

What did Eko do to Damien in the church?
*Made him sign the documents

What did Eko do after Charlie lied to him by claiming that they were in the spot where he found the Virgin Mary statue?
*Pushed him against a tree

What did Eko do after finding the corpse dressed as a priest in the jungle?
*Prayed on his knees

What did Damien do for Eko when the military truck arrived to prevent the plane from taking off?
*Stood between him and gunfire

In a sponsored segment during this program, what were viewers told they could do?
*Watch show trailers anytime

01-19-2006, 04:03 AM
In a commercial during this show, what did two women, one who used a store brand item and one who used a superior item, do before "4 out of 5 prefer" appeared between them?
Packed food away for storage
Ziploc Double Zipper Bags
NOT Guaranteed to keep food fresher for double the amount of time

In a commercial during this show, what did a man at a restaurant, a woman driving a car, and a man in a black shirt discuss before a gray-haired man mentioned getting attention?
Service received at brokerage firms
NOT Morgan Stanley

In a commercial during this show, what did various people, including a couple and a woman in glasses, do as they sat with an employee in an office as an announcer discussed tax refunds?
Played scratch-off game
H&R Block
Win up to $20,000

In a commercial during this show, what did a woman in a black dress do while she walked through a plain white room and discussed a wireless phone company?
Leaned up against table with line of awards placed in long row
NOT Verizon Wireless

In a public service announcement during this show, what did an announcer discuss as people, such as a couple pushing bicycles and a man meeting friends at an outdoor café, were shown?
Finding ways to quit smoking
Philip Morris
Find ways to successfully quit smoking

In a commercial during this show, what did super heroes do after a quarter bounced off-screen, before women in silver swimming suits danced together and children in red-and-white striped outfits sang and danced in a factory environment?
Jumped on oversized rolls of toilet paper, flipping and completing tricks in air
Carries many brand name products

01-19-2006, 07:49 PM
In a commercial during this show, what did a man do while bearing his daughter on his shoulders as he passed his wife carrying a sandwich she had just prepared?
Snatched it off plate she carried
Lean Pockets Ultra
Healthy food with a great taste

In a commercial during this show, what happened when a driver turned the key in the ignition of a red car and drove it through city streets past two women walking a dog and two people on a bench?
*Wave of energy gave older-looking buildings and apartments cool, modern look
*Ford Fusion
*It boosts the excitement and energy of your everyday life