View Full Version : A Stinky Situation

07-03-2005, 09:58 AM
Okay....tell me what you think...i am at my wits end on this and need your help in figuring something out.....
My best friend and I have known each other for 8 years. We have so much fun every time we are together.
The problem is this.......Her breath is God Awful.....and I've tried everything I possibly can to get her to notice.
I offer her gum....and wonder why it is when a person offers a person with breath that smells like hot mud some bubble gum, they always turn it down.
Can she not smell what i am smelling, or has her nose been stopped up for the past 8 years....
i know you're wondering why i cant flat out tell her that the breath just aint right, and heres why....she is extremely sensitive...cries all the time...
and feelings get hurt over small stuff.... so that makes it hard on me.
When we are in the car together and she talks---i turn my face to the opposite direction as if i have spotted something out the window...(sad but true) get a visual on that one..
help me, help her, without hurting her feelings or our friendship....
i've tried it all.....its been 8 years---so---you have to dig deep into the brain for answers.............if i smell it....i know others do too.....
even bought two listerine pocket packs and said these are new and something nice to have for our purses.....
if nothing works out, i will always be her best friend....i have dealt with it for so long i hope to one day be immune to the odor...

07-03-2005, 10:16 AM
Ask her if shes been check for diabetis lately... (there is a certain mouth odor diabetics give off when their sugar is low) .... use that for an excuse and then she will know she has bad breath.

Other than that I don't have any advice than to tell her straight.

07-03-2005, 10:34 AM
I think I would just tell her straight up. It might hurt her feelings at 1st, but if she's really your friend, I think she will come to realize you're just trying to help.

I know I would want someone to tell me.

07-03-2005, 10:59 AM
When yall are in the car again, say.... Man, I forgot to brush my teeth this morning. Does my breath stink? Maybe she will ask you the same and then you can say, not to be rude, but yeah! LOL

07-03-2005, 11:22 AM
Tell Her! I would want someone to tell me! Especially since it is an every day thing....I couldn't ride in the car with someone liike that ....It would make me car sick! :eek:

Aloha from paradise
07-03-2005, 11:24 AM
Could it be she has no since of smell? My father-in-law is like that. He can't smell anything. How do her teeth look? Does she go to the dentist and get regular cleanings? You really should tell her because if it's as bad as you say she must make others uncomfortable. I once went out on a blind date when I was in my teens. Man, this guy must have never brushed his teeth. He stunk so bad. I had him take me home and asked my Mom to tell him I didn't feel good. Which was true after being with him for only 20 minutes. I know, it was the chickens way to do it but I just couldn't talk to him. YUCK!
Good luck :)

07-03-2005, 11:39 AM
tell her about this one kind of mouth wash TRI ORAL.....it does work.....lol.....I got it for hubby to use because he had bb and so do I...lol....but I aint telling you that....lol...and it is not from lack of brushing teeth...lol....but it is high but it is good...you can get it on ebay and I got mine thru QVC...it has the tooth paste also you can buy and you never had you teeth this clean feeling since your cleanning at the dentist....worth the money for us here...lol

07-03-2005, 11:45 AM
She could have gingivitis or maybe she doesn't brush her teeth and tongue at all. I personally feel that you telling her would be a big favor to her plus you would be a good friend.

Good luck! :)