View Full Version : Update about my DH job

06-06-2005, 06:31 AM
Well he is currently still working with the jerks I complained about in vent/whine.

We have friends that own a stone company that DH worked for before he got laid off.

We have known these people for years, my husband apprenticed under this guy.

Anyway the guy Dan calls my DH this weekend and tells him that he has a project starting up end of this month beginning of july.

And he wants my husband to be the foreman on it!!! :D

It is about 500 miles from us so he will work 4 10 hr shifts and be home on the weekends. They are going to pay him per diem and he'll get the unions foreman wage.

The job is suppose to only last a few months but this guy has a bunch of other work lined up in seattle.

I hope this works out:)

06-06-2005, 06:33 AM
So happy to hear this - I bet it is a big relief. Too bad that he will be gone for the week, but 4 10 hours shifts ar ebetter than 5 eight hour ones!

06-06-2005, 07:54 AM
This sounds like very good news. He still should file complaints against his current jerk bosses. They are breaking the law and essentially blackmailing him with his income so that he won't complain.

Angel Lips
06-06-2005, 08:50 AM
so glad that its good news your giving us. i wish him luck with the job

06-06-2005, 10:08 AM
I'd love to see the look on the current employers faces when he walks out on them. It would really be a shame if THEY finally had to park the motorcycles, and do an honest days labor! ;)

06-06-2005, 10:14 AM
That is great news for you you and your family!! :D I agree w/ an above poster, I think he should still complain about the current employers, they are treating your dh like crap and very unfairly. And to top it all off, denying him ot pay when he works his tail off for them. :mad: At least this way he'll have a set schedule with set hours and be home when he should be. :D YEAH!