View Full Version : Please keep us in your thoughts

06-29-2005, 11:23 AM
My hubby has had a severe headache in the back of his head since Saturday night. We've gone to two different Emergency Rooms now, they've run a ton of tests, took lots of blood, did the ct scan, spinal tap and I'm sure lots of other things that I'm forgetting. I haven't gotten more then a couple hours of sleep. Even when he does get to sleep I can't because I'm worried about him. He's usually tough as nails, nothing bothers him so seeing him in so much pain has me terrified! The dr tried saying it was migraine but there is no way. He has had it none stop since saturday and no other symptoms. Not sensitive to light or sound, not sick to his stomach, not lightheaded, nothing. Well not until he took the medicine they prescribed for him that is. He has an appointment to see a neurologist (please forgive my spelling) and I'm hoping like crazy that they figure out whats causing this darn headache. To top it off, I have a bad back from previous injury that has chosen this time to act up again. I could barely move this morning when I tried to get out of bed. It is killing me no matter what I do, sit, stand, lay down, it don't matter. Things HAVE GOT to get BETTER soon!! So Please keep us all in your thoughts, send good vibes our way. Especially for my husband. Thanks everyone.

06-29-2005, 12:55 PM
Sorry for what you and your DH are going thru. My mom went thru this several years ago and they never did find out what was going on. She had headaches for a good while-I do not remember exactly how long. She took some meds that knock her out.

06-29-2005, 01:47 PM
My DH done that a few weeks ago and his turned out to be a tension migraine. They done blood work and a MRA scan and everything and couldn't find anything wrong. They had to give him a shot of some pain meds and a prescription for migraine medicine and more pain meds. Hopefully they will find out whats causing it and give him some relief soon. (((Hugs)))

Angel Lips
06-29-2005, 05:33 PM
I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers

06-29-2005, 08:20 PM
We just got back from the ER again. This time they called in a neurologist who was wonderful. She ran more tests, listened to us, which is a big thing. I asked her to check his iron level because our daughter gets bad headaches when her iron is low. Well they found out that he is iron deficient and dehydrated. Thats what is causing his headache! I'm glad that we now know what is wrong and that its pretty easy fix. He was given a prescription to bring his iron back up and we follow up with the regular doctor. Good news for us!! Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts.