View Full Version : anyone work at Wal-Mart?

05-29-2005, 03:46 PM
I was called with a job offer for the new Wal-Mart that is about to open here, the position is full time in Electronics. I am meeting with the manager on Tuesday.
I have done some searching on the net, and have come across some forums by Wal-Mart employees saying what a terrible place it is to work! I have always thought that working there would be great, and I need the benefits so am taking the job no matter what I've read. But I'm just wondering if anyone works there, and if you like it.

05-29-2005, 03:56 PM
I worked for Walmart for 4 hours, they hired me in the deli and then left me after 4 hours of instruction @ the lunchtime rush to cut meet AND to serve the ppl needing hot food from the deli :o I had no previous experience in this field, by the end of the four hours I was pulling my hair out, I took my break and then walked out of Walmart as an employee forever. To each their own tho

05-29-2005, 04:11 PM
I worked there for 3 years! My last day there was Christmas Eve, 1998! I left during my shift..............I have many stories to share if you want to hear em!

05-29-2005, 04:26 PM
I can imagine that there are a LOT of horrible employee stories (can't stand walmart myself) but if it helps you any, my cousin has worked there for 20+ years. Started from entry level and worked his way up. Sure he has had some bad (BAD) days, but thus far the good has outweighed the bad.

I don't know if it makes a difference, but he works in shipping/stocking so I don't know if working with customers makes a difference. The few times I have been in wal-mart here, the employees don't have a clue what is going on... and if they do they don't speak english and can't help anyhow :rolleyes:

Good luck with your job, I hope it works out for you. My cousin has really good benefits (which was part of the attraction of the job) and seems to be pretty pleased with working there.

05-29-2005, 04:35 PM
I have worked as a cashier there for about two years now. I would take any other job offer that came along if I could make as much an hour. They give the new cashiers hardly any training at all and then throw them on a register to be persecuted by customers when they don't know how to do something. You don't get the benefits for free, you have to pay for them. The insurance was way too much for me, so I cannot afford it. If your Wal-Mart is like ours, they'll train you first as a cashier and then put you in electronics. I substituted in electronics a few times around Christmas when it's extremely busy and the customers treat you like dirt. Management at our Wal-Mart does not back up it's employees. Anytime a customer complains about anything, you are held accountable, even if you didn't do it. If a customer gives you expired coupons, or tries to price compare wrong items, and you explain to them nicely why they can't do that, they'll go to management and tell them you were rude just because they didn't get their way, and management will chastise you for it. But, it's a job, and I need it, so I put up with it all.

05-29-2005, 04:45 PM
My Dh worked for walmart for 10 longgggg months. The benefits were horrible. But if you stay out of the walmart drama all will be fine..thats what he did. Good luck and try to enjoy. The way I look at it is...money is money..hehe..

05-29-2005, 05:40 PM
I worked for Walmart for 2 years and my hubby is currently employed at Walmart. I agree with all the above complaints. Believe me they are NOT at all for the employees like they claim to be. They sure aren't 1 big family like Sam Walton claimed he wanted it to be. I will never go back to work there.

05-29-2005, 06:00 PM
I never worked for walmart but I merchandised magazines at one and I can honestly say in the stock room I never encountered one person that enjoyed their job. There were way too many politics, catfights, management issues, district issues. They all hated it, and they complained that they paid WAY too much for the insurance, some of them were working just for insurance basically. I don't know personally but from what I've heard not many people like it. Not many people lasted longer than a month or two and the ones that did were sort of bitter, you just didn't talk to some of them because they were just so rude. It may be different at your Walmart, I really hope it goes well for you. Good luck!

05-29-2005, 07:33 PM
Thanks for all of your replies.

05-29-2005, 08:12 PM
I worked there for 23 months the first time. The fired me for BS reasons (excessive absences because of pregnancy complications), but they let me draw unemployment the entire time I was off. I went back 6 months after my daughter was born and I have been there for 23 months again so far. I worked as a cashier the first time, but I am in electronics now. I love my job. I have several customers that I enjoy waiting on and they make my job fun. I also have customers that I hate to see coming and will do about anything to get out of waiting on them (short of being out and out rude of course). Yes, I have problems with my managment and some of their decisions. Yes, I have problems with other associates and the way they do things. Yes, I have a problem with the fact that I have been with the company nearly two years this time around and I'm STILL not full time, nor have I yet been given the opprotunity to get insurance. BUT, all in all, I like my job. I left an $8/hr job working in an outbound call center where the managers cussed the crew like dogs to go back making less than $6/hr at Walmart because it was a much better work enviroment. Would I leave it for a job making more money? You better believe it! But no matter how much I complain on a daily basis about idiots at work (customers, management and co-workers) I can't think of any other place I would rather work for the same money.

05-29-2005, 08:14 PM
My hubby has been working at walmart for 3 months now.There are days that he likes it and doesnt have any problems with customers.The problems that he has is with his own coworkers.The department he works in is under staffed and there are a lot of times he works by himself.he tells me that his managers love him and have mentioned a promotion when hes been there for 6 months.I told him Ill believe it when I see it and he agrees with me.
Last week he did have a problem with a punk a** kid that worked there.My hubby said that they were all in the break room and this kid started making fun of this elderly gentleman that works there.From what my hubby described this gentleman has parkinsons.Well the gentleman was trying to drink a cup of coffee and his hands were shaking which caused him to spill some.My hubby told the kid if he didnt stop he could have him fired.he called a manager in who told him if he didnt stop he could leave now.Well the next day the general manager of the store called my hubby into his office and asked him what happened and my hubby told him.The GM then asked him what should be done about it.My hubby told him if it was up to him he should be fired.he said if he cant show respect for a fellow coworker then he wouldnt have respect for a customer.Well thank God the kid was fired.I told hubby he should be glad I wasnt there.I would have kicked that kids butt.

I do have a question.What insurance company do they have and what do you have to pay per paycheck?

05-29-2005, 08:34 PM
A few years ago I applied at walmart and was hired to work in the photo lab. When I came in for orientation I was informed that I could work in softlines or heath and beauty. I was not happy w/ those options since I specifically applied JUST for photo lab. After orientation I left and never came back. I let them know though that I was hired for another position and wasn't going to work in another department. I also worked at Target before that and really enjoyed working there until right before the new one opened up.. I got stuck in the food place and hated it. The smell of hot dogs is just gross to me and I just never wanted to work around food. BUt other than that, I really enjoyed my job there and most of the other workers were very friendly. Good luck. :)

05-30-2005, 01:00 AM
My son worked at Electronics at Walmart for six months. He was a high school senior working full-time nights. He requested a night off, in writing, three weeks in advance for a senior dance and they told him no. He requested, in writing, six weeks in advance for the senior trip, the prom, and Grad night. He was told no. He called home on break really upset that he'd been denied. I told him to quit and come home. He did. He was hired somewhere else the next day for three dollars more an hour and has been there happily for 3 1/2 years!

05-30-2005, 04:10 AM
I worked for walmart for 14 months. I got fired for what they call as grazing .. My dept manager offered me a piece of candy(a bite size reese cup) that was not yet paid for.. I did not know it wasnt paid for until after the fact.. My dept manager was on her way to pay for it but she told me she was going on break and was going to pay for it on her break.. .. I got caught up in all of it. My photo lab manager did not want to fire me or either did my district manager of the photo lab or the loss prevention district manager but the manager who was acting as manager because my store manager was on vacation lied to thediv 1 district manager saying I left the lab with my dept manager to get the candy so he said to fire me.. I am fighting this because I was fired because of a lie.. :mad: My manager , district manager of the photo lab and the loss prevention manager all said I should have only gotton a day of decision but I got fired because of the liar up front . He had it out of for my manager and he fired both me and my dept manager -- The dept manager should have gotton fired because she got the candy and opened it .. I was in the lab by myself so both of us could not have left. I called home office and they said it was up to the photo lab district manager not the district manager of div 1 if I was to get fired but she is to much of a chickent to confront the other district manager is the reason I still no longer work there. I hate walmart now and have not been back since my firing . I got a new job making 2 dollars more an hour with better benefits so it was a blessing in disquise . all I can say is run do not walk away from this place of employment . The guy who fired me is under investgation for cruelity to employees.. :p

05-30-2005, 04:12 AM
Oh and words of wisdom for people who work at walmart if you get something from the deli or a drink and line and you open it and eat or drink it you can get fired even though your in the line to pay for it .. Stupid I SAY!!!

If your shopping at walmart and you eat a grape or anything from produce before you pay for it you can get charged with shop lifting because that grape can change the price of the grapes :confused:

05-30-2005, 04:47 AM
Thats ridiculous to fire you over eating a piece of candy that your manager offered you. I can kind of see where the grape thing would come in because last week this kid took an apple, ate half of it then tried to pay for it. The price is based on weight so the cashier charged him for a full pound and he was mad because he thought she should just weigh the half an apple lol. I do see a lot of people at Walmarts drink chocolate milks or candy bars then just leave the wrapper and not pay for it. They don't even consider it shoplifting lol. I don't shop at Walmart anymore because of the way they treat everyone, customers, employees, I just don't agree with it.

05-30-2005, 06:12 AM
My cousin is a store manager for Walmart. He's worked there for almost 20 years. He admits that the benefits could be better but at the same time he makes a very nice income, that if he left Walmart, he couldn't start at another place making the same salary.

Urban Cowgirl
05-30-2005, 06:31 AM
My grandmother is a cashier at Walmart and she loves it. Of course after running her own buisness from sun up to sun down her entire life.....walmart seems like a breeze to her!!!

05-30-2005, 12:40 PM
I think all the infighting, etc. will be found at almost any job. At leas this has been my experience. Just try your best to get along, and you should do fine.

05-30-2005, 12:45 PM
I Have Worked For Walmart 1465 For 6 Years I Love My Job And Have Never Had Any Problems I Could Not Make What I Do And Have The Benefits That I Have At Any Other Store Here.i Admit That I Don't Buy The One Big Happy Family Story But I Always Say The Difference In Family And Friends Is You Choose Friends But Family You Have To Take What You Get! It Took A Few Years To Realize What Benefits I Have .and I Go In With The Thought That I Need A Job And If I Don't Want To Work There I Can Leave.i Will Say There Is A Lot Of Backstabbing And Gossip Among The Employees But I Ignore It! I 've Been Offered Lots Of Chances To Move Up But I Just Want A 40 Hour A Week Job With No Headaches And Being A Front End Cashier Is Great For Me!

05-30-2005, 12:59 PM
I love walmart! My soon to be ex dh works for walmart and I just got hired recently at the new walmart here. I am the co store manager. I have been working for just a month and yes it is not all happy go lucky for everyone but its all in what you make of it. My ex has worked there for 2 years. The benefits do suck and you pay 2 arms and a leg for them. Our store is so far getting along with no problems at all. I have been training in my ex dh's store and they all seem pretty good there. There is always some shmuck who enjoys the drama so everywhere is gonna be gossip and lies. Hopefully you will enjoy your new job and good Luck!

05-30-2005, 01:16 PM
My husband worked there for 2 years in the electronics dept. They always took electronics employees out of the area and put them up front. many a day my husband had to page for the general manager of the store in order to get the electronics employee back so he could go for lunch. The customer service managers wouldn't come to help and would lie to him. If you can get a job elsewhere, do it..but in the meantime, it's a paycheck :)

05-30-2005, 02:42 PM
I worked for WalMart for 7 years and wanted to be moved up into management, but they kept giving me the runaround. So I decided to find another job. I did where I was in a management position, it just about drove me insane! So I just went back to work at Walmart making more money than I was with tons less responsibilities and I couldnt be any happier. I think that your experience with Walmart will be whatever you make of it. One word of advice is to not get involved in a bunch of gossip and backstabbing, your time at work will be much better without it!

05-30-2005, 03:31 PM
I worked for WalMart for 7 years and wanted to be moved up into management, but they kept giving me the runaround. So I decided to find another job. I did where I was in a management position, it just about drove me insane! So I just went back to work at Walmart making more money than I was with tons less responsibilities and I couldnt be any happier. I think that your experience with Walmart will be whatever you make of it. One word of advice is to not get involved in a bunch of gossip and backstabbing, your time at work will be much better without it!
Are you no longer at Big Lots??? How are you?

05-30-2005, 04:58 PM
Thanks to all of you for taking time to share your stories, thoughts and opinions, I appreciate it.

My 3rd interview is tomorrow, can anyone tell me about how their 3rd interview went and what I should expect? Thanks again!

05-30-2005, 05:23 PM
Thanks to all of you for taking time to share your stories, thoughts and opinions, I appreciate it.

My 3rd interview is tomorrow, can anyone tell me about how their 3rd interview went and what I should expect? Thanks again!
Wow 3 interviews for a minium wage job??? Thats wild IMO..I hope you get it and love it. Please let us know. :)

05-30-2005, 05:43 PM
Wow 3 interviews for a minium wage job??? Thats wild IMO..I hope you get it and love it. Please let us know. :)
The new Walmart that is opening here has had over 1000 applications put in, and are hiring 225 people. If they like your application, then they give one interview with someone in charge of taking applications, then if that person reccomends you then you have a second interview which is with the assistant manager, if he reccomends you he calls you with a job offer and then you have a final interview with the manager. It's my understanding that other Walmarts in this area do their hiring the same way. I was offered to start at $6.90 an hour, which is more than our state minimum wage of $5.15.

05-30-2005, 05:43 PM
I don't remember having 3 interviews, either time that I hired in. The first time, I went in for an interview with the Personal Coordinator and then went in for orientation. This time around, I went in, talked to Personal about getting my job back. They immediately called in a member of management for 'phase 2' of the interview (or 2nd interview if you wish) and that was that. I came in for 'orientation' and filled out the necessary paperwork. But I don't remember ever having a 3rd interview....

05-30-2005, 05:56 PM
A few years ago I applied at walmart and was hired to work in the photo lab. When I came in for orientation I was informed that I could work in softlines or heath and beauty. I was not happy w/ those options since I specifically applied JUST for photo lab. After orientation I left and never came back. I let them know though that I was hired for another position and wasn't going to work in another department. I also worked at Target before that and really enjoyed working there until right before the new one opened up.. I got stuck in the food place and hated it. The smell of hot dogs is just gross to me and I just never wanted to work around food. BUt other than that, I really enjoyed my job there and most of the other workers were very friendly. Good luck. :)
Did they give you a reason for not giving you the position they hired you for?

05-30-2005, 06:00 PM
My sister has been at WalMart now for 14 yrs. She worked her way from cashier to assistant manager of the store in N Ft Myers Florida. She loves it there & they have treated her good.

Personally I interviewed with the WalMart here in West Mifflin Pa & after they saw I was pregnant, well I never got a call back for a second interview.

05-30-2005, 07:07 PM
Wow the pay doesn't seem too high there. Our state was 5.15 but now I believe it's 6.15? But before the change I started at 8.20 but I guess it depends on income in area? Anyway after 3 months they give you an evalutation and highest you can get is 55 cent raise which I got so now at 8.75. I also only had one interview but within thata interview was questioned by 3 different people, personel manager, assistant, and department. I even gave a resume and just answered questions intelligently which I think may have helped?

I think it's an ok job depending on what department you work in. Electronics I heard is one of the better departments and more pay in that department. I'm going to be moving to that department with a raise in pay soon too and they also asked me about being a department manager. I have been working there since September so about 9 months? I started in furniture but they moved me in literally a week... They said I was doing too good of a job basically and wanted to give me something more challenging. However I wish I had stayed there lol because where I'm in now is alot more stressing and messier. Plus no raise within that pay level system they have even though they had thought there would have been one. Furniture was so easy to keep up on and not stressing at all but cosmetics is awful... Also like others said don't get caught up in gossip or anything. People can be really bitter to you for no reason as well. Some assistant managers are nice while some are total you know whats for no reason. But for the pay its an ok job. No retail jobs I think are that pleasant but you do the best with what you have to do. Good luck :)

05-31-2005, 12:20 AM
i'm not a big fan of wal-mart. they screwed me and a few other people out of a temp job that became permanent, and have hired numerous people since then, none of which are us. most of their employees are terrible. the only reason i shop there is because it is the cheapest place in town. i've heard a lot of bad things about wal-mart and how they treat their employees, and about the return policy (have personal experience with that..), etc. i hope we get a target (or anything else!) sometime, but since they just built a new super center, i don't see that happening.

05-31-2005, 03:28 AM
The new Walmart that is opening here has had over 1000 applications put in, and are hiring 225 people. If they like your application, then they give one interview with someone in charge of taking applications, then if that person reccomends you then you have a second interview which is with the assistant manager, if he reccomends you he calls you with a job offer and then you have a final interview with the manager. It's my understanding that other Walmarts in this area do their hiring the same way. I was offered to start at $6.90 an hour, which is more than our state minimum wage of $5.15.
I hope I didn't offend you. I didn't mean anything by it, it just surprises me they would want 3 interviews, its not like you will be working with nuclear weapons, know what I mean? Walmarts, I believe everywhere offer a bit above minium wage, just enough to say they offer great pay, etc... I just was shocked that they expect people, that are obviously unemployed to make not only 1 but 3 trips back to the store for an interview. Just don't quite think it is fair/right, since gasoline cost money. My dh started out at walmart at $10.00 an hour.

05-31-2005, 03:31 AM
i'm not a big fan of wal-mart. they screwed me and a few other people out of a temp job that became permanent, and have hired numerous people since then, none of which are us. most of their employees are terrible. the only reason i shop there is because it is the cheapest place in town. i've heard a lot of bad things about wal-mart and how they treat their employees, and about the return policy (have personal experience with that..), etc. i hope we get a target (or anything else!) sometime, but since they just built a new super center, i don't see that happening.
Personally, I have never had a problem returning anything to walmart. My son got a CD player for CHRISTmas that just stopped working one day? We took it back to find out where to send it off to be repaired, since we didn't have paperwork and they say not to bother and he got another one brand new, go figure. As far as target, we have one and it is real nice and always clean, totally different environment then walmart, but a lot higher cost. Even their groceries cost alot more at least 50 cents to a dollar higher.

05-31-2005, 05:07 AM
Thanks again everyone!
My interview with the manager is at 4:00 today, I'll let you know how it goes :)

05-31-2005, 06:44 AM
Good Luck I hope you get it. :)

I also have never had a problem returning anything to walmart. Kmart now thats a different story.....

My MIL had bought one of my daughters some outfits at kmart for xmas that were too small. Thery still had kmart tags on them and all I wanted to do was exchange them for a bigger size.

Nope they wouldnt do it because I didnt have a receipt. I was like WTH they say Kmart on the tag. Needless to say I will not shop at kmart anymore, They carry basically the same stuff as walmart but are more expensive, and their return policy really SUCKS!!!!

05-31-2005, 07:15 AM
i worked there for 5 years and hated it! they would pull me from my dept to do other jobs, then i would have to stay late because my job was not done. the pay sucked, if you get hired for one job be prepared to do your job and 10 others

05-31-2005, 05:31 PM
Thanks again everyone!
My interview with the manager is at 4:00 today, I'll let you know how it goes :)
Well, when I got the phone call from the assistant manager it was for Full Time in Electronics. When I met with the manager today she said that he was mistaken and that it was for Part Time in Electronics. Since I wanted Full Time she gave me a choice from what was available. I decided on Full Time Cashier since that has been my past experience. I was a bit disappointed that I did not get what I had went in to the interview for, but am glad to have gotten the job since they have received over 1000 applications for 225 job openings. I felt like a needle in a haystack when I first applied, so I now feel very lucky to have gotten in.
I will be starting at $6.70. Cashiers here start at $6.40, and are given a 30 cent difference for each 1 full year of previous employment during the past 5 years. Since I had chosen to be a full time homemaker the past few years, I only got one 30 cents, so that is how they came up with the $6.70.
I signed a paper allowing them to do a criminal background check, and agreed to a drug test. Anyone know how long it takes to get those results? I'm not worried, just curious since once they get those results my job is definite, which I consider it definite already since there are no worries with either of them.
I have to go back again Thursday morning for a test and take photo ID....anyone know what that test is?
I did not ask how many hours are Full Time....can anyone tell me?

Thanks again everyone for all your help :)

05-31-2005, 05:39 PM
I think full time depends on your state. Here minimum wage is going up to $7 an hour and full time is usually 30, it can be a little less or more depending on the company but 30 is about the median. I have no clue what the test is. When I was hired for my first retail position (not at walmart), I had to take a personality/aptitude test, proving that I could add & subtract and I didn't have weird personal issues. It was questions like "Do you have violent tendencies? Do you have major home issues" I have no clue what test they will give you though.

Congrats on getting the job!! I'm sure if you do well and prove yourself you can move yourself into electronics!

Night Wolf
05-31-2005, 06:54 PM
Glad you got the job

I think it depends on the company but alot of retail jobs consider 30hrs full time.

05-31-2005, 07:31 PM
Congrats on the new job :) I am glad for you that it is at a new store, so there hasn't been too much of a chance for other employees to form the cliques that they tend to do and you will be going in just as fresh as everyone else.

I hope it goes wll for you!! :)

05-31-2005, 07:54 PM
Congrats on the new job :) I am glad for you that it is at a new store, so there hasn't been too much of a chance for other employees to form the cliques that they tend to do and you will be going in just as fresh as everyone else.

I hope it goes wll for you!! :)
My thoughts too!
Thanks! :)

06-01-2005, 03:56 AM
Congrats!!! I prayed you'd get the job. I hope it turns out to be the best job you've ever had.

06-01-2005, 04:17 AM
Just don't quite think it is fair/right, since gasoline cost money.

Yes, and Wal*Mart sells that now too..probably hoping she'll stop in & fill up her tank at their service station ;)

BTW: Full time here is 40 hours. I've never heard of it being any less. :confused: Suppose it depends on where you live.

PS: Congrats!!

06-01-2005, 04:24 AM
Yes, and Wal*Mart sells that now too..probably hoping she'll stop in & fill up her tank at their service station ;)

BTW: Full time here is 40 hours. I've never heard of it being any less. :confused: Suppose it depends on where you live.

PS: Congrats!!
Is your full time five 8 hour shifts?
My sister-in-law told me that at the store she worked at full time was considered 30-40 and part time was 20-30. So, maybe all stores are different?

Thanks for the congrats :)

06-01-2005, 04:27 AM
Is your full time five 8 hour shifts?
My sister-in-law told me that at the store she worked at full time was considered 30-40 and part time was 20-30. So, maybe all stores are different?

Well, I wasn't speaking "specifically" wal*mart..just full time is 40 hours. Maybe I am mistaken (hey I've never had a "real" job in my life..except for being mom 'n wifey) ~ ;)
Mike had a job once (he's a machinist) that he worked m-th 10 hours a day, that was full time.

06-01-2005, 04:47 AM
Congrats!!! I prayed you'd get the job. I hope it turns out to be the best job you've ever had.
Thanks Mary :)

06-01-2005, 04:49 AM
Full time at Wal-Mart is something like at least 32 hours. I had two test to take when I was hired. First it was a little making change test. Then there was what I call the morality test. Things like if you see your boss put something in her pocket, do you tell? Or if you know Ed went to a party and was drinking at 5 a.m. and he came to work at 7 a.m. do you tell someone he is not fit to work? Hope you enjoy the job.

06-01-2005, 05:02 AM
Full time at Wal-Mart is something like at least 32 hours. I had two test to take when I was hired. First it was a little making change test. Then there was what I call the morality test. Things like if you see your boss put something in her pocket, do you tell? Or if you know Ed went to a party and was drinking at 5 a.m. and he came to work at 7 a.m. do you tell someone he is not fit to work? Hope you enjoy the job.
Thanks for the help!
I've already done the "morality" test. So, the test I'll have tomorrow might be the one for making change, Id' wondered if it would be something like that. Thanks so much for letting me know.
By the way, do you still work at Wal-Mart? What do/did you do there?

06-02-2005, 07:14 AM
My DH and I both worked at Walmart. It's not as "family friendly" as they would like for you to believe. You are absolutely under no circumstances allowed to have one second over forty hours unless it is pre approved by the store manager, which doesn't happen very often. If you make a customer mad by following walmarts rules then YOU are the one to get reprimanded, and the customer gets what they want. I worked at the service desk and it happens all the time. It's a common known fact that if walmart won't take something back, most times all you have to do is ask to speak to a manager. Also, my dh worked in the Tire & Lube express when our dd was born. His manager said it would be fine for him to take his vacation the week she was born, well when time came around his manager just so happen to transfer to another store, so my dh cleared it with the store's co manager, and everything was ok. That is until he returned to work the next week. His new manager took all the TLE techs into her office and said she would find out who had the problem with the baby and they would be dealt with accordingly. SHe also stated that for as long as they worked there, that their job should always be more important than any family issue> WTF!!!! Needless to say, my dh stood up right then and said she could (basically) take his job and shove it and laid down his namebadge and began to walk off.

06-02-2005, 08:45 AM
Any place sucks when they can get people lined up around the block to work there. People are a dime a dozen and they can hire and fire for any reason. Like the manager is having a bad day. IMO

I worked at Hobby Lobby and their training sucks. They say do this and this and this and then leave you alone to figure it out on your own. Then if you don't have experience working retail they fire you after three months, the probation period, so they won't get in trouble with the feds they work you at least that long. They don't have to give you the raise that way. They just start over with another person and the line starts again. They save money that way. Hire them and fire them. A revolving door.

I hate minimum wage jobs. :mad:

06-02-2005, 08:53 AM
i had things like i worked in the photo lab and there were just 2 of us there, so we COULD not take lunch. but we were told that even if we did not take lunch they were still going to clock us out and we would not get paid!
i even had them change my hours without even asking me if it was okay, and this was after the schedule was posted! and they were told i could not work past a whatever time because i had classes! :mad:

06-02-2005, 04:58 PM
Full time at Wal-Mart is something like at least 32 hours. I had two test to take when I was hired. First it was a little making change test. Then there was what I call the morality test. Things like if you see your boss put something in her pocket, do you tell? Or if you know Ed went to a party and was drinking at 5 a.m. and he came to work at 7 a.m. do you tell someone he is not fit to work? Hope you enjoy the job.
I did the "morality" test already, the "test" that they asked me to come in for today was the drug screening. I was surprised that it was done right there at the hiring site, which is a local hall that they are using since the store has not opened yet. They said as soon as they get the results, (they said probably tomorrow) that they'd call to schedule my orientation.
So, my next question is....what does the orientation consist of?

06-02-2005, 05:05 PM
I did the "morality" test already, the "test" that they asked me to come in for today was the drug screening. I was surprised that it was done right there at the hiring site, which is a local hall that they are using since the store has not opened yet. They said as soon as they get the results, (they said probably tomorrow) that they'd call to schedule my orientation.
So, my next question is....what does the orientation consist of?

I worked for a Wal-Mart Supercenter that opened up two years ago as a cashier and I hated it. I worked overnight and I will never do that again. During the orientation, they will have you watch videos and I forget what else. It's boring so be prepared for that.

Good luck!

06-02-2005, 05:17 PM
Wow, there sure is alot of negative replies here :(
I'm hoping that not all stores are the same and that this one will be a little better than what I've read.
Thanks again for sharing, I appreciate you all taking time to help. :)

06-02-2005, 05:19 PM
I worked for a Wal-Mart Supercenter that opened up two years ago as a cashier and I hated it. I worked overnight and I will never do that again. During the orientation, they will have you watch videos and I forget what else. It's boring so be prepared for that.

Good luck!
Thanks for the orientation info.
Did you not like it there because of the overnight shift, or just didn't like it overall?

06-02-2005, 08:17 PM
i had things like i worked in the photo lab and there were just 2 of us there, so we COULD not take lunch. but we were told that even if we did not take lunch they were still going to clock us out and we would not get paid!
i even had them change my hours without even asking me if it was okay, and this was after the schedule was posted! and they were told i could not work past a whatever time because i had classes! :mad:

They are not allowed to do that to their workers. They do have to answer to the government fair job laws. They have to pay you for all the work you do, no buts about it. They cannot have you volunteer to work at anything or they will get into trouble. The have to pay workers for the work they do. They can't work you off the clock.

I would advise anyone who is working to get the info on fair work rules. Don't let companies take advantage of you. They will get into trouble big time if they break the law.

My hubby is the administrator at an office and he is very sensitive to what the law says. No one wants to have a hassle with the government people investigating your company. You can report them.

06-02-2005, 11:17 PM
Did they give you a reason for not giving you the position they hired you for?

They told me that it had been filled. Which was just sad b/c they still had the hiring for that dept. sign still up. When I mentioned that I was hired for photo lab and not the others, they they told me that it was softlines or health and beauty so I told them neither.

That was just my preference though and I really wanted to work in the photo lab since I had had experience in a photo class and really like it. I've worked in retail a ton and the last thing I wanted was to be in softlines or h&b. Good luck w/ your job though, maybe they will be way better w/ you than me. :)

06-03-2005, 05:14 AM
I started as a day cashier at wal mart, and now work over nights. 9:30 pm to 6:am.
I enjoy my job and the people I work with are fantastic. You see some strange customers, and many are rude. But there are also a lot af great folks out there.

Our full time is 38 to 40 hours. You get a 90 day eval, and a raise then. Then its a yearly eval with raise. Wal mart in general wants your iph (items scanned per hour ) to be 500, our store wants 550, but its not hard to get that . Most are 600-800.
If you are honest, and do the tasks given to you without complaint, you find you begin to get a lot less of the icky tasks, (like picking up the go-backs)
Have fun and enjoy the many people you will meet!

06-03-2005, 05:33 AM
They are not allowed to do that to their workers. They do have to answer to the government fair job laws. They have to pay you for all the work you do, no buts about it. They cannot have you volunteer to work at anything or they will get into trouble. The have to pay workers for the work they do. They can't work you off the clock.

I would advise anyone who is working to get the info on fair work rules. Don't let companies take advantage of you. They will get into trouble big time if they break the law.

My hubby is the administrator at an office and he is very sensitive to what the law says. No one wants to have a hassle with the government people investigating your company. You can report them.

well after they told us that we started taking lunch at just left the one person there to do everything. they told us they could get in a lot of trouble for us working 8+ hour shifts and not taking lunch. but if there is only 2 people there, 1 working the cash reg and the other running the photos you can't take a lunch.

06-03-2005, 06:58 AM
I started as a day cashier at wal mart, and now work over nights. 9:30 pm to 6:am.
I enjoy my job and the people I work with are fantastic. You see some strange customers, and many are rude. But there are also a lot af great folks out there.

Our full time is 38 to 40 hours. You get a 90 day eval, and a raise then. Then its a yearly eval with raise. Wal mart in general wants your iph (items scanned per hour ) to be 500, our store wants 550, but its not hard to get that . Most are 600-800.
If you are honest, and do the tasks given to you without complaint, you find you begin to get a lot less of the icky tasks, (like picking up the go-backs)
Have fun and enjoy the many people you will meet!
I like your attitude...way to keep you head held high girl...great job!!!

06-03-2005, 07:00 AM
They maybe able to say no to lunch but then they would have to pay you and if it makes you past 8 hours then they need to pay you over time. I hate companies that take advantage of their employees. Maybe that is why so many walmart employees are rude and brain dead, no one else will work for them.

Me :p

06-03-2005, 10:25 AM
well after they told us that we started taking lunch at just left the one person there to do everything. they told us they could get in a lot of trouble for us working 8+ hour shifts and not taking lunch. but if there is only 2 people there, 1 working the cash reg and the other running the photos you can't take a lunch.

Then they needed to pay you. They can get into trouble for working you off the clock. We have no slave labor in the US the last time I looked anyway.

06-03-2005, 10:34 AM
They may be able to get into trouble for working you off the clock but I'm sure that they would also try to find a way to blame you for volunteering to work off the clock (whether you did or not). Walmart's employee policies are just sucky to be honest. Great for the customers, horrible for the employees (for the most part)!

06-03-2005, 01:13 PM
It wouldn't matter if she volunteered it's still against the law to work someone like that and it's the company's responsibility to know the law not hers.

My hubby deals with this stuff all the time. A good manager wouldn't risk it and they make sure to know the law. Course in ricky dink companies they have lousy managers so one has to do some research on their own if they think they are being treated unfairly. Sad but true.

06-03-2005, 01:42 PM
Some states have a law where you have to take a break every 4 hours or so. You can learn your employee rights here: http://www.dol.gov/elaws/

06-03-2005, 01:51 PM
Thanks for the orientation info.
Did you not like it there because of the overnight shift, or just didn't like it overall?

I didn't like it because of the overnight shift.

I never had problems with management. They were pretty laid back from what I can remember. I was lucky I guess.

06-03-2005, 05:32 PM
I started as a day cashier at wal mart, and now work over nights. 9:30 pm to 6:am.
I enjoy my job and the people I work with are fantastic. You see some strange customers, and many are rude. But there are also a lot af great folks out there.

Our full time is 38 to 40 hours. You get a 90 day eval, and a raise then. Then its a yearly eval with raise. Wal mart in general wants your iph (items scanned per hour ) to be 500, our store wants 550, but its not hard to get that . Most are 600-800.
If you are honest, and do the tasks given to you without complaint, you find you begin to get a lot less of the icky tasks, (like picking up the go-backs)
Have fun and enjoy the many people you will meet!
Thanks for the post, it's nice to read a positive one! Glad to hear you like your job.
I got a call today, they got my drug screening results and asked me to come in for orientation on Monday 9-4 and said that that would be my first day working with them! :)
I've been a full time homemaker the past few years (wanted to be home with my new hubby) but am 45 and have had many years experience as a cashier, so I agree that you do meet a variety of customers, that's one thing that makes cashiering interesting.
Thanks again for your post, and thanks again to everyone else for sharing too!

06-03-2005, 06:11 PM
Thanks for the post, it's nice to read a positive one! Glad to hear you like your job.
I got a call today, they got my drug screening results and asked me to come in for orientation on Monday 9-4 and said that that would be my first day working with them! :)
I've been a full time homemaker the past few years (wanted to be home with my new hubby) but am 45 and have had many years experience as a cashier, so I agree that you do meet a variety of customers, that's one thing that makes cashiering interesting.
Thanks again for your post, and thanks again to everyone else for sharing too!
CONGRATS!!! I hope it goes wonderful for you...keep us updated. I am sure you will like it. :)

06-03-2005, 06:57 PM
God Bless You!......I wish I had a husband that made enough that I could work part time somewhere as a cashier.......there is no way I could survive at $6.90 an hr....please know that I`m not flaming you or belittlng you. I really do wish you the best of luck re-entering the workforce & all.

06-03-2005, 08:29 PM
I think with you being older and having experience they will treat you with respect. It's the younger ones who are just getting experience that get taken advantage of.

That is a good web site. Read it and know your rights. Thanks buttrfli.

If you show up on time, have a good attitude and work hard for them they should have no complaints about you. Some managers are hard to work for no matter what though. It helps to know your rights.

06-03-2005, 09:53 PM
My niece works there and she really hates it for some reason :(

06-04-2005, 04:28 PM
Sorry it took so long to answer. Yes, I still work at Wal-Mart. It will be 7 years in Dec. I'm a front end cashier. I started in the snack bar, and about one and a half years later I went to cashier. Good luck with your job.

06-06-2005, 06:20 PM
Well, orientation was today. They are doing it in groups since they hired 225 to open the new store. There were 40 of us today, and actually it was quite enjoyable. And I got my first 2 week schedule, 40 hours per week consisting of five 9 hour shifts, minus 1 hour for lunch.
I'm looking forward to my new adventure!
Thanks again everyone for sharing your thoughts and experiences. :)