View Full Version : Question regarding how the board is working lately

07-18-2005, 04:52 PM
Has anyone been having trouble with anything other than the bluetime ads? Is anyone still getting virus and trojan attempts? I'm asking because I don't get these, and I know some that left and are afraid to come back because of the technical problems are interested in knowing.

If there are still problems, I can email Alex again and see what he will do. I actually had success the last two times I've contacted him, so I'm game to try again. ;)


*edited cause I'm a walking grammatical error*

07-18-2005, 04:59 PM
I never did have any problems except it was S L O W for weeks, but its nice and breezy now :)

07-18-2005, 05:02 PM
Thanks. I didn't have trouble either, that's why I don't know if it's better or not lol. I've been discussing with someone the ways to make the board better (yes, I still have my powers even though I told Alex to bite me) and I thought about starting a suggestion thread, and going from there. Apart from stuff completely out there, there is a lot that can be done to fix what's wrong with the way the board is ran.

07-18-2005, 05:17 PM
I never did have any problems except it was S L O W for weeks, but its nice and breezy now :)

ditto :D

07-18-2005, 05:26 PM
Thanks. I didn't have trouble either, that's why I don't know if it's better or not lol. I've been discussing with someone the ways to make the board better (yes, I still have my powers even though I told Alex to bite me) and I thought about starting a suggestion thread, and going from there. Apart from stuff completely out there, there is a lot that can be done to fix what's wrong with the way the board is ran.

I have a suggestion....

Everytime I come to the site I want to hear Sam Elliot tell me how beautiful I am ....

LOL ;)

07-18-2005, 05:30 PM
I'll get right on that. LMAO

07-18-2005, 05:44 PM
Hmmmm since you are so eager to please, how about setting it up so that when I log in here money automatically shoots out of my printer?:D

07-18-2005, 05:52 PM
Hmmmm since you are so eager to please, how about setting it up so that when I log in here money automatically shoots out of my printer?:D

LOL! Hey I want that too but make all mine be $50 and $100 bills :D

Back to the topic, I never had any problems like trojans or viruses.

07-18-2005, 06:00 PM
Personally I have not had any problems with virus's or trojans. Now that Bluetime pop up was another story since it was getting past my Google pop up blocker..... so I installed MSN's pop up blocker and that took care of that!!! Beyond that it was the slowness.

07-18-2005, 06:04 PM
I am another that didn't have any troubles...minus the slowness and not being able to get one here. Thanks for all your efforts Katt. Believe it or not it is really appreciated even by those whom don't say it.

07-18-2005, 06:09 PM
Thanks Mary. :)

I'm hoping to get the board back to normal. I was talking with Angel, and we think if we get some input from everyone, we can make it enjoyable again. Kind of change up some rules..or the way we interpret them, see what everyone wants and what we can do, etc.

07-18-2005, 06:15 PM
Thanks Mary. :)

I'm hoping to get the board back to normal. I was talking with Angel, and we think if we get some input from everyone, we can make it enjoyable again. Kind of change up some rules..or the way we interpret them, see what everyone wants and what we can do, etc.
I think you should go ahead and make a sticky suggestion thread.....ummmm especially since I already said in my thread that you would :o

07-18-2005, 06:42 PM
The only problems I ever had was the slowness of the boards, I am happy here, more comfortable here than anywhere else. would love to see this board back to where it was 4 years ago when I joined.
I have joined 4 other boards since this one went on the slow track, but this is still the first one I check everyday. I still miss some of the banned members, especially the ones that were here long before me and I never learned why they were banned.

07-18-2005, 06:51 PM
The only problems I ever had was the slowness of the boards, I am happy here, more comfortable here than anywhere else. would love to see this board back to where it was 4 years ago when I joined.
I have joined 4 other boards since this one went on the slow track, but this is still the first one I check everyday. I still miss some of the banned members, especially the ones that were here long before me and I never learned why they were banned.

I have never banned someone without a very valid reason. (I know you aren't saying that) We discuss the matter with the member, and only the member, after they email if they want to know why. We don't feel it's information that should be divulged to other members. It's usually semi-summed up in the offending thread when the account is removed though, without complete details of course.

But, I'll tell you what, if a banned member wants their account back (if it's still there, there has been house cleaning going on, in order to free up the server) they can email me at forum support and I will do my best to reinstate the account. This is providing what happened was not so offensive the board cannot risk letting them back. But, I will see what I can do. Perhaps some reading this will contact me if they want back.

If their account is no longer there, they will be able to resign up.

Maybe this will be a first step in showing everyone that we DO want to do what is best for the board, and to make it enjoyable again for everyone.

*hopes Alex doesn't hunt me down now lol*

07-18-2005, 06:59 PM
I don't get to alot of off topic threads and such.. mainly just freebies and fsot..

Can I ask what happened around here? Someone said Alex doesn't even bother with this site anymore... and why would you tell him to bite you..LOL

07-18-2005, 07:12 PM
I don't get to alot of off topic threads and such.. mainly just freebies and fsot..

Can I ask what happened around here? Someone said Alex doesn't even bother with this site anymore... and why would you tell him to bite you..LOL

Alex has pretty much washed his hands of the site it seems. Other than to place pop ups, or ads etc, he doesn't have much to do with anything. I got tired of contacting him, only to be ignored, listening to people yell and scream etc, and he wouldn't do anything...so I told him to shove it basically lol. He never took away my powers or replied to me, I just stopped doing the job. The next time I emailed him about a problem (when the boards went down) he was right on it and emailed me back. When I emailed about the missing threads, he emailed abou that too. Sooo, I decided that this was my first board, I have invested almost 5 years of my time here, and I don't want it to go down. After talking with Angel, she decided to try it again, and now we want to do what we can to attempt to fix what's wrong with the place. ;)

That's the long and short of it. Watch him read it now, and fire me for completely. :p

07-18-2005, 07:13 PM
I have never had any problems with viruses or trojans, the only trouble I have here is the back button does'nt work, but that could be a browser issue. :confused:

This is the best post I've see in a long time :) I'm all for getting bbs back to to the way it used to be. :) Katt and angeleyes, you rock! :cool: :D

07-18-2005, 07:40 PM
Thanks, glad to hear there might be hope for this place. I've been here a long time too. Been going to other boards lately too but........this was the first place of this kind that I joined so I keep coming back and probably will as long as it's here and i don't get banned. Found others that I really like also so.... I'll just sit in front of my puter a little more and visit all the sites

07-18-2005, 07:44 PM
I have never had any problems with viruses or trojans, the only trouble I have here is the back button does'nt work, but that could be a browser issue.
Just wanted to mention that the same thing happens to me, the first time i press the back button, it is a page that says " 404_IGNORE_THIS_REQUEST".

07-18-2005, 08:08 PM
I have never had any problems with viruses or trojans, the only trouble I have here is the back button does'nt work, but that could be a browser issue. :confused:

This is the best post I've see in a long time :) I'm all for getting bbs back to to the way it used to be. :) Katt and angeleyes, you rock! :cool: :D

Same here, I have to double click the back button to get it to work...

07-18-2005, 08:49 PM
My laptop has never had any trouble here. I guess my hubby got all the right firewall and security on it. But my desktop is pretty much fried. I was having so many pop-ups I couldn't get rid of them fast enough. I deleted 15 and 15 came right back up. Luckily we had a computer guy work on it and took off all the viruses and trogans for very little money since we know his mother. The desktop is still is hard to go on though.

I guess lots of people do not like some of the ads that are on here. If Alex is not interested in getting rid of the soft porn ads how can the site be improved? He sends out spam to the members. That is how he makes money. Told us he would not sell our email addies and then he did. Lots of spam sent to us.

As far as improving the site. If the mods would stop yelling at members maybe we would feel more like it's a home here. I know inappropriate things get posted but IMO it's better to deal with those problems quietly. Remove the post and PM the member about it. The trolls just love to stir up trouble and they love the yelling that goes on. Close their threads and ban them after they post so many threads that are inappropriate. I know some posts are over the top and need to be whiped out immediately. It can be done without any fanfare. Those who saw the thread will understand what happened.

Some threads get mean spirited but that is just people for you and you will find that everywhere. Remind the OP that if people start to beat up on their threads they can request it be removed. No sense in continuing to quarrel with people who just want to disagree no matter what you say.

Maybe make it a more friendly place by having contests for people to join. Make it more fun and the atmosphere light.

07-18-2005, 10:06 PM
Yesterday and earlier today I was having trouble when I clicked on the fast reply button on the post above - it would go as if I hit the quote button. I just tried it again, and it actually let me do a fast reply. Other than that, I have not had any troubles. I don't even get pop ups anymore! :D Great job. :D

Kyla Kym
07-18-2005, 11:52 PM
But, I'll tell you what, if a banned member wants their account back (if it's still there, there has been house cleaning going on, in order to free up the server) they can email me at forum support and I will do my best to reinstate the account. This is providing what happened was not so offensive the board cannot risk letting them back. But, I will see what I can do. Perhaps some reading this will contact me if they want back.

If their account is no longer there, they will be able to resign up.

Maybe this will be a first step in showing everyone that we DO want to do what is best for the board, and to make it enjoyable again for everyone.

*hopes Alex doesn't hunt me down now lol*

I know one member I want back that was banned, and that member is Ravenlost. She was a nice member that we all liked, and she was banned for stepping on a mods toes is what I was told. There are members here now that are getting by with name calling and attacking others without even a slap on the hand. So I for one would rather see the "good" members that were banned like Ravenlost back on the board, than these people that are being allowed to attack others like there is no tomorrow!

Katt & Angelseyes28, glad to see y'all back trying to clean things up. :)

Oh, one thing I have enjoyed though since the mods have been gone is that people who post eBay links aren't getting them pulled now. I love seeing funny things people post about from eBay. :D I hope y'all don't go back to pulling those links again, and y'all allow them like you use to. :)

07-19-2005, 02:32 AM
I know one member I want back that was banned, and that member is Ravenlost. She was a nice member that we all liked, and she was banned for stepping on a mods toes is what I was told. There are members here now that are getting by with name calling and attacking others without even a slap on the hand. So I for one would rather see the "good" members that were banned like Ravenlost back on the board, than these people that are being allowed to attack others like there is no tomorrow!

Katt & Angelseyes28, glad to see y'all back trying to clean things up. :)

Oh, one thing I have enjoyed though since the mods have been gone is that people who post eBay links aren't getting them pulled now. I love seeing funny things people post about from eBay. :D I hope y'all don't go back to pulling those links again, and y'all allow them like you use to. :)

Just for the record(so Katt will know)I absolutely have no problem at all with letting Ravenlost back in.:)

I am sooooo glad you brought up the ebay issue! I can't speak for Katt, but I would love to see Ebay links allowed in OT. I have enjoyed a lot of them that were posted, that is, before I had to follow the rules and pull them. I don't have a problem with misc and off the wall ebay links posted in OT but I don't think they should be allowed in the auction forum. Ebay has a different set of rules for auctions than BBS and there would be no way to merge the two sets of rules.

Now that being said, Katt has created a suggestion thread and stuck it at the top of the page. Anyone that has suggestions, PLEASE, post them there so we will be sure not to overlook anyones suggestions. Thanks:)

07-19-2005, 04:03 AM
Well except for some threads that were locked, Katt we emailed, I've hed no problems. It's been slow, or I've gotten an error message but other than that nothing.

As for people being rude....it comes with the territory. I like a debate as much as the next guy and at no time have I ever felt that I was attacked or insulted. (Except that one PM I got but she never wrote back)

07-19-2005, 05:26 AM
If Alex is not interested in getting rid of the soft porn ads how can the site be improved? He sends out spam to the members. That is how he makes money. Told us he would not sell our email addies and then he did. Lots of spam sent to us.

I was under the impression the "soft porn" was no longer there. I have not had one complaint recently in that regards, so it it's there, please let me know. But, way to be positive about us trying to make improvements Janelle. As for the spam, I have no idea about that, but if you are fearful of the site having your information, please pm me and I can remove your account along with all your information if you choose.

As far as improving the site. If the mods would stop yelling at members maybe we would feel more like it's a home here.

I, for one, do not yell. I certainly do not remove or edit anything that does not need it. But please, since this is a problem, please show me threads where mods have yelled at someone for no reason and I will gladly deal with the issue.

I know inappropriate things get posted but IMO it's better to deal with those problems quietly. Remove the post and PM the member about it. The trolls just love to stir up trouble and they love the yelling that goes on. Close their threads and ban them after they post so many threads that are inappropriate. I know some posts are over the top and need to be whiped out immediately. It can be done without any fanfare. Those who saw the thread will understand what happened.

Janelle, this is what we have always done, and you have been a member long enough to know this. We do not discuss things on the board, we remove it and deal with it in private. If members post about it, to "stir" things up, we remove that also, so I'm not sure what part of this is your complaint.

Some threads get mean spirited but that is just people for you and you will find that everywhere. Remind the OP that if people start to beat up on their threads they can request it be removed. No sense in continuing to quarrel with people who just want to disagree no matter what you say.

EXACTLY! However, if the op does not request it closed, it is left unless it is down right attacking. However, the complaints lately is that we have not pulled fast enough, so I'm confused on the contradiction here.

Make it more fun and the atmosphere light.

That is what I THOUGHT Angel and I were attempting to accomplish, isn't that what my post earlier said?

07-19-2005, 05:33 AM
I know one member I want back that was banned, and that member is Ravenlost. She was a nice member that we all liked, and she was banned for stepping on a mods toes is what I was told. There are members here now that are getting by with name calling and attacking others without even a slap on the hand. So I for one would rather see the "good" members that were banned like Ravenlost back on the board, than these people that are being allowed to attack others like there is no tomorrow!


I'm sure that is what you were told. However, mom2jal has never banned anyone simply for "stepping on her toes" if we did that, we wouldn't have members left. However, she can contact me if she wants and I will look into it.

As for name calling and attacking, I haven't had one pm or email regarding this, so if I'm not notified, I'm not going to go hunting. We are adults here, and people should realize if they post something, there will always be someone who doesn't agree. There has been one post I have closed lately that got out of hand. No one notified me, I stumbled onto it. If I hadn't seen it, it would have gone on, because not one member complained. Not much I can do there.

Oh, and as for ebay threads, I've never pulled them, and neither has Angel. I have no problem leaving any that aren't self promotion. Never had. ;) I'll leave a note for the other moderators (should they return) that unless it's self promotion, it should be left alone.

07-19-2005, 05:36 AM
Well except for some threads that were locked, Katt we emailed, I've hed no problems. It's been slow, or I've gotten an error message but other than that nothing.

As for people being rude....it comes with the territory. I like a debate as much as the next guy and at no time have I ever felt that I was attacked or insulted. (Except that one PM I got but she never wrote back)

Thanks YNKYH8R. I figured that problem was when the board ate posts, that's why they appeared to be shut down.

I completely agree with you on the rude part. Any time you deal with strangers, friends, public, there is the risk of someone not responding the way you wish they would. I think that is what everyone needs to realize, and if disagreements can be taken with a grain of salt, and not an all out brawl, it will make it easier on everyone. :)

07-19-2005, 05:45 AM
I was under the impression the "soft porn" was no longer there. I have not had one complaint recently in that regards, so it it's there, please let me know. But, way to be positive about us trying to make improvements Janelle. As for the spam, I have no idea about that, but if you are fearful of the site having your information, please pm me and I can remove your account along with all your information if you choose.

I, for one, do not yell. I certainly do not remove or edit anything that does not need it. But please, since this is a problem, please show me threads where mods have yelled at someone for no reason and I will gladly deal with the issue.

Janelle, this is what we have always done, and you have been a member long enough to know this. We do not discuss things on the board, we remove it and deal with it in private. If members post about it, to "stir" things up, we remove that also, so I'm not sure what part of this is your complaint.

EXACTLY! However, if the op does not request it closed, it is left unless it is down right attacking. However, the complaints lately is that we have not pulled fast enough, so I'm confused on the contradiction here.

That is what I THOUGHT Angel and I were attempting to accomplish, isn't that what my post earlier said?
Very well said!
I haven't seen the "soft porn" ads since I have been back but I have seen an ad about some type of dog products.
As far as the spam goes, I'm not sure how all of the spam can be traced back to Alex and BBS. I know I have signed up for freebies under an email that BBS doesn't have and ended up being slammed with all sorts of spam.
The only way to ensure you have a spam free inbox is to not sign up for anything.
I really want to make this place a happier and more carefree site but not if I have to butt heads the whole way.

07-19-2005, 05:51 AM
Just for the record...I get maybe 20 pieces of spam all total a week in all of my accounts I use 2 different email addresses. Honestly I rarely sign up for freebies on this board or any other boards. Maybe once a month or so...maybe thats where the spammers get all the email addresses???

07-19-2005, 06:05 AM
I don't get a lot of spam, or at least it is easy to wade through. So...no problems. Except I would like to see more/differnent Avatars. I mean come on! It's July and I still have a frickin' snowman! LOL! :)

07-19-2005, 06:17 AM
I have a Lycos page and a Brainfox page that comes up whenver I'm at BBS. This is the only place it happens at. They seem to be some sort of a search engine type thing. I also have the blue time ads come up but my pop up blocker catches them. The Google blocker lets them through so I needed to install a different one.

07-19-2005, 07:02 AM
Ok, I didn't read all of this so I may be reposting what someone else said. Yeah, I'm lazy today. :p

I never had any problems with trojans or viruses. I have a pop blocker that stops the pop ups. So all of that is good on my end.

I do have a suggestion though. Could we possibly get new smileys. The ones we have here just down right suck. We need some new cute fun ones. I'm bored with these.

07-19-2005, 07:11 AM
I just mentioned the soft porn (not my discription but other members) to illustrate what kind of ads people do not want to see on here. I never saw it since my pop-up blocker blocked the pop-ups.

I just know that is the reason some gave for coming to another board. If Alex would stop such ads then members would want to stay.

Maybe go to the other boards and read the newbie threads to see if people say why they will not come here again. It's not just the viruses and trogans although who wants their computer messed up.

07-19-2005, 07:12 AM
I'll see what can be done with smileys or avatars. The only thing with that is, the board has to host them on a site. That ads to server costs, and it's something I can't see Alex paying more for. Let me see if cleaning up more, will help and if he will let me add some. No promises though, but Angel and I both are going to see what we can do about it.

07-19-2005, 07:15 AM
Sorry Janelle, I'm not going to any other boards other than the ones I already go to. If someone has a problem with bbs and ACTUALLY wants it fixed, they can contact me directly.

Since you have not had problems with the "soft porn" you keep referring to, why not leave it to the ones it is still bothering, to contact me. If you aren't getting it, you don't know if it's fixed, and therefore it's not helping the situation by posting it over and over. If it's fixed, let it go, that means its done with. Repeating it over and over is not going to change what is in the past.

07-19-2005, 07:19 AM
I'll see what can be done with smileys or avatars. The only thing with that is, the board has to host them on a site. That ads to server costs, and it's something I can't see Alex paying more for. Let me see if cleaning up more, will help and if he will let me add some. No promises though, but Angel and I both are going to see what we can do about it.

Can he exchange some old ones for some new ones? that way it would cost any more. I don't care baout the smilies, but I'd love to have a new avatar... Is there a way that we can host our own?

07-19-2005, 07:22 AM
Let me check into it.

I'm doing my pharmacology assignment, and keeping tabs on the board at the same time lol, so I'm a little slow, but I WILL get to it, I promise.

07-19-2005, 07:25 AM
ooohhh homework.. YUCK LOL

07-19-2005, 07:29 AM
Can he exchange some old ones for some new ones? that way it would cost any more. I don't care baout the smilies, but I'd love to have a new avatar... Is there a way that we can host our own?

That's a good idea. Maybe instead of adding more we could just exchange the ones we have for different ones. It would be a nice change. Some new avatars would be nice too. I don't know how these boards are run because I have never had one of my own but I think that some of the other sites use free hosting services. I don't know if that is something that can be done here or not. Again, I don't know anything about running a board like this so maybe it's not an option.

07-19-2005, 07:44 AM
I'm hoping to get the board back to normal. I was talking with Angel, and we think if we get some input from everyone, we can make it enjoyable again. Kind of change up some rules..or the way we interpret them, see what everyone wants and what we can do, etc.
That would be wonderful! Thank you for the work you're doing.

07-19-2005, 09:59 AM
I'll see what can be done with smileys or avatars. The only thing with that is, the board has to host them on a site. That ads to server costs, and it's something I can't see Alex paying more for. Let me see if cleaning up more, will help and if he will let me add some. No promises though, but Angel and I both are going to see what we can do about it.
Thanks Katt and Angel! :D

07-19-2005, 10:28 AM
My Norton's doesn't go nuts when I come here now, so that's an improvement. And I never see any ads or popups anyway. It's faster since the cleanup too.

About lightening up on the editing & closing threads; I agree. If someone can't deal with differing opinions, then they shouldn't be posting on a public forum. As long as we can state our opinions without name-calling, there shouldn't be a problem.

About banned members...some of us could never find out why we were banned. And there's a few I'd like to see back on here, but doubt if they would now.

07-19-2005, 11:07 AM
Since you asked, yes I finally got all the spyware off my PC, although I have no way of really knowing where it came from.

07-19-2005, 11:43 AM
Since you asked, yes I finally got all the spyware off my PC, although I have no way of really knowing where it came from.

Are you having trouble now though? If so, I will include it when I email alex again.

Angel Lips
07-19-2005, 12:11 PM
everything works fine for me, except that one pop-up when i log in, and the time not being correct but that is minor, everything looks good to me

07-19-2005, 12:37 PM
Sometimes I get a pop-up when I fist come to the site, I changed my firefox settings so now it's just a blank pop-up, annoying, but not anything I can't live with.

I get message pop-ups that say document contains no data when I go from thread to thread...don't know if it's the site or my computer, but I don't get them anywhere but BBS.

Just have to say I'm loving the new avatars, nice to see some that seem to fit people's username/personality!

07-19-2005, 07:04 PM
Since you asked, yes I finally got all the spyware off my PC, although I have no way of really knowing where it came from.

It could have come from most anywhere. I don't think there are too many places you can go on the internet where you won't pick up spy ware. I run Ad-Aware at least once a week but usually more. It always picks up something.

07-19-2005, 07:18 PM
I want to thank the mods for not giving up on this place. :) I really like it here too. I never had any problems with the trojans or virii.

This place is running alot faster too. I am on cable and it flies now. Reminds me... I am SO glad that buzzing noisy fly hasnt returned hehe. :D

07-20-2005, 04:53 AM
Alex has pretty much washed his hands of the site it seems. Other than to place pop ups, or ads etc, he doesn't have much to do with anything. I got tired of contacting him, only to be ignored, listening to people yell and scream etc, and he wouldn't do anything...so I told him to shove it basically lol. He never took away my powers or replied to me, I just stopped doing the job. The next time I emailed him about a problem (when the boards went down) he was right on it and emailed me back. When I emailed about the missing threads, he emailed abou that too. Sooo, I decided that this was my first board, I have invested almost 5 years of my time here, and I don't want it to go down. After talking with Angel, she decided to try it again, and now we want to do what we can to attempt to fix what's wrong with the place. ;)

That's the long and short of it. Watch him read it now, and fire me for completely. :p

well that would tick me off too... Wonder why he abandoned BBS.. it use to be his baby.. now he just doesn't give a crap.. why?

07-22-2005, 06:22 AM
Are you having trouble now though? If so, I will include it when I email alex again.

Not one problem now.

Thanks for agreeing with me, Patch.

08-03-2005, 09:13 AM
it still has everything it has always had, just not as much. The blockers, etc are picking them up that is until something is installed that hasn't been addressed by a blocking system or virus protection. This board will never be completely free of this garbage unless the owner stops putting all this crap in here. Until then, I wouldn't trust the board anymore than before. Its unfortunate as this board has been around awhile, but stopping wasting your time for someone else and open your own board.

08-03-2005, 10:54 AM
Nah, I have too much time invested here and I would miss my friends. All other boards become, or start out as, bbs knockoffs anyway, so I'll just stay at the original.

Like I said in the deal forum: If anyone wants their information and account removed from the site, let me know. It's not worth risking your computer on if you feel the site is dangerous, and we don't want you to feel forced to stay if you are not happy here. You can pm me, or email bigbigforums@hotmail.com

We are doing what we can. We are letting more stuff slide, trying to get it more relaxed, and even put up a suggestion thread to make the site more enjoyable with EVERYONE'S input. We cannot do anything about how the owner has decided to fund the board. We can only do what we can to minimize that inconvenience and make the place fun and worthwhile for everyone. Thank you though, for letting us know you are still having trouble. That is what you were getting at, right? :confused:

08-03-2005, 10:57 AM
Unless you click on the ads here, you shouldn't be getting spam, viri, trojans, or malware from here anymore. Even when I turn my Norton's off, i don't get anything from just coming here.

08-03-2005, 08:47 PM
Is it me or is the boards running slower lately? I noticed last night it was really bad, it took minutes for a page to load or for it to post my reply. It's gotten better today, but it is still slow.

And can we request to Alex that the ads not flash? I don't care or mind the ads at all, but that flashing one where you can click and maybe win an XBOX is really distracting when you are trying to read something.

Other than that everything else seems to be going swell. :)

Thanks for listening to my input. :)

08-03-2005, 09:42 PM
Katt, other mods, thank you for your hard work. I have a concern now: my feedback disappeared. Did it move somewheres, or can another one be started? Thanks, Joy

Aloha from paradise
08-03-2005, 11:24 PM
No problems here. Katt and Angel thanks for all you are doing :D

08-04-2005, 05:15 AM
shannykitty, do you use Norton's? If you do, it has an ad blocker. I don't ever see the ads on here.

08-04-2005, 07:02 AM
Is it me or is the boards running slower lately? I noticed last night it was really bad, it took minutes for a page to load or for it to post my reply. It's gotten better today, but it is still slow.

I have been having the same problem, it seems to act like it's loading the page fast then it's like it freezes up or something. I have been wearing my refresh button out :eek:

08-04-2005, 07:13 AM
I'll email him again. :D I know how he likes to hear from me. *bats eyelashes*

08-04-2005, 08:11 AM
He couldn't make it through the day without hearing from you:D

08-04-2005, 10:52 AM
shannykitty, do you use Norton's? If you do, it has an ad blocker. I don't ever see the ads on here.

No I don't. We had it but it didn't seem to work and we got a trojan. :( So we ditched it and are doing ZoneAlarm which kind of annoys me, but it works. :) I'm not exactly too sure to block the ads but I don't really care to, I'm not annoyed by any of them except the ones that flash. :)

I have been having the same problem, it seems to act like it's loading the page fast then it's like it freezes up or something. I have been wearing my refresh button out

Me too! I think it's getting tired of me using it. LOL