View Full Version : CSI: Miami 11/19 9:00 4800+ pts.

11-20-2005, 03:27 AM

What did Duke do for the custody case?
*Served as attorney

What did the man in the car accident with Frank do near the courthouse?
*Opened umbrella

What had happened to Duke that he asked Calleigh to help him with?
*Was charged with driving under the influence

What did Brad Manning do outside the courthouse as he waited for Cheri Lyle?
*Stood behind mailbox

What did Cheri Lyle tell Amy Manning to do when she saw Brad Manning outside the courthouse?
*Go get a drink

What did Horatio tell Amy Manning made him different from all the other policemen she knew?
*Had red hair

What happened to the vial of blood that Wolfe was carrying?
*Broke in his hand

What did the sound tests around the courthouse prove about the person who shot Cheri Lyle?
*Stood several yards from her

What did Wolfe do that annoyed Calleigh?
*Handled evidence incorrectly

What did the driver of the car that Frank hit do after the accident?
*Drove away

What did Horatio do when Amy Manning ran away?
*Went to library to find her

What did the CSI team notice about Bill Keeler's neck that helped them figure out what happened?
*Displayed trace of hair dye

What did Horatio do as he talked to Amy Manning about her mother?
*Sat on swing

What did Horatio promise Brad Manning he would do?
*Appear at his hearing
*Hummer H2

What did Vincent Lesca tell Eric he'd always wanted to do?
*Start family
*Hummer H2

What did Frank do as he sipped a cup of coffee?
*Jotted on note pad

What did Eric observe about Bill Keeler?
*Stole cable TV

11-20-2005, 03:27 AM

In a promotional advertisement during this program, for a show called "Snow Wonder", what happened?
*Five couples fell in love during snow storm that affected entire world
*Sunday, November 20 at 9:00 p.m.

11-20-2005, 05:10 AM
In a commercial during this show, what did a pharmacist do as assorted people came up to his counter, including a man who pointed to the sinus pressure in his forehead, and described their symptoms?
Directed them all to the same aisle
NOT Benadryl Allergy & Sinus Headache

In a commercial during this show, what were several different people doing as they stood in separate bathrooms, and an announcer discussed doing something "anyway you want"?
Rinsing with mouthwash

11-20-2005, 07:55 AM
In a commercial during this show, what did a pharmacist do as assorted people came up to his counter, including a man who pointed to the sinus pressure in his forehead, and described their symptoms?
Directed them all to the same aisle
Sudafed PE
Offers maximum strength relief/Sudafed PE Sinus Headache

In a commercial during this show, what did a man discuss as he was shown carrying a box, driving in his car, and helping a man by plugging in his computer while an announcer described services provided by a credit card?
Running his own small business
Discover Card
Speak with a knowledgeable person

11-20-2005, 12:05 PM
In a promotional advertisement during this program, for a show called "Silver Bells", what happened?
Man fell in love with a woman during the holiday season
Sunday, November 27 at 9:00 p.m.

In a commercial during this show, what did three women discuss as they waited for an elevator before several different foods were shown?
What they wanted to eat for lunch
Olive Garden
Unlimited Soup, Salad, & Breadsticks

In a commercial during this show, what were several different people doing as they stood in separate bathrooms, and an announcer discussed doing something "anyway you want"?
Rinsing with mouthwash
Reduces significantly more plaque than brushing alone