View Full Version : Do you like the taste of spam?

07-02-2005, 12:08 PM
LOL! I thought this would be funny for all those people that send too many chain emails. :p

Dear Friend, Family, Colleague, or anonymous soul who ripped off my email,

Due to your obvious love and ever-growing inventory of Spam I knew you would appreciate the following two cookbooks. Please use the attached coupon to order yours now!

Hawaii's Spam Cookbook Set

(photo of books)


Celebrate your Independence with July 4th Savings the entire month of July from Hawaii's independent publisher, Bess Press. Take 25% off your entire order plus take 35% off gardening and plant life titles. But that's not all, for every order over $20, you'll receive a free complimentary copy of a Bess Press book.

07-02-2005, 11:45 PM
hehe too funny. When I read your title before clicking on it I thought about Hawaii and how I have heard that the love spam. I don't know that I've ever had it but I can guarantee that I never will. :D

07-03-2005, 02:34 PM
Icky Icky Icky!

For Y2K, DH had me stockpile several different groceries,
including the ever popular Spam.

He had never eaten it before,
but thought it sounded like a good
source of canned protein.

Made it one time....that was enough.
Gave the rest to charity. LOL!

07-03-2005, 06:18 PM
When I was a kid I liked Spam straight out of the can or fried. We used to make Spam sandwiches. Now I don't like it either way. Hubby does like and he will buy a can of it once in a while.

07-04-2005, 03:33 AM
My dad was in Guam during WWII. Apparently they ate alot of Spam because it was the first meat that was canned and kept for long periods of time. My mom, being the good girlfriend at the time, sent my dad a care package. Among the things recommended to send was Spam. When my dad got the package and saw the Spam, he threw it has hard and as far as he could into the jungle.

Needless to say, we never ate Spam while growing up.

Aloha from paradise
07-05-2005, 10:37 PM
The Hawaiian locals here love Spam. Personally I've never tried it and don't intend too. :eek:

crazy monkey
07-05-2005, 11:09 PM
Just the sound of that word makes me wanna gag.