View Full Version : The Inside 7/6 9:00 4200-4700+ pts.

07-07-2005, 12:10 AM
What did Webb tell Paul to do after the case was solved?
*Go to his wife

What did Paul's wife Karen do after he stormed out of the house?
*Crashed her car

What did Paul find that his wife Karen had done when he arrived at home?
*Prepared a romantic evening

What did Paul do before leaving his home to see Billy Ray Pope?
*Took gun from safe

What did Paul tell Rebecca to do to the murder victim?
*Check inside her mouth

What was Billy Ray Pope doing when the FBI searched his house?
*Eating dinner

What was Zora doing when she came home to find Paul holding a gun to Billy Ray Pope's head?
*Carrying bag of groceries

What did Billy Ray Pope claim he did that changed him?
*Fell in love with woman

What reason did Linda Fisher give for lying under oath?
*Was bribed with cash

What did Carter do after Webb told him he was "transparently good"?
*Surrendered his badge

What did Linda Fisher say Webb's voice could do?
*Sell anything

What did Paul say Billy Ray Pope did that set him apart from other murderers?
*Targeted married couples

What did Paul want a woman on the street to do?
*Listen to voice recordings
*Chevy Suburban

What did the FBI accuse an incarcerated suspect of allegedly doing?
*Murdering several women

What did detectives think was the reason behind Zora becoming a lawyer?
*Had husband wrongfully jailed
NOT> Dell

07-07-2005, 12:10 AM

In a commercial during this show, what did different people, such as a man in a shirt and tie in his bathroom, a car salesman in his show room, and a young man on his bed, all do?
*Drank water from odd places, such as a shower and fish tank
*Spicy Chicken Sandwich

In a commercial during this show, what did a man working at a sub shop do to sandwiches after putting them on a plate and ringing a bell before an announcer discussed "soft-baked bread"?
*Passed them through an appliance into a kitchen to a mother and son
*Hot Pockets

In a commercial during this show, what did various people, including a group of women at an outdoor restaurant, a man at a deli counter and a man sitting in a sushi bar, do before an announcer discussed "exciting new flavors"?
*Ordered "the usual" from the servers
*Chili's Grill & Bar
*Mix n' Match Baby Backs

In a commercial during this show, what sale was discussed as cell phones floated in different bubbles against a red background as an announcer described being "number one in customer satisfaction"?
*"Red Hot Wireless Event!"
*Get color screen phone free with two year contract

In a commercial during this show, what happened to Mr. and Mrs. Brown as they drove up to their house before a man in a suit explained why "they are so happy" as he pointed out cars and their features in a dealership lot?
*Told by a man in a hard hat that they were living on a toxic waste site
*Pay $199 per month for thirty-six months