View Full Version : Had my first ever Stress test.

08-10-2005, 01:34 PM
I walked in wearing sneakers, shorts and shirt and the medical workers seemed shocked.

I was then told that they were going to do the stress test while I was lying down on a table with meds not a treadmill as I expected.

I showed them my papers that indicated use of a treadmill.

Still they seemed shocked.

Then if dawned on me...when I was between the ages of 3 and 8 I had had 3 bone graphting surgeries on my legs to correct my ankle deformity so that I could walk. Mind you this was 32 to 37 years ago.

I suppose the test was done then because the threat or possibility that I could have circulatory problems and or the lack of ability to "jog, run" on a treadmill. Personally I think the treadmill would have been somewhat better.

I don't know but I guess that from the papers the workers were given they expected me to be on crutches, wheelchair or worse.


Anyhow, my doctor should get final results in about 10 days. But my next appointment isn't til mid September. I suppose they will call if anything wrong or suspicious is found.

08-10-2005, 01:41 PM
My sister just had a stress test. They did it with the drugs because they felt that her physical condition wouldn't allow her to complete the test on a treadmill.

08-10-2005, 01:57 PM
My mom had one with meds not to long ago, and it made her real sick to her stomach. I think I would take the treadmill.

08-10-2005, 05:11 PM
I had that one with the drugs last year and it made me sick as a dog. Glad you came through yours okay and hope you get get results.

08-10-2005, 07:02 PM
I had the stress test w/ meds -- talk about stress. That was, by far, the scariest thing medically I have ever gone through. What's worse, they could NOT get my heart rate high enough for them, so they were going to use the same meds they use on patients in the ER when they are trying to get their heart going. I begged for them to stop and they kept saying 'just a few more minutes'... it felt like a freakin eternity (although, hubby assures me I was only in there for about 20 minutes).

I'm going to have a gastric bypass in a year (hopefully) and I'll have to have another one then... I am so NOT looking forward to it.

Hope your results come out good!!!