View Full Version : Lost (Man of Science, Man of Faith) 9/21 9:00 4000 pts

09-22-2005, 04:13 PM
What did Sarah do that proved Jack was wrong about the outcome of her surgery?
Wiggled her toes

What did Hurley cite as an example of his bad luck?
Workplace was hit my meteorite

What did Jack's father tell him to do when dealing with patients?
Offer them some hope

What did Jack do as he and Hurley walked back to the caves?
Asked about numbers

What did Jack change his mind about after Locke and Kate left him?
Going back to hatch

What did Hurley do while Locke inspected the hatch after they blew it open?
Recited numbers

What was Jack doing when he hurt his ankle?
Running up stadium steps

What did a female patient of Jack's say she needed to be able to do after she was injured in a car accident?
Dance at wedding

What did Locke tell Jack not to do while they were down in the hatch?
Touch computer keyboard

What did Jack tell Desmond was the reason he was running?
Made promise he couldn’t keep

What was Shannon doing when she saw Walt in the jungle?
Looking for dog

What was Sarah doing when she got into her car accident?
NOT returning from party
NOT consulting

What did Charlie say the French woman had done that surprised the castaways?
Set fires herself

In a commercial during this show, what was one man doing when his friend asked him about a cleaning device as he came out of his bathroom?
*Watching sports game from couch
*Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Brush
*Cleaning pad breaks up in water

In a commercial during this show, what was unusual about people, one seen right after another, who discussed the perks of a wireless provider, which included no roaming charges, free incoming calls, and lots of plans?
Each stood in front of similarly bland suburban house wearing green shirts
Provides more choices in plans, starting at $29.99

In a DVD/VHS commercial during this show, what was unique about a football team organized by Adam Sandler and Chris Rock?
Made of up prison inmates
The Longest Yard

In a commercial during this show, what happened as an announcer discussed how you could still make your own rules before a cell phone was seen spinning in front of a background?
--Boy in blue batting helmet took seven strikes before finally getting a hit
--With no excessive overages or roaming charges, you have a great deal of control

09-22-2005, 08:21 PM
In a commercial during this show, what happened when a man who was unhappy working in an office with monkeys made a phone call about a report for an upcoming meeting?
Coworker ignored him in favor of beating high score in game
NOT Monster