View Full Version : Desperate

08-29-2005, 05:47 PM
Hi i am new here and to the net pretty much the reason i am here to night is to see if anyone has cheapor or free calling cards
long story short no tears tonight my family is homeless as of thursday of last week due to my mothers mental breakdown she tried to kill my son and we had to leave quickly and i am afraid to go back
the reason i need to have these cards is to contact family members in another state to see if they can help me if anyone has any suggestions please let me know I am desperate also while i am here i would like to thank my friend for the use of her computer and the help to find a local library

08-29-2005, 06:06 PM
I think if you sign up with www.phonehog.com you get some free minutes just for joining....

not my business, but if your mom tried to kill your son, why is she not in jail? at least you wouldn't be homeless if she were...

good luck to ya

08-29-2005, 06:21 PM
OH, that sounds bad....I am sure that a shelter would help you out as well...what state are you in...besides confusion?

08-29-2005, 06:44 PM
Hi i am new here and to the net pretty much the reason i am here to night is to see if anyone has cheapor or free calling cards
long story short no tears tonight my family is homeless as of thursday of last week due to my mothers mental breakdown she tried to kill my son and we had to leave quickly and i am afraid to go back
the reason i need to have these cards is to contact family members in another state to see if they can help me if anyone has any suggestions please let me know I am desperate also while i am here i would like to thank my friend for the use of her computer and the help to find a local library

just wanted to let you know your in my prayers

what part of ky are you from??

08-30-2005, 11:07 AM
I don't mean to sound like a sour puss, but this is the first time this person has ever posted on the boards? I'd be weary...if I were in this person's shoes, the last thing I would be doing is surfing the net looking for free phone cards. Use 1-800-CALL-ATT or something if you need to get ahold of someone that quickly. Especially if there is a possible attempted murder?!? Get ahold of the police, I am sure they would let you call someone....

08-30-2005, 09:33 PM
Dadof3 you need to notify the proper athorities and have your mother committed/arrested. Don't let her get away with trying to kill your child. Having a mental breakdown is not a justifiable reason to harm a innocent child. If she's at a point where she's hurting little one's, she needs to be put away from society before she actually suceeds in killing someone.

Maybe after you turn her in your familily will be able to go back home. There no sense in your family being homeless because of your mothers problems.

08-30-2005, 11:07 PM
I agree..go to the police they should let you call someone or they would atleast help you in some way. I know shes your mother but she needs to be dealt with properly. attempted murder is a serious thing not just something you can run from. Just because you are gone away from her doesnt mean she wont try this again, what would you think if she harmed someone elses child?

09-22-2005, 07:54 AM
thank you so much thank you for your prayers also i did not want just free cards i am willing to buy minutes and yes i am new but i am a honest person and yes she is in jail and we are still trying to get things straight

09-23-2005, 02:32 PM
Were you able to go back home?

09-23-2005, 11:28 PM
You can buy a phone card for as little as $5 at most grocery and gas stations.

09-27-2005, 08:36 AM
no things are so messed up right now but i did finally get a low income house thanks for all your prayers

09-27-2005, 09:05 AM
I don't mean to sound like a sour puss, but this is the first time this person has ever posted on the boards? I'd be weary...if I were in this person's shoes, the last thing I would be doing is surfing the net looking for free phone cards. Use 1-800-CALL-ATT or something if you need to get ahold of someone that quickly. Especially if there is a possible attempted murder?!? Get ahold of the police, I am sure they would let you call someone....

Ya I tend to agree....a grown man afraid of his mother? Happily married with 3 kids....does your whole family live with your mother?? I am really confused here...if she is in jail then why aren't you living at home?? something smells fishy and yet you have time to find this place outta the blue? :confused:

09-29-2005, 10:25 PM
Ya I tend to agree....a grown man afraid of his mother? Happily married with 3 kids....does your whole family live with your mother?? I am really confused here...if she is in jail then why aren't you living at home?? something smells fishy and yet you have time to find this place outta the blue? :confused:

Why is it weird he'd find this place out of the blue -- any search on google for free calling cards would have brought this place up. I'm not saying everyone should run to give just after 5 posts -- but he didn't ask for money and he wasn't rude -- so why should the rest of us? Heck, most of us get free 10 minute cards through various places so often -- it would have been just as easy to say 'go to this site and sign up, they'll give you a 10 minute card'

09-30-2005, 05:36 AM
Why is it weird he'd find this place out of the blue -- any search on google for free calling cards would have brought this place up. I'm not saying everyone should run to give just after 5 posts -- but he didn't ask for money and he wasn't rude -- so why should the rest of us? Heck, most of us get free 10 minute cards through various places so often -- it would have been just as easy to say 'go to this site and sign up, they'll give you a 10 minute card'

because the man is practically homeless..the LAST thing he should be doing is surfing the net. AND if he can find a low income house how is it that he can't buy a phone card from the store????? You might be gulliable and believe everyone who posts but I am very weary. I have been online a long time and seen alot of scammers/trolls/wannabes etc...I am NOT saying this man is but just seems weird that this is a first post *almost* asking for cards. I mean if he needs to contact relatives, he can call collect as I am sure family would accept a call if this was an emergency

09-30-2005, 05:43 AM
I just did a search in Google, and BBS does NOT come up anywhere.

who the heck has that kind of problem and the first thing they think of is ''wow....i better get on the computer and find phone cards!''

just seems kinda suspicious..JMO

and if he were that desperate to get them from here......why did he wait almost a MONTH to respond??

09-30-2005, 05:49 AM
. I'm not saying everyone should run to give just after 5 posts -- but he didn't ask for money and he wasn't rude -

BTW...this was his VERY FIRST post.

09-30-2005, 06:20 AM
yes, and first time posters always have great deals (NOT!!!) and the sadest stories...

09-30-2005, 04:23 PM
because the man is practically homeless..the LAST thing he should be doing is surfing the net.

Hell, I seen a lady post in vent & whine who has been homeless for over a year, she gets online.

There are practically more scammers online than not. The gentleman wasn't asking for cards, he was asking where he can acquire calling cards. Scamming people would be taking away from, by asking for free items. Like the dude who was collecting tampons to make christmas tree angels. (lol) He made up a story including Soldiers so he could obtain the items quicker. Hahaha!

Anyway, my point is, This dude isn't what I would say scamming people. He's not asking for hardouts, whereas the tampon dude was. Althought both have "sad stories", everyone has a sad story or two. Life isn't always filled with happiness. Everyone will need a little help now and then, it's part of life. You have a choice to help someone or not help. If you feel it's a scam by pass it. You can't be scammed unless you allow yourself to be.

What was the question? :p lol

09-30-2005, 04:40 PM
Hell, I seen a lady post in vent & whine who has been homeless for over a year, she gets online.

There are practically more scammers online than not. The gentleman wasn't asking for cards, he was asking where he can acquire calling cards. Scamming people would be taking away from, by asking for free items. Like the dude who was collecting tampons to make christmas tree angels. (lol) He made up a story including Soldiers so he could obtain the items quicker. Hahaha!

Anyway, my point is, This dude isn't what I would say scamming people. He's not asking for hardouts, whereas the tampon dude was. Althought both have "sad stories", everyone has a sad story or two. Life isn't always filled with happiness. Everyone will need a little help now and then, it's part of life. You have a choice to help someone or not help. If you feel it's a scam by pass it. You can't be scammed unless you allow yourself to be.

What was the question? :p lol

I didn't say he was a scammer but there are people (scammers) who start out with a sad story and build on...not coming right out and asking but inquiring where they can obtain one (all the while thinking someone will feel sorry for them and offer them a phone card)

I guess my main point was if this was an emergency, I am sure his family would accept a collect call

09-30-2005, 07:03 PM
Sorry, This was the only part of my reply that was directed at what I quoted. "Hell, I seen a lady post in vent & whine who has been homeless for over a year, she gets online." The rest of my reply beyond it was just yacking.

09-30-2005, 07:59 PM
Play nice ladies. Just give him a welcome and advice as to where he can get a phone card,not eveyone knows everything.He didn't ask for a penny from any of you,by the way I think my first post was asking where I could find something in vent n whine *gasp...and here I am,still here lol

Open your front door for all the world to see,not as perfect as it seems to be.

dadof3,really,they don't bite too hard. Welcome.

Hell, i could never call my mom and dad collect,their phone doesn't allow it.