View Full Version : Scorpion King 9/25 8:00 3900+pts REPEAT

09-26-2005, 04:18 PM

What did Balthazar do during his first meeting with Mathayus?
*Called him an "assassin"

What did Mathayus do when he first met Arpid?
*Knocked him out

What did Cassandra do when she met Mathayus for the first time?
*Told him he had been betrayed

What did Cassandra do to help Memnon?
*Predicted outcome of future battles

What did Mathayus do against the wishes of the tribal leaders?
*Let Cassandra live

What did Jesup do before Memnon killed him?
*Told Mathayus to "live free"

What did a Memnon chieftain do while Jesup hung from a stake?
*Denied ever killing an Akkadian

What did Takmet do to prove his loyalty to Memnon?
*Beheaded his father

What happened to the first man shown at the beginning of the movie?
*Got a lance in the eye

What did Arpid do after Mathayus promised not to kill him?
*Saved him from thousands of scorpions

What happened during the meeting between Mathayus and all of the tribal leaders?
*Takmet called Balthazar "ruler of nothing"

What did the narrator say about Memnon's prowess?
*Was a great swordsman

In a commercial during this show, what happened while an announcer discussed a sedan "like you've never seen before" before passengers fastened their seatbelts and drove over a bridge?
*Car's interior was shown from above in different situations
*Hyundai Sonata
*Is available nicely equipped for under $20,000