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06-07-2005, 01:00 AM
What did Liz do while hanging out with everyone in the kitchen?
*Asked if a word was a verb

What did Davis say about facing Jeremy and Melissa in the admissions showdown?
*Knew more than both opponents

What did a clip show Jeremy doing while at his home?
*Speaking Vietnamese with family

What did Scot say was his first impression of Davis after he arrived at the house?
*Knew they would not get along

What did Shawn tell Alyssa she did during her first individual meeting with the Scholarship Committee?
*Got easily frustrated

What did Liz say about space exploration during the first Captain's Quiz?
*Knew nothing about it

What did Liz say after Davis selected her for his team?
*Was flattered to be singled out

What did Melissa say after she beat Davis and won $50,000 in the admissions showdown?
*Felt better about going to college

What did Melissa do during her first interview with the Scholarship Committee?
*Wiped away tears

What did Milana say she hoped to do in the future?
*Find cure for cancer

What did Davis do to prepare himself for the first admissions showdown?
*Executed pushups on kitchen floor

What did Gerald say about members of the Scholarship Committee?
*Were very intimidating

What did Melissa say she thought she did that slowed the team down?
*Second-guessed herself

What did Scot say he wasn't used to?
*Having classmates

What did Davis say he did when he pulled out the book "Gone With the Wind"?
*Made joke about it

What did Davis say the others thought about him after saying that everyone in his high school knew him?
*Loved or hated him
*Polo Ralph Lauren

What did Amari say had happened to her during the Captain's Quiz?
*Heart pounded quickly
*Polo Ralph Lauren

What did Davis say about himself in the first interview segment?
*Was "most practically smart"
*Intel Centrino

What did Peter Johnson say during the first challenge about the Scholarship Committee?
*Looked for risk takers
*Intel Centrino

06-07-2005, 03:05 AM
In a commercial during this show, what did a woman's family, that was casually hanging out in a kitchen, do after she removed an orange item from a grocery bag?
Disappeared into hiding places around kitchen
Listerine Natural Citrus
Has less intense flavor than regular

06-07-2005, 07:39 AM
What did the contestants do for the first challenge?
-Solved Riddles
-Intel Centrino

06-07-2005, 11:09 AM
Thanks OP!

What did Amari say about her experience in the first competition?
Felt pressure to look good
****NOT Got overwhelmed about challenge
Had too much fun
****NOT Was disappointed about performance

What did Davis & Liz do in the living room before the Scholarship Committee Meetings?
Had pillow fight
Intel Centrino

What did Jeremy say about his parents coming to America?
Shared one cup of water each day
Lost 2 passports in subway mugging
Took 3 tries to become citizens
****NOT Got rerouted to 4 different countries

What did Peter Johnson say during the first challenge about the Scholarship Committee?
Had no patience for slackers
Admired conservative decision-making
****NOT Judged all students equally
Looked for risk takers

In a commercial during this show, what did a family do that allowed their children to pursue such fun activities as feeding a dolphin, sliding down a water slide, and eating ice cream?
Went on ocean cruise
Carnival Cruise Lines
Million ways to have fun

In a commercial during this show, what did a freshman boy do while trying desperately to get a bag of chips out of a vending machine that he didn't know was unplugged?
Got himself stuck inside machine
Doritos Nacho Cheesier
Log on to www.innw.com

In a commercial during this show, why did a woman wearing a veil return to a man in a fedora after she left him to "see the world"?
Needed to refill her allergy medication
More effective than competitive brands /Will help you enjoy life

In a promotional advertisement during this program, for a show called "Empire," what happened?
Gladiator was involved in different conflicts and battles
Tuesday, June 28

In a commercial during this show, what did a blue man do after two other nearly identical blue men skated on roller skates and hopped around on springs?
Flew around on hover board
Intel Centrino
Designed for mobile performance

In a commercial during this show, how did different people, including a woman walking dogs, a boy scout group and a waitress, come to use the same SUV while a song about "having a great life" played?
Keys were tossed from driver to driver
Kia Sportage
Starting price is around $16,000

In a commercial during this show, what did a man do in his bathroom for thirty seconds as an announcer spoke?
Used mouthwash
Fights plaque and gingivitis

In a commercial during this show, what happened as a memo floated out of a window, people waited in line for a "predictable" movie, and men sat in a row with a generic latte?
Car drove down empty road
Nissan Altima
Is unconventional

In a commercial during this show, what did an announcer discuss, as a classic song echoed his sentiments, and a group of people ate and toasted at a restaurant while two new menu items were introduced and displayed in close-ups?
Certain type of cooking that was filled with happiness
Olive Garden
Seafood or Roasted Chicken and Mushroom Cannelloni

In a commercial during this show, what happened in a kitchen as an announcer discussed being bothered by a dish not being made with "100% real" ingredients?
Cheese was grated for macaroni dish
Stouffer's Macaroni & Cheese
Uses only real cheese

In a commercial during this show, what was highlighted about a charitable foundation as young people did such things on a college campus as play ball, stroll hand-in-hand, and line up for commencement?
Money and scholarships it provided because it believed in every person's potential
Benefits higher education

In a commercial during this show, what was guaranteed to "never change" about a fast-food restaurant even in this day and age when people eat everywhere, including on buses, on riding lawn mowers, and in cars?
Way that its food was made and served to achieve quality and freshness
Food tastes right

06-07-2005, 01:40 PM
In a commercial during this show, how did helmeted test-drivers evaluate the performance of silver cars as an announcer explained that the "extra mile" was "a state of mind" that encouraged people to "go further"?
*Drove them in formation on highway with futuristic, curved walls
*Hyundai Sonata
*Is available nicely equipped for under $20,000

06-07-2005, 03:25 PM
In a commercial during this show, what did a woman do as she sat in a white room with a red tree in the background where she spun around in a clear bubble-shaped chair?
Playfully showed off several casual outfits
Has versatile styles

In a commercial during this show, who discussed the benefits of a particular sunscreen while taking a break outside before an announcer called it "high-performance"?
Three different athletes playing outdoors
Coppertone Sport Sunblock
Comes in spray, lotion, or gel

In a commercial during this show, what did a woman's family, that was casually hanging out in a kitchen, do after she removed an orange item from a grocery bag?
Disappeared into hiding places around kitchen
Listerine Natural Citrus
Has less intense flavor than regular