View Full Version : I think I WON a $1000 shopping spree

10-12-2005, 07:04 AM
I got a letter in the mail yesterday for a local car dealer having a big sale this weekend. Along with the letter was a scratch off game piece. It has 9 blocks and you are supposed to scratch off all 9 and if you reveal 3 matching amounts you win. So I reveiled 3 $1000 shopping sprees. I read the letter and re-read the letter for fine print. The only thing it says is NO PURCHASE NECESSARY,MUST COMPLETE A SURVEY AND TAKE A TEST DRIVE. But they are also giving away a $2500 walmart card so I dont know if those rules are for the walmart card or for the shopping spree. So I called the dealer ship spoke with one of the owners relatives and he assured me that I did win and there were no purcases or obligations for me to claim my prize. He said they would love for me to buy a car but I did indeed win. I can go pick up the prize the 13-17.I asked where the shopping spree was for and he said it was online and I could pick where I wanted to spend it.

I am so excited!!!!!!First thought was I can get Christmas bought and DONE and still have money left so if I got a card to walmart or target I could also get groceries for awhile.

I really hope there is no gimic and this is legit. I really could use the $1000 at the moment to get things we need for the house, christmas, and winter stuff for the kids.

Has anyone ever won from one of these? Is it to good to be true? I am sceptical till I have the info in my hand telling me how to get my $1000.

10-12-2005, 07:35 AM
way to go

10-12-2005, 08:46 AM
I got one of these too, the only problem is you have to pay shipping, if it is the same site, and shipping on 1000 was about 200.00 I found their stuff to be way over priced. I hope thats not the case for you! CONGRATS

10-12-2005, 09:53 AM
I know this girl that got one. She was all excited also, I hope it works out for her. But I think I recall them giving these out a few years ago, they said to indingent people back then. To my understanding the stuff was over priced and shippin wasn't worth the deal. Or something like that ..I was telling her about it but she was so excited she spent money for a catalog and they charged her almost $5.00 for it.. she was saying she wanted me to look at it because it also says must be spent within 120 days and I looked at it better and it says 120 from the firsts purchase.. She may do it I don't know.

10-12-2005, 10:58 AM
Well congratulations!! I really, really hope it's not a gimic...because that would be soooo much fun....shopping for christmas!!! Good Luck..let us know!

10-12-2005, 12:41 PM
I hope it is not a scam.

It does say I am responsible for shipping and handling. That would suck if it is crap items with outrageous shipping fees. I guess I will find out tomorrow.

10-12-2005, 12:41 PM
I got one of these too, the only problem is you have to pay shipping, if it is the same site, and shipping on 1000 was about 200.00 I found their stuff to be way over priced. I hope thats not the case for you! CONGRATS
Same here. If I remember correctly, you have to use the whole thing at one time within 120 days of activation or something like that. But don't quote me on it. Hope you can find some stuff you like that is worth the shipping amount. Good luck!

10-12-2005, 04:02 PM
I got one too, but i don't think it was for $1000 I don't know where I put the scratch card, let us know how it goes, I need to go check out mine, that money would be good for xmas use. :)

10-12-2005, 04:14 PM
I got one of these too, the only problem is you have to pay shipping, if it is the same site, and shipping on 1000 was about 200.00 I found their stuff to be way over priced. I hope thats not the case for you! CONGRATS

YEP thats EXACTLY what it is:( ANd the shipping on the stuff is outrageous....NC is really bad for these. I think it should be fraud..its not what its supposed to be. SOrry to be barrier of bad news.

10-14-2005, 02:45 AM
There are several different companies that are doing these $1000 online shopping sprees. One of them is www.MyFreeGiftsDOTcom another is spree4free.com. The shipping charges are outrageous and you have to pay this outrageous fee for every single item. There is no "combined shipping."

It is a ripoff in my opinion. They have a nice looking leather jacket that I can normally buy in a store for about $100. They list it as costing $228.50 (which would be deducted from the $1000.) This would be a good deal if you only had to pay $10-$12 to ship it to you. Their shipping cost is $75.95, which you have to pay yourself since shipping is not included in the $1000 shopping spree.

These same gift certificates are being sold on ebay for as low as $0.99 each.


10-14-2005, 05:43 AM
well mummy ...is it real or not??? i hope it was real!! i've had it with scams!!

10-14-2005, 09:06 AM
well mummy ...is it real or not??? i hope it was real!! i've had it with scams!!
I have not went yet. After reading everyones replies I am hesitant to go and then find out it is a crock of $%!*

10-14-2005, 09:12 AM
Hope it works out for you. My husband won one a few weeks ago but I just threw it away figured it was a scam.

10-14-2005, 05:03 PM
I got one of these in the mail today and imagine the luck I won too! LOL!

I threw it away figured it was a gimmick. I hope yours turns out good for you! :)