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06-17-2005, 12:17 AM
What happened to Paul London after Eddie Guerrero forced him off the top rope?
*Landed on neck

What did Booker T do to Carlito after attacking him in the ring?
*Hurled apples at him

How did Eddie Guerrero win his match against Paul London?
*Put him in "Texas Cloverleaf"

What did JBL do to Doug Basham after realizing he might lose his match?
*Smacked him with hat

What did JBL say he did before arriving at the arena?
*Relaxed at spa

What did Carlito do when he arrived in the ring?
*Insulted fans

What did Tazz say Doug Basham needed to do to Chris Benoit in order to defeat him?
*Fight him "relentlessly"

What did Chris Benoit do to Orlando Jordan to prevent him from interfering in JBL's match against Undertaker?
*Forced him backstage

What did Paul London do before his match with Eddie Guerrero?
*Charged to ring

What did Tazz say Matt Morgan did to Big Show in a previous match?
*Injured his ribs

What did JBL do after kicking out of Undertaker's first pin attempt?
*Retreated out of ring

What did Rey Mysterio do to Eddie Guerrero after his match?
*Attacked him with chair

How did Orlando Jordan cheat to win his match against Hardcore Holly?
*Grabbed ropes during pin

What did Heidenreich do after entering the ring?
*Recited poem

What did Eddie Guerrero do to Paul London before his first attempt to pin him?
*Gave him knee back breaker

What did the Smackdown Divas do to Heidenreich in the ring?
*Touched his body
*Hershey's Kisses

What did Matt Morgan do to Big Show in a clip from a previous match?
*Threw him onto table
NOT> Budweiser

06-17-2005, 03:47 AM
In a promotional advertisement during this program, for a show called "Sex, Lies & Secrets," what happened?
Complex relationships of tight-knit friends were explored
This Fall

In a commercial during this show, what did a young woman say happened to her while she appeared in several different outfits while standing in the same room before sitting in a large chair?
Skin cleared up in just a few days
Clearasil Ultra
Clears skin in three days

In a commercial during this show, what did two men and two women do after one of the men became satisfied with a product that came in the mail?
Danced in a "Conga" line
Receive Free sample

In a commercial during this show, what embarrassing thing did a man do as he sat in his living room with another man discussing a wireless plan he liked because it let him call his family?
Mistakenly thought that he had a brother named Tito
Sprint PCS
No roaming charges because it now covers "more people in more places

06-17-2005, 08:49 AM
In a commercial during this show, what did several different men, who were shown in live and computer-generated footage, do while an announcer discussed "brute force" and "a single moment" as ways to establish a "legacy"?
Wrestled each other in crowded arena
"WWE WrestleMania 21"

In a commercial during this show, what did a medication do after a young woman left her doctor's office while an announcer discussed a "brand new way to fight acne"?
Jumped out of window and rode with skateboarder to beat her to drug store
Stri-Dex Power Pads
Offer prescription strength treatment

In a DVD commercial during this show, what did a rock band do as they were seen behind two gold packages that were displayed on a platform while text appeared on-screen?
Performed concert
"The Eagles: Farewell 1 Tour -- Live From Melbourne"

In a commercial during this show, who discussed the benefits of a motel while standing in the lobby before a sign was shown and an announcer spoke and a lighted sign appeared?
Baseball coach and player who gave and translated hand signals
Motel 6
Is cheap, clean and comfortable

06-17-2005, 01:26 PM
In a commercial during this show, what happened when a solitary young man approached a van under a bridge?
Man wrote word "go" in dust on van's back window
Nintendo DS
"GoldenEye: Rogue Agent"/Responsive touch controls

In a public announcement during this show, what did several business executives do during a mock situation comedy with a laugh track before text appeared that read, "It might be funnier if it wasn't true"?
Brainstorming better ways to market products
Will use any means to make money

06-17-2005, 01:31 PM
What did Matt Morgan do to Big Show in a clip from a previous match?
*Threw him onto table
NOT> Budweiser

***Miller Genuine Draft