View Full Version : Trades that are not rec'd? Why me???

11-15-2005, 08:16 AM
first of all....it's the time again this year...and of course, I would be the one to get screwed again.

The first one...I bought an ipod from kelli for $75. first of all, I truly believed she sent it...she's very nice and very responsive...BUT I did not receive it. I paid the $75 I get nothing in return? When I ship something out..it's my responsiblity to insure that it gets there either by delivery confirmation or insurance. Why should I be the one with the loss???

Second...my trade with Notsolucky has been that exactly!!! Why do these people scam people. I have emailed her 3 or 4 times...She doesn't even respond..so i'm sure that is a scam. Atleast in the first one, I did get replys.

I'm sorry, but this is crazy. So, I can just sell stuff on here...get the paypal and then maybe or maybe not mail out the pkg? I can just say that I mailed it and that be it? Well it's not fair. I do alot of trading on all of these sites, and ebay. AND I know that it's my responsibility that once I receive the money, that the buyer gets what they bought.

11-15-2005, 08:25 AM
I rec'd an email...stating that she would offer me half back?
I'm sorry...but why accept half? I didn't pay half. AND if so much talk at the post office, why not get delivery confirmation or insurance. I'm sorry, but I am upset. She may be positive that it should have been delivered...but so was I on some trades before....
before i learned my lesson about getting delivery confirmation...I sold something for $40 on here and it never got there..I refunded the money, because I felt it was my responsibility.

11-15-2005, 08:29 AM
shouldnt you be sending this to her instead of posting it on the board?

11-15-2005, 08:30 AM
I already have...But I think other's should see this..because there is alot of trading going on...and people need to make sure they get delivery confirmation or insurance.

11-15-2005, 08:34 AM
ok, i was just wondering because i was a bit confused at your 2nd post. but i see now that you edited it, and it makes more sense to me now :D

hope you can get it taken care of

11-15-2005, 08:37 AM
thank you for questioning me...I'm just really upset..because it was really something that I wanted... and I'm really bummed...and when your upset you go overboard...thank you for handing me the paddle so to speak... :(

11-15-2005, 08:41 AM
you didnt go overboard.....i just misunderstood something. thats all.

keep your fingers crossed......maybe it just got lost in the mail. :)

11-15-2005, 08:44 AM
Dc only cost .45 I think it is most worth it for a piece of mind. I agree shelly I would be P I S S E D to. seems like you keep getting the bad trades.

ang in NC
11-15-2005, 08:51 AM
It is bad enough when people screw people, but to screw people who are good people and does so much for others, well it really ticks me off. Remember bad traders: What goes around comes around! Plus I am a really big woman and Shelly is my friend!~
And my husband doesn't talk to me~!

11-15-2005, 08:56 AM
I too would be ticked, I learned my lesson to always use DC ON EVERYTHING! (((hugs))) I hope it gets to you soon, maybe with the mail delay it is holing things up!!!

11-15-2005, 09:15 AM
thank you everyone for your replies...I guess..I just have a different system on trades. I do get delivery confirmations...and I do mail things within a day or so....I did trade 2 weeks ago, emailed the person, and they forgot too mail it out...I'm sorry, but you need to follow thru with trades. I guess my problem, Is I trust people...BUT from now on..I will be checking feedback...holding on to everything until I get payment...and get delivery confirmation for everything. My track record on selling and trading is great..but sometimes on rec'g...that's another story..BUT it's not like the senders have posted and said..oh yeah, i sent that..and here's the delivery confirmation...they get the money and you don't see them again. Now this ipod...I hate it...because I do truly trust this person...but it's just not my fault that I didnt' get it...grrrr...i'm bummed...and Im done..enough stress over this

11-15-2005, 09:41 AM
The person that allegedly sent you the item should have gotten delivery confirmation even if you didn't ask for it she should have gotten it to cover her own butt. She has no proof that she sent the item. I hope you can get your money refunded in full. I'm not sure if you mentioned this in your first post but did you pay by paypal? If you did I think that you will end up getting your money back because the sender has no proof that she mailed the item and paypal will most likely side with you.

11-15-2005, 10:05 AM
shouldnt you be sending this to her instead of posting it on the board?
Looks like they both took it to the boards: http://bigbigforums.com/showthread.php3?t=494956

11-15-2005, 01:19 PM
How does she know you didn't get it??

I'm not saying you did or didn't but,how does she know for sure.

The other person,is a pretty decent lady,whom I trust.

11-15-2005, 01:21 PM
that's just it... I believe that she sent it...we've gone thru alot of nice emails...BUT I didn't get it. simple as that. BUT I do know that she got her money..I got nothing. i have proof that she got her money..a receipt from paypal and it being deducted.

and, I'm a pretty decent lady myself... so i'm not trying to go up against her or anyone. I just want something that I bought.

11-15-2005, 01:38 PM
shouldnt you be sending this to her instead of posting it on the board?

Usually when people are seeking advice, they don't seek it from the person they are having problems with. :rolleyes:

shelly... unfortunately there are no set rules for online trading, BUT as a seller myself, I don't let anything leave this house w/o delivery confirmation or some type of receipt stating that I have mailed it. If she mailed it and you didn't get it, I say you are due your refund. UNLESS she specifically stated that she wasn't responsible for items once she turned them over to USPS... and I have a feeling that if that had been expressed, you would have asked for insurance or DC.

That being said... its a tough call. You really believe she sent it, she said she sent it, but you still don't have it and you are out your money. :(

11-15-2005, 01:46 PM
Well I don't know either of you, but I don't think it was a great idea to bring this to the forums since you are both active posters here. It would be different if the person disappeared and wasn't posting and not replying to emails or anything. Now everyone else is putting in their 2¢ and it turns into a free for all because people have differing opinions on the actions that should be taken.

11-15-2005, 03:11 PM
that's just it... I believe that she sent it...we've gone thru alot of nice emails...BUT I didn't get it. simple as that. BUT I do know that she got her money..I got nothing. i have proof that she got her money..a receipt from paypal and it being deducted.

and, I'm a pretty decent lady myself... so i'm not trying to go up against her or anyone. I just want something that I bought.

was it 3lilpigs?

I wasn't thinking of her....

hope it arrives none the less.

11-15-2005, 04:03 PM
was it 3lilpigs?

I wasn't thinking of her....

hope it arrives none the less.

NO, it wasnt me. If you look at post 5 you will see that i questioned her because of something ""I""misunderstood......and then in post 13 you will see that someone posted a link as to who it was.

Its not me.......I DONT DO ONLINE TRADING.
And i dont even look or post in FSOT.

11-15-2005, 06:49 PM
While it really doesn't apply to this situation....one piece of advice:


I am amazed and appalled at the number of people here and other places that don't bother to check out who they're dealing with first. I believe that people are generally good, but there are some out there that will take you for all that you'll give and if you're offered resources like trader feedback and bad traders lists, you should use them!

Ok, off my soapbox! Trade safely, everyone! :)

11-15-2005, 07:20 PM
NO, it wasnt me. If you look at post 5 you will see that i questioned her because of something ""I""misunderstood......and then in post 13 you will see that someone posted a link as to who it was.

Its not me.......I DONT DO ONLINE TRADING.
And i dont even look or post in FSOT.

RRRREEOOWWWW....put the claws back in :D

lol, I didn't think it was till someone posted a quote, I was confused lol

But like JKatherine said FEEDBACK,FEEDBACK,FEEDBACK , If I want to trade with someone who has little or none,i always ask for them to ship first and let them know I will leave some fab. feedback for doing so.

11-16-2005, 05:40 AM
OP, the bottom line is you don't have the item, she don't have proof she sent it. file a claim with paypal and you WILL get your money back. SELLERS ALWAYS HAVE TO GET DELIVERY CONFIRMATION WITH PAYPAL OR THEY WILL REFUND BUYERS MONEY. it happened to me once, and that was it, i always get delivery confirmation.

11-16-2005, 06:11 AM
OP, the bottom line is you don't have the item, she don't have proof she sent it. file a claim with paypal and you WILL get your money back. SELLERS ALWAYS HAVE TO GET DELIVERY CONFIRMATION WITH PAYPAL OR THEY WILL REFUND BUYERS MONEY.


11-16-2005, 02:56 PM
Just wanted to say that it might still be in the mail. I see that a bill mailed from Las Vegas to Las Vegas.. not more than 10 miles away sometimes seems to take three weeks. (have I told anyone how much I hate the postal service in this town?) I think that is really nice that this is getting resolved, but wanted to let you know Shelly that it still may be in the mail and you might receive it. I hope it works out for both ends there is nothing worse than being out money or an item.