View Full Version : Gilmore Girls 11/15 8:00PM 3900+ pts

11-16-2005, 07:31 AM
What did Colin tell Richard that Rory asked him to do?
*Help her move her things

What did Lorelai's note to Sookie ask her to do?
*Come to housewarming party

What did Luke have to do so that Lorelai could come in the front door?
*Open chain safety lock

What did Zack want Lorelai to do when she came to his house?
*Chip in money for dish soap

What did Rory say Harry and Stuart should do to identify a letter writer?
*Use language analysis software

What did April do to Luke in his diner as she stood in front of the cash register?
*Pulled out some of his hair

What did Zack say he was glad he didn't have to strain himself to do?
*Lift full cereal box
*Cheese Nips

What did Luke tell April he was going to do on the way home?
*Buy scientific dictionary

What did Emily decide to do after she got into a fight with Rory?
*Buy share of private plane

Why did Stuart Wultz tell Rory he couldn't hire her?
*Didn't have a job opening

What did Luke do to Lorelai's food at the diner that upset her?
*Used baked chips in nachos

What did Sookie want to do as soon as Luke and Jackson went back outside with the hamburgers?
*See creepy furniture set


In a DVD/VHS commercial during this show, what did a group of wacky cartoon animals, including a zebra and a lion, do?
*Escaped a zoo

In a commercial during this show, what were two neighbors seen doing through their windows before a woman in an apartment across the way looked in her mirror and lounged on her couch?
*Receiving treatments from professionals in their homes
*Olay Regenerist Microdermabrasion & Peel System
NOT Heals dry and damaged skin with sensitive moisturizers

In a commercial during this show, what happened as several people made healthier choices in their diet and exercise routines, such as choosing whole grains and drinking more water?
*Celebrations occurred, such a cheerleaders cheering and applause sounding
*Helps you keep healthier diet

In a commercial during this show, what happened as an announcer described a menu item that could be described as a diner's "finest hour"?
*Grated cheese topped chicken, melted over it, and bread was ripped
*Chicken & Bacon Ranch

In a commercial during this show, what were woman doing as they were given titles, such as "way out of your league girl" and "who knew she was so cute," before standing next to a blonde woman in a black dress?
*Waving to fans while walking down a red carpet
*Old Navy
*Boy-cut denim

In a commercial during this show, what did a brunette woman in a white dress discover as she waited in front of a mirror for an elevator before a man in a suit smiled at her and then feminine products were shown?
*Dress was caught in underwear
*Tampax Pearl
*Prevents leaks

In a commercial during this show, what were two children doing in a classroom as "U Can't Touch This" played, and the girl used a hand sanitizer?
*Playing with a ball
*Kills 99.99% of germs in seconds

In a commercial during this show, who tasted a food that gave him an expression of amazement and inspired him to "recite" a rhyming poem, which he started in his head and finished out loud?
*Gray-haired man in striped shirt who sat at patio table on rooftop deck
*Campbell's Select
*Mexican-Style Chicken Tortilla

In a commercial during this show, what did a cartoon gangster call his boss on a pay phone to say was the last wish of a man who wore cement shoes and flew out of a river?
*Drink beverage
*Red Bull
*Gives you vitality

In a commercial during this show, who ate soup out of containers after a similar container was heated in a microwave and displayed against a white background as a song about "possibilities" played?
*People at home or at work, such as a father on front steps as his son ran out
*Easy to enjoy anywhere

In a commercial during this show, what happened after two teenagers carrying skateboards got on a bus and one flipped open his cell phone and a teenage girl did the same while hanging out with her friends?
*Hand held up cell phone showing music video that covered over people dancing and walking
*Get exclusive music videos from artists like Gwen Stefani

In a commercial during this show, what happened before a woman, who was shown meeting a friend, said, "feel the difference" of a lipstick she applied on a city street?
*"Warning" messages appeared on swirling red background
*Maybelline Moisture Extreme
*Is three times as powerful as lip balm