View Full Version : whats your rising sun- Mine was RIGHT ON!

05-30-2005, 06:05 PM

Your Rising Sign is Scorpio

You're so intense and passionate - you're on fire!
You want to be an angel or a devil... you can't decide which.

No wonder you seem moody and even a little dangerious.
You've got some major mystery going on, so work it!

Your personality is the strongest of all signs, making you hard to deal with.
While you're ruthless to your enemies, you're loyal to your one true love.

05-30-2005, 06:28 PM
Mine was pretty darn close.

Your Rising Sign is Pisces

Dreaming and introspective, you're often lost in your thoughts.
Which is okay by you... you're inner world is pretty darn awesome.

And while you are inwardly confident, sometimes you seem a bit unsure.
People often handle you more delicately than they need to.

You love luxury, and even if you're a bit broke, you want things to look "rich."
Mysterious and demure, you keep secrets about yourself to remain an enigma

05-30-2005, 07:31 PM
Your Rising Sign is Cancer

You are compassionate and kind - and the one who gives security.
And while you sometimes tire of it, people always turn to you for advice.

Emotions are your domain, and you use tend to use them for good.
But you've also been know to be very manipulative when you need to be.

You're quite loyal to those you love most - friends and family.
For everyone else, you tend take time to build up trust.

05-30-2005, 07:52 PM
Your Rising Sign is Cancer

You are compassionate and kind - and the one who gives security.
And while you sometimes tire of it, people always turn to you for advice.

Emotions are your domain, and you use tend to use them for good.
But you've also been know to be very manipulative when you need to be.

You're quite loyal to those you love most - friends and family.
For everyone else, you tend take time to build up trust.

05-30-2005, 09:16 PM
Mine is...

Your Rising Sign is Taurus

You are the ultimate rock - stable and centered.

People turn to you in crisis and count on you for calm.

Stubborn and strong minded, you can't be pushed around.

You are also tenacious, and you always will stick with something difficult.

A bit fan of nature, you're attracted to the beauty of the outdoors.

And sometimes, you find it easier to relate to animals than people

05-30-2005, 09:28 PM
Aquarius. LOL, when the moon is in the seventh house and Jupitur is on the rise then peace will be on our planet an love will be everywhere---Aquarius, aquarius. I think that is how the song went. ???????

You are an interesting mix of introspective and outlandish.
Waving your freak flag high, you really do things your own way.

While you may seem distant, you care very deeply for humanity.
You just have no tolerance for fools, slackers, or dullards.

And while you're fairly misanthropic, many are drawn to you.
Innovative and clever, people look to you for new ideas and trends.

05-30-2005, 10:28 PM
Your Rising Sign is Taurus

You are the ultimate rock - stable and centered.
People turn to you in crisis and count on you for calm.

Stubborn and strong minded, you can't be pushed around.
You are also tenacious, and you always will stick with something difficult.

A bit fan of nature, you're attracted to the beauty of the outdoors.
And sometimes, you find it easier to relate to animals than people.

Angel Lips
05-31-2005, 02:48 AM
Your Rising Sign is Pisces

Dreaming and introspective, you're often lost in your thoughts.
Which is okay by you... you're inner world is pretty darn awesome.

And while you are inwardly confident, sometimes you seem a bit unsure.
People often handle you more delicately than they need to.

You love luxury, and even if you're a bit broke, you want things to look "rich."
Mysterious and demure, you keep secrets about yourself to remain an enigma.

05-31-2005, 05:46 AM
Your Rising Sign is Sagittarius

Happy and upbeat, you're always optimistic.
Even when you're in a bad mood, people find you friendly. (NOPE)

On the flip side, you're very restless and bored easily. (YES)
You've been known to pick fights just for the fun of it. (DH would agree)

You've got a great sense of humor and a quirky outlook on life. (YES on the quirky)
Agressive, wild, and unconventional, no one knows what you're going to do next. (NOT REALLY)

05-31-2005, 05:53 AM
Your Rising Sign is Aquarius

You are an interesting mix of introspective and outlandish.
Waving your freak flag high, you really do things your own way.

While you may seem distant, you care very deeply for humanity.
You just have no tolerance for fools, slackers, or dullards.

And while you're fairly misanthropic, many are drawn to you.
Innovative and clever, people look to you for new ideas and trends.

05-31-2005, 06:02 AM
Your Rising Sign is Cancer

You are compassionate and kind - and the one who gives security.
And while you sometimes tire of it, people always turn to you for advice.

Emotions are your domain, and you use tend to use them for good.
But you've also been know to be very manipulative when you need to be.

You're quite loyal to those you love most - friends and family.
For everyone else, you tend take time to build up trust.

05-31-2005, 08:35 AM
Your Rising Sign Is Libra

A total charmer, it's hard for people to say no to you.
Irresistable and attractive, you have no shortage of love interests.

Totally competitive, you tend to thrive in stressful enviroments.
A peaceful soul, you avoid conflict at almost all costs.

Sometimes you try too hard to please those around you.
But you have a great inner strength that helps you bounce back easily.

05-31-2005, 08:54 AM
Your Rising Sign is Capricorn

Old fashioned and conservative, you carry yourself with dignity.
You have a tough exterior, and you can be intimidating when you want to be.

Hard working and ambitious, you can survive in the most cut throat work enviroments.
Outside of work, you are a true friend to everyone in your small inner circle.

You may have had a difficult time earlier in life.
Capricorns are late bloomers and you may be coming into your own right now.

05-31-2005, 05:57 PM
What is Your Rising Sign?

Your Rising Sign is Cancer

You are compassionate and kind - and the one who gives security.
And while you sometimes tire of it, people always turn to you for advice.

Emotions are your domain, and you use tend to use them for good.
But you've also been know to be very manipulative when you need to be.

You're quite loyal to those you love most - friends and family.
For everyone else, you tend take time to build up trust.

:eek: These things are WAY too accurate!!!

05-31-2005, 08:06 PM
Rising sun is Sagittarius .. and it pretty much is me .. lol.

Happy and upbeat, you are always optimistic.
Even when you're in a bad mood, people find you friendly.

On the flip side, you're very restless and bored easily.
You've been known to pick fights just for the fun of it.

You've got a great sense of humor and a quirky outlook on life.
Aggressive, wild, and unconventional, no one knows what you're going to do next.

Kyla Kym
05-31-2005, 10:27 PM
OK, I guess I'm the only stupid one that doesn't understand what a rising sign is? :confused: :confused: :confused:

Mine was this what ever it means....
Your Rising Sign is Aries

You're full of energy - and people look to you to get the party started.
Confident and honest, you'll be the one to say what everyone is thinking.

You are easily bored, and you always find unique ways to do things.
You don't just dream it, you do it. And that's why you're so successful.

Too intense for some, often times people are intimidated by you.
But you're usually smart enough to charm them anyway!