View Full Version : Recent Foot Odor...........any suggestions?

06-26-2005, 11:25 AM
Ok, this is alittle embarassing to post, but I must do something about it. Lately I have developed a foot odor and am not sure what is causing it! I wear sandles, bathe everyday thoroughly, and even pamper my feet with lotions. It has never done this before and am not sure how to solve it!

I have recently started taking prenatal vitamins. Could that be causing it? Its the only thing I am doing differently. HELP Please...............

06-26-2005, 01:35 PM
it's prolly from the sandals..I wear sandals too and my feet are pretty ripe after work lol...feet sweat..can't really help it..dunno what to suggest lol

06-26-2005, 02:21 PM
I was also going to say that it could be the sandals. You wouldn't think sandals would do that but sometimes they do. Maybe you could try Gold Bond powder or something like that.

06-26-2005, 02:40 PM
What type of sandals do you wear? Do they have a leather sole? That would make your feet smell.

06-27-2005, 05:59 AM
ohhhhh my dd had a pair of those brown leather sandals.......oh my goodness.....never again will she have those....the stinch is just to much....lol....you can get mexana foot powder and use but probably once you switch sandals it will probably help....and some people just have stinky feet...my cousin she has the awfullest smelling feet and she bathes every day too

06-27-2005, 07:08 AM
MEXSANA foot powder.....is the best. My dh wears work boots constantly. so believe me he has to have something to keep the smell down. he only has to wear this once a week or less often. but the good part is NO STINKING FEET!!!!
I say go buy it and you will be amazed. :) I won't buy anything else.